Local Government TV

Thursday, June 25, 2009

McHale's Navy

McHale Post Primary Campaign Finance Report
Last summer, Northampton County Council Prez Ann McHale became visibly upset after learning that Exec John Stoffa had negotiated an IT contract $1.8 million lower than the one she and the Long Dems had tried to shove down the county's throat. Hellbent on embarrassing Stoffa instead of governing, they even ignored their own Solicitor's legal advice. When the late, great Wayne Grube reminded McHale that Stoffa was just trying to work with the legislative branch, she blurted out, "Nice guys finish last."

Looks like she did instead. In addition, her post primary campaign finance report makes pretty clear that her candidacy represented a return to the Long Dems pay to play world. During a one month span, Charles Dertinger's unions kicked in $3,300.00 Baltimore lawyer Peter Angelos, who just happens to be Lamont McClure's boss, donated $500. And state senator Lisa Boscola, anxious to control both the judicial and executive branches in Northampton County, wrote a $4,500 check. Glenn Reibman also donated $500.


  1. Have you seen the GEICO commercial where people are literally throwing money away in garbage bags?

  2. Bernie,

    The questions I am going to ask you regarding this statement show my ignorance in accounting and political contribution guidelines.

    Why would a candidate loan their own $$$ to their campaign? Is that an incentive? Is there some loophole that I don't understand?

    From a moral standpoint, wouldn't you just give the $$$ to your campaign and report it as such? I would understand the loan to demonstrate either wanting the $$$ back or lack of belief in your own candidacy.

    Please educate me on what I am missing.

    Peace, ~~Alex

  3. Alex, A loan makes it possible for a candidate to pay himself back after other donations come in. I believe an unpaid loan may also be used for tax purposes.

  4. Alex,
    It's a fairly common practice actually. Most political folks won't view it as a sign of weakness. By loaning it, there is the possibility of re-paying that debt, but in many cases (think Hillary Clinton), you simply write it off. Commonly, loans from the candidate are used late in a race, or at a critical point in the race, to actually show commitment to a candidacy. John Kerry loaned himself millions about a month before the Iowa Caucus in 2004 to show he was going to still play in the race.

    With that said, don't confuse this with Kerry or Clinton making a loan to themselves. It's apples to oranges honestly.

  5. Bernie, I don't believe they can get a tax write off for it. You and I can't get a write off for donating to them, I don't believe they can either.

  6. I don't know that this was money thrown away. McHale's campaign was so inadequate I think it did more for Stoffa than for her, from the sign stealing to the Paul Revere-like robo calls notifying everyone who hadn't read the paper that day that there was a full page ad against her. These contributions might be considered possible opportunities for pay to play in the next term. "Hey Stoffa, I gave McHale money for her campaign that helped get you elected. You owe me."

  7. All this contributing thing has got me thinking... Business owners shouldn't be wasting their investment monies on wall street investment speculation. The returns on those pale that of contractual remunerations politicians can provide. And to top it off contributions are deductible!

    Many already knew that! I...

  8. LVCI = Bulls-frickin-eye.

  9. This is all up front. The way it should be. Some may get help that is not put on a form and pretend they didn't .

    This is just O'Hare trying to make something out of nothing again.

  10. What I am doing is presenting the facts. Most people never get to see who is bankrolling a campaign. Now they can actually see the report.

  11. I give McHale credit at least she is letting all see who was helping her. It is all in the open and on paper the way it should be. We can only wish all candidates would be so honest and open.


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