Local Government TV

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nazareth Chops Down Popular Shade Tree

Nazareth people are different from the rest of the Lehigh Valley. It's still a very close-knit community. Everyone already knows what's going on. They really need no blogs, but have two. Now I've lived here about 1,000 years, but am still considered an outsider.

Usually, the people in town just do their own thing, cracking goofy jokes like calling the Calandra cheese factory Cheeses of Nazareth. But when they get worked up, look out. I've never seen citizens galvanize like did when burgermeisters tried to pull a fast one and build a new government center on part of a kids' park.

The people here just don't trust government.

And so it was with the decision to chop down a very popular and very old shade tree, located inside the circle on Main Street. Whether the tree was diseased was debated at length, but the decision was finally made to give the tree ... the axe. Yesterday was that fateful day. At various points in the morning, several hundred people watched as tree executioners did their dirty work.

Some were sad. Others wanted to see for themselves if the tree really is rotten inside.

People here believe government is rotten inside, but not trees.


  1. I agree with bernie 100%, its a shame to see the tree come down. You shouldn't mess with Mother Nature!

  2. Of all days to pick, Earth Day. What a shame. I hope the citizens of Nazareth are now safe from the poor tree. Way to go.

  3. As Anon 9:08 stated, what poor timing to bring down the old tree. Why didn't they wait until Arbor Day?

  4. This is big news, here. I'm sure that the borough did the right thing, but it was interesting to watch all the people stop by.

  5. Who cares? Unless Lord Angle was there.

  6. Nazareth people care. I enjoyed watching them react as the chain saws went to work. This has nothing to do w/ Angle or politicians. Sorry.

  7. It is big local news. Emmaus went through the same thing a couple of months ago, took down a pine tree that had been on the triangle for about 50 years.

    People's reactions were something on both sides, people do care.

    The Banker

  8. It would be a nice thing to plant another tree sapling there on Memorial Day to pay tribute to all the Nazareth Veterans living and long gone. Thank you.

  9. Was the tree actually rotting as was told by the tree service? The photos I saw showed a healthy looking tree. Admittedly, none were of the trunk.

  10. shade tree for mayor!

  11. Boonie, where will you live now.

  12. Fuck'em. They can grow a new t
    ree over the next 100 years.

  13. Nazareth has no hopes.


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