Local Government TV

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Peter Koehler To Refuse ALL Campaign Contributions in Easton City Council Race

Peter Koehler, manager of Koehler Kheel Realty, is running against Reno Pesaresi for the Democratic nomination to Easton City Council, District 1. That district includes College Hill, the downtown, and a sliver of the west ward. The Den winner will face incumbent Republican Roger Ruggles, who is running unopposed in his primary.

Koehler, like John Stoffa, is yet another candidate who refuses to participate in the "pay to play" fundraising so prevalent in local politics. Here's a statement he made during a Thursday news conference.

"Thank you for coming. There are two reasons I’m holding this press conference today. The first, to discuss my own campaign finances for the upcoming election.

"We need a different kind of candidate running for city council. We all know how campaign contributions can sway an election. And too often campaign contributions during the election process become more important than the core issues facing our community. And that is simply not right, and it is not fair to our taxpayers. We need an electoral culture change.

"And I want the voters of the District 1 seat to know that I am the one candidate that will truly make this a reality. That is why I will not be accepting any campaign contributions during this election cycle. And if elected to City Council, I will not be indebted to anyone.

"I will be self-financing my campaign. But I will also tell you that the sky is not the limit. I am placing a cap of $10,000 on my campaign, and will not spend one penny more. This self-imposed cap is for the ENTIRE election cycle—primary and general included.

"It’s unfortunate that candidates need to spend money to propel them into public office, but I will tell you this – money isn’t everything. At least not to my campaign. Going door-to-door, meeting voters and talking with them on their front porches is what matters. And that’s what I’ll be doing in the months to come.

"Serving this community I have known and cherished for decades is my goal.

"And that leads me to my next reason for hold this press conference today.

"I will not be accepting any salary or benefits if elected to council. Once I receive a paycheck, I will be donating it to a local non-profit or charity.

"Integrity, honesty and trust are the cornerstones of my campaign. I will never be indebted to anyone when elected to council, and voters should know that I am not running for the pay.

I’m running to make a difference."


  1. $10,000 cap on a city primary. Hell he can do five super voter milers for that.

    Mighty white of him.

  2. Wow! Is it 2009?

    Nice choice of words. I can't wait to see what's next...

    You took a good point and make it crappy. Hopefully, you won't run for office. Peace, ~~Alex

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Keep your eye on the ball, Bernie. Koehler may well be a very decent guy, and I've heard from many that he is, but electing him is not a good idea.

    We now have a race where a large developer with significant business interests in the city is $10K in the pocket of a city council candidate who, if elected, will have significant influence over decisions affecting the developer/donor.

    Yes, it's all quite legal, and quite a bad idea for Easton residents. Ruggles has been a fair dealer with developers like Koehler. Votors should keep the common sense separation that an independent agent like Ruggles offers.

  5. There is hope for the political world in America this year, and as we know "all politics are local".
    The American people are fed up with the type of person who runs for public office to bilk the taxpayer, and live on their largess, instead of being true public servants. Let see if actions match the words, which are cheap, and lying seems to be totally acceptable today.
    The Old Allentown Curmudgeon

  6. What a nice change for easton. Considering the main guy from the West Ward (Mike Fleck) is the king of Pay to Play in Easton. He worked for Mayor Ed in Allentown (another pay to play dem.)

    And Fleck would brag to me how much he was buddies with Fumo and Fumo would always help him.

    How is Fumo these days?

  7. JefF Foxworthy could have a field day in Northampton County passing out his "Stupid" signs.
    What a bunch of dimwits.

  8. From what I understand, Fumo is convicted and awaiting sentencing.

  9. Koehler doesn't need your money but he needs people skills! He cannot relate to the average Eastonian. Also, Roger Ruggles has done an excellent job on council and deserves to be elected. We finally have a decent working council that gets things done. Let's not change it and yes Spike the last person that should be "recyled" is Mike Fleck, this guy does not belong in public office.


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