Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

QCD: Tony Phillips' Campaign Finance Report is Late

Back in 2007, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski paid a $270 fine - the maximum - for filing his campaign finance reports late. Incredibly, he tried to pay that fine from his campaign funds, but Lehigh County Voting Registrar Stacy Sterner insisted he dip into his own pocket. Pawlowski has continued to stumble along, filing a bogus report late last year that falsely claimed he had no donors at all.

Allentown Mayoral candidate Tony Phillips has rightly condemned Pawlowski's bogus campaign finance reports, noting in addition that over 70% of Hizzoner's money comes from outside Allentown. But as Jarrett Renshaw observes at Queen City Daily, "Tony Phillips has failed his first test to live up to his own standards." He failed to file his own campaign finance report on Friday, and is being assessed a daily fine for that oversight.


  1. Off-topic, but I'm slightly surprised at today's Chris Rock one-liner. I know you've taken rightful offense at racially tinged comments in past posts about Allentown, yet today's one-liner is reminiscent of Jimmy the Greek, who got canned for saying stuff like that.

  2. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/almanac/video/1988/jimmy.the.greek/88.jimmygreek.mov

  3. For some reason it didn't all copy.


  4. I give up...not really a big deal. Address for the video clip must be too long, as it keeps getting cut off.

  5. Lighthouse,

    Today's one-liner is not something I'd say. But I posted it bc it's something people, including Chris Rock, seem to think. Now it's true that people of color dominate in most sports. But why? I'd argue it has nothing to do with color and everything to do with getting a ticket out of poverty. People can reach some unwarranted conclusions based on observations like these.

  6. Is it true that BOH is a consultant for allentown & bethlehem union contracts? doesn't the union know they are going to get screwed? Is this true? BOH. please reply. if it is, you do not deserve to be casting aspersions about norco govt, you asshole! You are violating attorney priveleges by misrepresenting them!

  7. Dude, I can say that is totally and completely untrue. In fact, I have no idea what you're talking about. I have never been a consultant for anything and for good reason - I'm an idiot. My only connection to a union was when I helped organize one in P-burg back in '74.

  8. in tony's defense, when is a black man ever on time for anything?

  9. he's late on his finance report. he was opposed to the raise for the mayor but has indicated he will take it if elected. money in politics is evil, until it's money related to Court Jester Philips.

    Christ, is this guy trying to get Pawlowski re-elected? At this rate, Pawlowski won't have to lift a finger to get through the general election.

  10. O'Hare is a consultant for the Stoffa operation. That should tell you all you need to know about Stoffa.

  11. My role in the Stoffa campaign is limited strictly to planting signs, although I have repeatedly offered to put my superior intellect to work. Stoffa has one consultant - Russ Shade. And he's the best.

  12. Ed Pawlowski files "bogus" reports. Tony Phillips has an "oversight". If this was Ed Pawlowski's oversight, you'd have ripped him a new one, and rightly so. How about giving Phillips the same favor?

    Allentown is screwed. Our choices include a goofy former political hack who admits he wasn't qualified for the job he received for his patronage (Nepon), the master of the shakedown (Pawlowski) and a baffoon who can't file his finance reports on time (Phillips). Forgive me for being a little concerned about our choices.

  13. Pawlowski will win big. Stoffa will wake up and O'Hare and Angle will marry in Vermont.


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