Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Follow the Money: Who Is Funding John Stoffa's Campaign?

On Friday evening, I posted the campaign finance report filed earlier that day by Northampton County Executive candidate Ann McHale. Incumbent John Stoffa's, filed earlier that week, seemed less important because his campaign is self-funded. He is by no means a rich man, but believes campaign expenses should be kept at a minimum in this uncertain economy. He also wants to avoid any question of "pay to play."

I have posted his report, and you can look at it here.


  1. Yeah and all the Stoffa 4X8 signs on Atiyeh's property's. He even has a Stoffa Sign attached to his business number to call. That is probably an election law violation that will be looked into.
    All this work under the radar smacks of impropriety since Atiyeh will make big bucks with the Stoffa Bethlehem Twp. Prison Plan.

    Stoffa collected plenty last time. He also has a lot of money from the nice $$ the made selling his old property to help overdevelop Hanover Twp.

  2. Stoffa can't stop people who exercise their First Amendment right to support him. Atiyeh has offered Stoffa a contribution and was turned down flat. But Atiyeh has every right to make an independent expenditure on behalf or or against any candidate. So do you.

    Atiyeh must report any independent expenditure, and if he fails to do so, is in violation of election laws.

    Is Stoffa supposed to trespass on Atiyeh's property and tear down those signs?

    You tell me.

  3. Stoffa will face violations for not reporting expenditures. This report is false and I know it.

  4. Queen Ann, stop bitchin'.

  5. I like John, Bernie, but if he doesn't spend some money and at least send out one mailpiece he can lose this race. He is lucky that she has waited so long herself to do any direct mail. But she will..

  6. 6:51

    Don't bet the ranch on your opinion. It's wrong.

  7. Anon 7:34, Stoffa will do one mail piece. McHale has waited so long that it looks like she'll only be sending out one herself.

  8. That finance report is a POS! Where is the cost for the 600 signs? Who paid for them? He has to account for every dime he puts through his committee!

  9. Ask ur buddy/anonymous source Steve Barrons to explain it to you!

  10. I have to admit I was going to vote for Stoffa but it's slightly disturbing that he would blow $14K of his own money. What is his angle? Why would you willingly lose $14K to get a job?

  11. Kinda looks like Mr. Stoffa is trying to hide a lot more then he is saying!

  12. Where is his personal finance report? He suppose to filing two. A committee and a personal report!

  13. Looks like the old O'Hare double standard at work again!

  14. Stoffa filed two finance reports, personal and committee. I posted the committee reports for both candidates. If he were collecting money, it would appear on the committee report.

  15. U didn't answer the question, "who paid for the signs"?

  16. Calm down. Take a valium. Stoffa paid for his own signs. He had some signs from his previous campaign and he paid for any new signs himself.

  17. So what's his angle on blowing $14K of his own money? How's he going to get that back?

  18. He's not. There are some people, few and far between, who will make personal sacrifices for their beliefs. Stoffa is one such man.

  19. just the second time around, he didn't hold those sanctimonous beliefs before.

  20. These beliefs are not sanctimonious. They are an honest rejection of the pernicious influence that money has on politics. Aftyer 4 years at the helm, Stoffa sees first hand how dangerous money can be.

    And to be honest, he carefully scrutinized contributions in his first run, too.

  21. ur missing the point! the cost for the signs need to be shown in his campaing reports as all expenses! He just can't say he spent $14,000 on he re-election and think it'll pass!

  22. Calm down. Take another valium. Stoffa's sign expenses are reflected in his personal report, which was filed with his committee report. If you want to fault me for not posting both reports online, I'll have to take a hit for poor blogging. I only posted the committee reports. But Stoffa did this by the book.

  23. Anon 9:44 and 10:58

    The personal money of Stoffa is nothing compared to personal money of judge candidate Michael Koury yet he is running on the theme that because he is mostly self-funded he is beyond reproach. That's the thing about accepting campaign contributions. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So have fun trying to make Mr. Stoffa's self-funding look sinister. It's not - in fact, it is commendable - and I personally hope it works out well for Mr. Stoffa.

  24. Yeah Stoffa took $4000 from Republican strongman Jack Bradt first time around. He only had to ensure Republicans were in his cabinet.
    Anoble gesture indeed.

  25. Stoffa will face violations for not reporting expenditures. This report is false and I know it.

    Whoever said this is a liar. Put up or shut up! Do you have no shame?

  26. Anonymous 11:45 AM.

    No one blows $14K unless they have an angle OR they have one hell of an ego. We aren't talking $1400 we are talking $14,000. It seems a little fishy.

  27. Maybe Stoffa cares about the County and the people in it and isn't just looking to make money off the taxpayers with no-bid Halliburton type Sweetheart deals. He's willing to spend money to keep the County being run by thugs and Carpetbaggers.

  28. Anon 7:38, maybe not. Stoffa has and continues to suckel at the public tit to the tune of three to four government pensions.
    The guy has Atiyeh, O'Hare, Angle and a bunch of dirty deed doers spreading lies about Ann McHale and covering up his past.

  29. you better believe it

  30. there's no "past" to cover up. You guys slay me.


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