Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ron Angle & Elmer Gates

Embassy Bank Chairman Elmer Gates was scheduled recently to appear on Business Matters with two Communists. But he passed when he learned that the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, would also be a guest.

"I can take two Communists, but not Ron Angle," is what I'm told he said.


  1. "The Banker" is Bernie O'Hare.

  2. This may be the first time that I feel sorry for the Communists. You will never overcome Ron's ego.

  3. "Politically Neutral" is Bernie O'Hare.

  4. Politically Neutered?

  5. The new "KathyD" is Bernie O'Hare too.

    As is "The Banker," Retired ASD Teacher," and "Jonah."

  6. The Walrus was Paul!

  7. Ron Angle's a Bully

  8. "The new "KathyD" is Bernie O'Hare too."

    This one's been really obvious.

  9. We are all Bernie O'Hare.

  10. The O'Hare character "Retired ASD Teacher" was originally "introduced" by O'Hare as a "friend and co-worker of Mrs. Dottie/Angie Villa."

    Why would this "Teacher" person side with total stranger Bernie O'Hare and against Mrs. Villa?

    Makes no sense.

  11. Bernie,
    It seems that someone is trying to ambush your blog. I don't know if you agree with this method but there are ways to ban isp's from accessing your blog. Check this website out for instance: http://toolator.com/index.php

  12. Bryan,

    Yes, Bill Villa is playing Goebbels. He believes that if you tell a lie big enough, and often enough, people will believe it. But a lie is still a lie.

    Villa posts anonymously. He uses sock puppets. He even assumes the identity of other people. I don't. It's as simple as that.

    Villa falsely accuses me of doing what he does all the time, and has been doing for years.

    As far as Retired ASD Teacher is concerned, I'm unaware that he has sided w/ me against Villa. He writes about issues, not petty squabbles. But Villa has said that unless you're with him, you're against him.

    He also would like to distract our attention away from issues that might make King Edwin look bad or him look like what he is - a grant-seeking supplicant.

    I've tried toolator to no avail.

  13. "Retired ASD Teacher" is Bernie O'Hare.

    So is "The Banker," "KathyD," "Politically Neutral," and "Jonah."

  14. Anon 458pm, you keep offending "Pete's Sake" by excluding him from your list. Please include him going forward.

    You can thank me later Pete!

    The Banker

  15. I LOVE ANGLE !!!! He is the only guy(except for Stoffa at times) who sticks up for me, joe sixpack, and not sit on the NC council like a bunch of bloated bullfrogs bellowing as they use their council seats as mere stepping stones to get to the next level of their tadpole dreams of political office. ribbit to all on NCC who are the bullfrogs,you and all the citizens, know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. One Like Us...
    One Like Us...

  17. Retired ASD teacher here.

    Well . . . this whole inclusion of me is troubling.

    I really AM a former co-worker of Angie at South Mountain and can attest she was an excellent, and caring teacher there. It was my pleasure to come to know her.

    Bill, in this instance you are wrong and I regret that. Bill, I also DO understand your pain and respect that, too.

    Take care.

  18. Ever notice the joe six packs always seem to think it is the millionaires that are sticking up for them. First it was "W" who was the guy to have a beer with (Millionaire) then McCain (Multi, Multi Millionaire) now Angle (Millionaire). Angle is the richest member of council and he is going to care about the little guy? Only in the world of Bernie

  19. Banker,

    Thanks for your thoughtfulness. I was beginning to feel left out again.

  20. "The O'Hare character "Retired ASD Teacher" was originally "introduced" by O'Hare as a "friend and co-worker of Mrs. Dottie/Angie Villa."

    Why would this "Teacher" person side with total stranger Bernie O'Hare and against Mrs. Villa?

    Makes no sense."--Anon 3:55 PM

    ...only if you have no sense, at all.

    Can you seriously be trying to pass this off as some sort of logical conclusion? Even if RASDT didn't know Mr. O'Hare (and as Anon 4:21PM clearly points out, they are not strangers), people disagree with friends and co-workers all the time. Really, it's true. You can know a person and not agree with them or their actions--I kid you not!

  21. The Villa attack on this blog is annoying. It gets in the way of being able to tell the true Ron Angle story. For instance, do you hear the one about Angle where he locked a tenant of his in his apartment and when the authorities broke into the apartment they found the poor soul wallowing in his own feces and discovered that he had been fed snack food. During the court case that the Estate of the deceased gentleman brought, it was proved that Angle would helpfully drive the gentleman to the bank when his checks would come in. Ulitimately, Judge Freedberg ruled that Angle and improperly helped himself to about ten thousand of the gentleman's money. Judge Freedberg ordered Angle to the pay the Estate of the deceased gentleman ten grand. Angle - helping the elderly.

  22. Angle, Northampton Countys top crook and poodle.

  23. Pete's Sake - no problem, we "aliases" have to stick together!

    The Banker

  24. "Angle is the richest member of council and he is going to care about the little guy?"

