Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ron Angle is Running For ...

. . . Bangor Area School Board. That's right, folks, the Northampton County Bulldog is running for one of four seats up this year on that nine member board. Ron previously served eight years on Bangor's school board, and gained some notoriety when he demanded to see the "green files," a secret archive where teacher evaluations were under lock and key. Since board members decide on tenure, Angle argued they should be allowed to see those evaluations. When he marched into district offices with a power drill, the records were released.

Grandstanding? You betcha. Effective? Yep, especially considering that the power drill was broken.

When Angle was first elected to Northampton County Council, he initially refused to give up his seat on the school board. Council, acting on the advice of its solicitor, ended up suing Ron. The matter languished in the courts until Angle voluntarily resigned, although he always insisted he could serve both offices simultaneously.

Eventually, a new county council solicitor, Leonard Zito, agreed. When Hellertown Borough Council member Tony Branco was appointed to Northampton County Council, Zito ruled that Council had no authority to force him to resign his Hellertown position, ruling that only the Pennsylvania Constitution can determine whether offices are incompatible. Most recently, Council appointed Bangor Mayor Joe Capozzolo to a vacancy.

Given these precedents, it's unlikely council will sue Angle now, so he's running for the school board again. He's had his drill fixed, too.
Update: Angle's school board race is reported by The Express Times here.


  1. Is Angle going to revert back to his Tastykake moments, too? I can't wait for him to start stealing socks again. This is like that black guy on TV comedy, Rerun.

  2. It is little wonder Northampton County Council has yet to see a black or Hispanic council member. Assholes like you Joe Long Dems, in a vain attempt to smear Angle, reveal your own bigotry. Keep it up.

  3. Those leather clad biker dykes are back and hosting another fundraiser for Angle in LMBT.

  4. You make the Joe Long Dems look very enlightened. I'm sure he'll be very proud.

  5. 10 years ago I thought Angle was "teched" and merely a grandstanding buffoon.

    Then one day I began to listen to what he was saying. My attitude changed dramatically.

    Ron is intelligent, articulate, and principled - with the courage to speak his mind and the ability to push an agenda.

    A showman, a grandstander? You bet - in fact, one of the best I've seen. Is he capable of manipulating County Council - eminently so - to the BENEFIT of the residents of Northampton County. Is he afraid to call a spade an earth-removal implement?

    Let me put it this way. Charlie Dertinger is no fading light. He's also smart but he lets his ego get in the way - so Ron has a handle to grab when he wants to yank him around. Charlie lets himself be yanked, and then turns around and blames Ron. I've seen it happen time after time. Charlie doesn't get it - so what's left? Trash Ron.

    As far as your claims that Ron has a sordid past --- heck, we all do. If nothing has been proven, if he lacks convictions, or if he has atoned - whatever. He performs his Council duties honestly and the bills he supports do not show a personal benefit to him.

    There is even more to know about Mr. Angle. Unfortunately for us, Ron does not want the work he does to improve life for all of us in Norco discussed in the public arena. I've had the opportunity to see him working in the "out of the public eye" community.

    This man cares deeply about Northampton County and its people - that is what enables him to ignore all the crap that gets floated here about him.

    If you don't want to see Ron Angle elected, PLEASE pull on your boots and run against him - or find a better candidate and help that candidate get elected.

    And if all you can do is reply with a bunchacrap about tastykakes, please don't bother.

  6. You prove the truth of my allegations every time I post an entry here. No matter what I write about, there is a slam at Angle or Stoffa. I have been told by two different people that Dertinger/McClure/Long have some goons to make these constant accusations, which I see every day.

    This post is a perfect example. My post published aty midnight. At 12:06, there already was an anti-Angle comment from one of the Long Democrats making a bigoted remark. At 12:34 ASM, there was a homophobic remark.

    Eventually, I will out the persons doing this.

  7. Are you asking how one gets to Bangor?

  8. Bangor is just north of the "Northampton Boonies"

  9. I meant of course that Bangor is north of "the Boonies of Northampton County"

  10. DantheMan says:
    BANGOR RULES baby!
    Make fun all you want. As if

  11. I once asked an old farmer, "How do I get to Bangor?"

    He replied, "Bang 'er? You hardly even know her, son."

    Seriously though, Bangor is southwest of Portland.

  12. Where is your usual outrage for people seeking 2 offices?
    Jen Mann was attacked by you for seeking Treasurer and re-elect to her Rep seat. Here is Ron running for another seat is this different because Ron is your buddy and throws you work from time to time.

    You speak of bigotry Angle was fired from the radio for his anti-Black remarks in 2000 Or did you forget the Banner Headlines in the Easton Express!!!

  13. He also had the incident of elerdly abuse feeding the guy twinkees. He should only hold one office at a time. He is a disappointment.

  14. Anon 8:02,

    Do me a favor and go look in your bridge and trunk. You left your brain somewhere. You are comparing apples and oranges.

    I criticized Mann bc she was running for two incompatible offices, state treasurer and state rep, simultaneously. I recently also criticized Koury bc he is running for two incompatible offices, judge and magistrate, simultaneously.

    In Angle's case, he his only running for one office, the school board. He is not running for two offices at the same time. And the offices are compatible, i.e. he is constitutionally permitted to hold both simultaneously.

    It;s the same thing as Tiony Branco serving on Hellertown Borough Council and Northampton County Council. It's no different than a Bangor mayor serving on county council.

    School boards have even less interaction w/ county government than a borough. So this is no problem.

  15. Does anyone on the council NOT come from the boonies?

  16. "You speak of bigotry Angle was fired from the radio for his anti-Black remarks"

    Yes, I do, and I don't need to go back to some 2000 radio show and listen to all the explanations. All I need do is look at the first and thrid comment to realize that Joe Long Dems are bigots.

  17. You call Angle a wimp but are too much of a coeward to identify yourself. Typical Joe Long Democrat - bigoted, homophobic and a coward.

  18. It is my understanding that state law is quite clear on this matter.

    Any school board director can hold any other office, and only school board directors have this privilege. (The theory being, it is unpaid.)

    Home Rule might make this murky. In fact, I will be posting on this in the near future.

  19. I would consider the 2 offices for which your friend will power is running to be incompatible since a county councilman oversees the budget of fiscal affairs which pays the constable.

  20. Well, under that logic, Lamont McClure should resign. His wife works in the DA's office and he votes on their budget.

    What you are describing is NOT incompatibility, but a conflict of interest that can be resolved by having a council member abstain from voting on a mtter in which he has a persdonal interest.

    You may be right. I have not researched this question. The Pa. Constitution is where you find the answers. But if you feel strongly about this, why didn't you file a legal challenge?

  21. I think he is allowed to run for 2 incompatible offices .He would have to resign one when he wins which tells me and should indicate to any intelligent voter that he is not very serious about one or either position.I will be voting for the candidate in each position who knows what they want.

  22. It has NOT been established these are incompatible offices. I tend to think they are completely compatible.


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