Local Government TV

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Congressman Dent to Host Foreclsure Seminar in Allentown

LV Congressman Charlie Dent will host “Weathering the Foreclosure Storm,” a housing foreclosure seminar, on Wednesday, April 15th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Community Room at the Allentown Public Library, 1210 W. Hamilton Street in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The April 15th event is the third in a series of housing programs Congressman Dent has held throughout the Lehigh Valley. A team of experts from organizations like the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency and the Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley will address issues relating to the downturn in the housing market and outline resources that are available to homeowners in need of mortgage assistance. At the conclusion of the presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with panelists during a question and answer session.

Interested attendees should RSVP to Megan Everett in Congressman Dent’s Bethlehem office at (610) 861-9734 or Kristin Dini in his Washington, DC office at (202) 225-6411 by Tuesday, April 14th. Attendees can also respond via email to DentRSVP@mail.house.gov.


  1. The first thing Congressman Dent needs to do is come forward and divulge all of the money he has taken from the Real Estate and Banking industry. He needs to return any contributions he's received from the financial industry - including any from AIG or Citigroup. Then, he needs to explain why it is that he did nothing during the subprime feeding frenzy and explain why it is that he did not to regulate the derivatives market that caused the world financial freeze. Of course, no one at the Morning Call or Express Times will ask these questions.

  2. Wait a tic. I though Charlie was a tool of Big Oil?? That's what Sam said. Did he quit that job?

  3. I assume Anon 826am would make the same statements about Ds as well, I'd hate to think he's a partisan hack.

    Also Bernie, don't forget he was in Air Products' pocket as well.

    The Banker

  4. All politicians are playing special interests. We act as if special interests do all the wheeling and dealing but the politicians do as much to play them. One day it's big oil, then big banking, then big insurance... politicians are just cheating tramps.

    Goes for both sides.

  5. Just as an interesting aside, 1 out of every 3 sales in the City of Easton last month was a foreclosure. It is really scary.

  6. Dent the tool of big money.


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