Local Government TV

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Morning Call Issues News Release About ... Strawberry Pie

From time to time, I get news releases from different elected officials. Naturally, they're trying to paint themselves in a favorable light, but they are also informative and often contain details I won't find anywhere else. For example, the Sotomayor news release paints her as a catch, but also contains a wealth of information hard to find in a newspaper hamstrung by space limitations. But now, believe it or not, I've actually received a news release from ... a newspaper. That's a first for me.

This one comes from The Morning Call. Is it an announcement about deep cuts imposed by the Zellions or the many good people who've been sacked? Nah. Is it an alert that there will be a special investigative series about local government? Nope.

It's about Hess' "Sky-High" stawberry pie.

After years of research, The Morning Call's Diane Stoneback has discovered the secret recipe. She's gonna' drop the dime on Wednesday, June 3, so you may want to get that newspaper.

Funny thing. I did a google search and found the recipe in about five minutes on some web page about Liberace, of all people. He loved them so much he shipped them to friends every Christmas. You can read about Liberace while making your own Hess' strawberry pie right here.

Now if Stoneback can only get her hands on the crabbie pattie secret formula, she'll win a Pulitzer.


  1. I actually knew that about Liberace and the strawberry pies and sending them to all his friends because I have the video "Hollywood on Hamilton: the Story of Hess's" where they mention it and this was a video produced in part by the Morning Call. I'd be more interested if Diane got the list of friends that got the pies. That must have been quite the who's who of 60's Bizarro world. "Zsa Zsa, I'm sending over a Hess's pie with my boyfriend, I mean my chauffeur who's getting plastic surgery to look exactly like me. I wish my brother George were here."

  2. I never even knew that Liberace had performed in A-town, let alone that he had tried Hess' strawberry pie.

  3. But Bernie, Call DID reveal Cossie Snyder's famed crab recipe
    a few months back. Can Hess's top that? not sure. Love Liberace photo.

    As for Liberace in Allentown, one could call Heritage Center and speak with executive director who now writes column for local weekly. Sure he would be happy to discuss all as center hosted huge Hess display few months back.

  4. Bernie, I googled and found the strawberry pie recipe, THANKS Carol

  5. Perhaps some more useful reading might be..

    Hess, Max, EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS: THE STORY OF THE AMERICAN DEPARTMENT STORE, Fairchild Publications, Inc., New York, (1952), ill. by Arabelle Wheatley, 166pp, good w/chipped dustjacket (hardcover) signed by the author, Author was owner of the Hess Department Store in Allentown, PA. An innovative retailer (at the time), he wrote this book with the hope that it would supply the American shopper with the behind-the-scenes information necessary for wise shopping.

    Allentown needs a bigger piece of the American pie to make some bananas. Max knew how to do that. Instead we are only left with the crumbs of yesterday.




    Recipe reveal set for 5:00 PM news conference

    (Allentown, PA, May 28, 2009) In what is expected to be a stunning announcement later today, The Morning Call will reveal the secret ingredients and processes that result in ice cubes.

    ABOUT THE MORNING CALL - It used to be a serious publication that even made money at one time.


  7. I heard that later that day, Liberace even ate at Yocco's. But after finishing his dog, legend says that he remarked that Alpha Pool Hall serves better dogs...

    Peace, ~~Alex

  8. I think it's amazing that a world renowned performer like Liberace once graced A-town. I said it before, and I'll say it again, WHAT HAPPENED ?

    - J. BLACK

  9. Hess's attracted them all. If you go to the Call online today they have pics of Sophia Loren, Jimmy Carter, TV stars at Hess's. I know that Sonny and Cher used to party at Max's house in the West End.

  10. 4 days and counting. The suspense is killing me.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Four days till the revelation of the recipe. Now two. You're two days behind.


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