Local Government TV

Thursday, May 21, 2009

McHale's Attempt to Attract NIMBY Voters

On April 2, 2009, just in time for the Primary, Ann McHale suddenly decided she's opposed to the treatment center proposed by County Executive John Stoffa. She claimed she had no idea it included a work release component, although it was described that way from the beginning.

Morning Call columnist Bill White cited several articles in which the work release component was made very clear, and wondered whether she has amnesia. I cited several examples myself, and concluded she was pandering to NIMBY voters in Bethlehem Township. The Express Times called her maneuver "political grandstanding." Stoffa would rather lose an election than do the wrong thing. McHale failed to realize that picking up a few votes in Bethlehem Township might really annoy Easton voters, who have been shackled with an overcrowded prison and work release facility.

So how did that strategy work out for her? According to the Voter Registration unofficial report, she did win Bethlehem Township by a grand total of one vote, 460 to 459. But she also lost by a landslide in Easton, 587 to 368, where Stoffa picked up 61.5% of the votes.

That's one vote she might wish she could take back.


  1. Just eye-balling and scrolling the link you provided, the Twp ward I live in went Stoffa (ironically McClure's Ward of residence) 54% to 46% (prior percentage I gave on earlier post was precinct). Seems McHale did best in Ward 2, which directly abuts the COB, and consists of older "Steel" neighborhoods. Also, she prevailed in portions of Ward 1, which is the BY of NIMBY. HOWEVER, I did notice tha Ward 1, precinct 2 had 0 votes registered for any office. Why is that after 24 hours?? Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that may (?) change the premise of your post.

    Read from all that what you will.

    Good night.

  2. Lighthouse - the part of Bethlehem Twp 1-2 that has no vote recorded is the part of that ward belonging to the 136th legislative district. Only during even number years are votes recorded for that part - during the odd numbered years everyone in the ward votes together.
    Basically it is just a separate voting machine(s) at the same polling location in the even years for those persons who live in the census blocks found in the 136th district.

  3. Lighthouse how incredibly condescending of you to describe the Wards Ann McHale won as "older 'Steel' neighborhoods." What exactly did you mean ?

    Ship Emerging From Fog

  4. Fog,

    nothing condescending was intended. I was just stating that Ward two abuts the City, and largely developed post-WWII and many of the long-time residents in that ward used to work for the Steel at one point or another. With that demographic it has always been a very solid Democratic ward. Since McHale is based out of the city, I was only implying that it should almost be natural that Ward 2 would be a spill over of her "base". I didn't write it in any sort of judgmental intent, so I don't see what is so condescending about it.

  5. Anon 4:11,

    I recall during the last reapportionment that after the Twp had balanced out the wards, that the State Reps had approached because of some sort problem in balancing their districts. I did not recall that part of the solution is what you described, so thanks for the information.

  6. The only true "Stell neighborhood" is Pembroke Village which was built by the Steel for the workers and is on the National Register of Historic Places even though it's now one of the most crime ridden and dangerous places in town. I wasn't aware that there still were "Steel neighborhoods." All the Steel people I knew left the city and built out in the burbs.

  7. The New Dem's appear to be an arrogant bunch. Already the seeds of their own demise. HAHA!

  8. Lighthouse, you're smart so I was thinking after your dodge on your elitist assault on the people who live in Bethlehem Twp., of letting you go, but I can't. Your an elitist. That's the only way your original eye-balling comment can be read. Did you attend Brown or Dartmouth ?


  9. Lighthouse went to a university where they $#%^ in the middle of the dorm room like in our jail, remember? So whichever of the two, Brown or Dartmouth has dorms like that, there you go.

  10. Lighthouse is an elitist. I won't speculate about where or how he lived while going to Brown or Dartmouth. I do know he could spit at NCCC.


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