    Excuse me, but I thought that Northampton County was still part of America, where every man has a shot at gaining wealth. It's sad to see Angle condemned simply because he has money. Based on that theory, you should be kneeling at my feet, kissing my toes.

    "The Villa attack on this blog is annoying."

    It is intended to be just that. Villa has no real interest in discussion. He is interested in destroying this blog, has written posts about it, has sent emails to my readers urging them to stay away, has deluged this blog with 500 comments in one day (which has resulted in criminal harassment charges) and comes on here regularly with baseless attacks. He would like me to enable comment moderation, which will destroy the spontaneity of this blog, but that is not going to happen.

    He can continue to make a fool out of himself and marginalize himself. he does it much better than I ever could.

    But I agree, it is annoying.

    " do you hear the one about Angle where he locked a tenant of his in his apartment"

    First of all, that is an ancient case. Second, I actually pulled the file and read it. Your recollection is distorted. An Angle tenant was obviously suffering from dementia. Angle did his best to actually help the guy. He did keepo the guy's money for him, and believe it or not, he's done this with several people. Angle was never ordered to do anything. Incompetency proceedings were started and Angle produced the guy's money. If what you were suggesting were true, Angle would be charged criminally. He was not. I personally don't think Ron handled that case right, but his intentions were good. That's a very old case, and your memory of it is flawed.

  25. Retired ASD Teacher,

    Once again, I apologize for the Villa attack. Same goes for Banker, Pete and everyone else.

  26. Anon 8:27

    Anonymous Commenters and ex wives have the same credibility.

  27. Yeah, Angle loves to keep money and property for old folks and it has made him lots of money. O'Hare you are so full of crap. Some of us remember the Angle "twinkie" case very well. Ask Mr. L. the County Solicitor, he handled the case for the mans family. At that time Angle was known for his rathole apartments check out all the old code violations ob Angle slums. His 'shady' ways of getting a hold of old folks money, is legendaey up here.
    If criminal charges are your only criteria for poor or bad behavior you owe apologies to Pawlowski, Reibman and a lot of other people you have trashed.

    Angle is a bad man and you are nutz.

  28. I checked it all out several years ago. I spoke with Mr. Longenbach, the attorney who represented the incompetent's estate and has no regard for Ron. I also spoke with Ron and read the complete file. As I stated, there was no court order from Freedberg ordering Angle to return money. I disagree with how Ron acted in that matter, but feel he had the best intentions. And I've personally seen what he has done to help people, especially older people who are often being swindled by their own families. Ron never makes that public.

    Yes, he's a sharp businessman, especially when dealing with sharp businessmen. But he has a real soft spot for elderly people in distress. It got him in trouble with that guy. But if you knew the facts, you would not be so quick to condemn him.

  29. The Walrus, here. Some one just claimed to be me. He's not me, as I am not he. Can't just all be together?

    PS: I really am the Walrus.

  30. The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.

  31. Angle should not be condemned for his money but how he treats people whom he rented to. His visceral hatred of anyone not like him. His anti-semitism. His erroneous policy positions. His Know-thing approach to government. His vicious attacks on people like the late Wayne Grube. His ignornance makes him nothing more than a hate crime. Gates did the right thing.

  32. Elmer's barber should lose his license.

  33. Is that the killer rabbit that went after Jimmy Carter?

    And, I see you are a Zappa fan.

    Well done, old Jedi.

    Villa should knock it off. He's really a pain in the ass.

  34. No, that's the killer rabbit from Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail.

  35. AT the time of Mr. Snyder's death wasn't Don Corriere District Attorney ? Was DA Coriere considering criminatl charges at the time ? Did law enforcement suspect fout play ?

  36. The matter was referred to DA Corriere long before Mr. Snyder's death. The matter was referred by political enemies, not police officers. Corriere rejected the matter.

  37. Ronald Lee Angle, did...commit the crime of eluding...after committing five acts of shoplifting..."

    Wall Township, NJ Police report.

  38. Alas, those charges were DISMISSED! I'm sure you'll agree that we are all presumed innocent. You are an American, aren't you?

  39. Angle did his usual bully tactic of I can out last you with money. He threatens all with lawsuits and most can't afford to play the legal games he does and they back down.

    With Gates he met his match and more so. I spoke to Gates and he was not going to let Angle get away with another lie. Gates can match Angle dollar for dollar and still have plenty of dollars left over.

    In the end Angle paid out thousands to Gates. To this day Angle lies and says he never payed a dime. His insurance sure did, ask Gates he will tell you.

    Angle is a blowhard bully who thankfully bullied the wrong guy and had his head slapped.

    Thank you Mr. Gates.

  40. Respecting Mr Gates privacy, the fact of the matter is that in 2009 it would not have been possible for him to participate in any forum especially "Business Matters".


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