Local Government TV

Friday, May 08, 2009

Who is Deborah Hunter?

Deborah Hunter, Democratic candidate for Northampton County Council, is featured in the video above. A more detailed view is in The Express Times Voter Guide. "Council needs people willing to serve who understand protocols and policy making and what it means to serve the people of the County rather than personal agendas or political aspirations."


  1. I was very impressed with her. Shse was my favorite. Well spoken, educated, intelligent, proper, Schhol Board experience. She will get my vote and can inject some civility into the Council hopefully. I was disappointed she has yet to go to a Council meeting though. That might have been something she would have put on her to do list, but as Ann so wittilty commented after Hunter disclosed this, "You might change your mind." Hunter retorted, "But I have been to so many School Board meetings so...." Annd came back, "You still might change your mind." Deborah, please don't change your mind and maybe you should wait till after you win to go to a meeting. After the way she spewed her water on the table during the ovulation comment, that clinched it for me. She's cool.

  2. "Well educated" is important. My biggest problem with McHale is that she is basically an insurance clerk in her husband's business with no college degree. That is unfair to County employees, 2,000 of which have to complete a 4 year degree even to be considered for the most entry level position. My best friend wants very much to be a social worker but without a degree she was told her only option is to be a prison guard. I am going to tell her to run for County Executive or Council in 2013instead. I realize that a 4 year degree is not a requirement to be elected, but would you have voted for Obama if his educational background only included insurance seminars? Her business background she feels will allow her to run the County like a business. County government is a government, not a business. That was a great sound byte back in the 90s when we were all riding high under the Clinton, but nowadays it only conjures up AIG bonuses and Federal bailouts in my mind.

  3. Heard Hunter speak svereral times recently. She was excellent. Hopefully that will show through sometime before the primary. However, I hoping that, being that she has a background in Nazareth and Northampton, she should do well. It's too bad that no one pays attention to the County Council race because good candidates such as Hunter can be overlooked.

  4. In defense of the Dem County Council candidates, according to Lehigh Valley Live Voter Guide, they all have degrees except Walter Garvin who has an Associates and is still in school. Ann is the only one without. Don't overestimate the price or value of a college education. Dertinger has a degree and look at him.

  5. She has my vote. She will win (becasue of my vote)! She deserves to win.

  6. Anon 8:04 - I don't believe you are correct in asserting Dertinger has a college degree. I remember some candidate event he was at and he was specifically asked about post-secondary education and he did not say he was a college graduate. That was several years ago - maybe that's changed.

  7. In fairness, Dertinger does have an associate's degree in some kind of labor relations or something.

  8. Hunter appears to be an intelligent, articulate, deliberate and conscientious candidate.

    So why is she running for county council?

  9. Nice the way you elitists put down Ann and Charles over degrees. Maybe you should apply that standard to Angle.

    Stoffa has an old 'pay the fee get a B' degree. Wow, a social worker running the County. Better a proven business professional.

    Nice one O'Hare you now mock people based on their education. We will remember that one for future reference.

  10. I've made no issue of education and in fact cleared up a misunderstanding about Dertinger's educational background. He has an associate's degree.

    I know better than most that there is no correlation between education and intelligence. I am highly educated, graduated near the top of my class, and am still an idiot.

    I can see you are, too. You must have a Ph.D.


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