Local Government TV

Friday, May 15, 2009

Follow the Money: Northampton County Judicial Race

Unlike other candidates for local office, judicial candidates file their campaign finance reports with the Department of State in Harrisburg. And the apparatchiks who work there post them online so that the public can follow the money.


The whole purpose of these disclosure laws is so we can learn who is supports a candidate before casting a vote. But in the land of midnight payraises, the public's right to know gets little priority. The 2d Friday Pre-Primary campaign finance reports timely filed by Craig Dally, Candy Barr Heimbach, Barb Hollenbach and Jim Narlesky are still unavailable. If time permits, I will get copies and post them here over the weekend so you can follow the money for yourself.

But reports are available for four out of eight contestants. Let me tell you about them.

Koury has accepted no contributions from attorneys.

Michael Koury has told Express Times reporter Sarah Cassi he would decline any contributions from local attorneys. His 2d Friday Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Reports, available online, reveal that he has kept his word.

I was concerned he might funnel money from lawyers into his campaign through some sort of PAC, but his individual and committee reports reveal he is largely self-funded. He has accepted contributions from family and friends. He's also accepted $1,000 from Abe Atiyeh and another $1,000 from Atiyeh's business partner, Ramzi Haddad.

Karl Longenbach Likes El Torero

Karl Longenbach actually has four separate campaign finance reports online, which reveal that he's raised around $21,000 and spent most of it, too. He has dug into his own pocket for at least half of his expenses. Friends, fellow attorneys and co-workers have also made mostly small donations.

If you've driven along Route 22 on the way to Easton from Bethlehem, you've seen a big billboard featuring Karl. I practically drove into a ditch the first time I saw that.

That has cost Karl $6,000.

He's also spent another $1,000 for advertising at El Torero, a Spanish language newspaper very popular in Allentown. But Karl's not running in Allentown.

Sam Murray Getting Grass Roots Support

If campaign finance reports are any indication, Sam Murray is getting lots of grass roots support. His disclosure, available online, reveals that $2,000 of his warchest comes from people making modest contributions under $50. Another $17,775 comes from people contributing less than $250. Sam has also kicked $15,000 of his own money. He's raised nearly $44,000 so far.

Frontrunners Flock to Zito

My grandson is a frontrunner. He likes whatever team happens to be winning. Lenny Zito is the frontrunner. Everyone, including fellow candidates, knows that Lenny Zito will be elected on both ballots to one of the three judicial vacancies on May 19. So it's no great shock to learn that Lenny has been able to raise $80,290. Frontrunner Chrin, who usually waits until after someone is elected before donating, has already kicked in $500. But Lenny's biggest donors are the Perins - Lords of the Slate Belt - who contributed $13,300.


  1. Good thing for Koury, Atiyeh never has reason to go before the courts...pig manure, treatment centers, zoning issues, insurance claims...he has no history that might make one foresee the possibility...

    Do commend him, though, for sticking to his campaign pledge re not accepting from lawyers (only for the sake of keeping to his word).

  2. As they become availabile, I am curious how they raised so much money. Over a half million dollars was reported to have been raised in last week's Express article.

    thanks for another great service to the public, Bernie. You contribute in your own way to an "informed citizenry".

  3. I agree that Zito will more than likely win on both tickets. If he's the only one to do so, who do you think will end up winning the remaining R and D primary slots?

  4. I think Craig will win on both sides, too. But if he does not, here's my take: D Ballot - Zito, Murray, Koury; R Ballot - Dally, Zito, Heimbach.

  5. Bernie, I think the NorCo Elections office had the reports for all the candidates

  6. Yes, they do. If I have the time, I will get the other four today and scan over the weekend.

  7. El Torero has South Bethlehem distribution

  8. If the information IS available for all the judicial candidates, perhaps posts suggesting that some of the candidates are somehow HIDING their contributions should be changed...


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