Local Government TV

Monday, February 16, 2009

Northampton County Controller Steve Barron Ponders Run For Executive

Northampton County Controller Steve Barron has confirmed he is considering running for county executive, the seat currently held by fellow Democrat John Stoffa. Steve's energy and popularity among courthouse workers are great assets. Steve's handicap, obviously, is his relative inexperience. He has only been in office for one year. Should incumbent John Stoffa decide against running, however, many voters are turned off by the choices of Ann McHale and Ron Heckman.

McHale has relied on a distant relation to former Congressman Paul McHale, by marriage, to propel her political career. Imperious, she is best known for her inability to manage the most dysfunctional municipal government in the Lehigh Valley. It has worsened under her Presidency. She will be announcing tomorrow from some throne room somewhere.

Heckman, a very nice guy, has demonstrated he simply lacks the energy to mount a campaign. Just two years ago, he could not even get himself elected to Bethlehem City Council.

In the meantime, the Great White, John Stoffa, swims alone.


  1. Go Steve! NorCo would be lucky to have him.

  2. I sense a groundswell.

  3. Again the slams on McHale and Heckman.

    Reynolds was a lock on the City Council seat and Heckman was used to block Gubb. He even realizes that now.
    McHale would destroy Stoffa in a primary.
    Heckman if he runs will have a huge following of employees and up county folk.

    He may not be 'favored' by your Holiness and crowd but I think in depth of County issue Knowledge, intelligence and energy he would blow them away.

    On star power you have to give it to Ann.

    Steve is overreaching and this time would come up a bit short.

  4. Well O'Hare it is interesting you love Barron. He Dertinger and McClure are as thick as thieves. He is also tight with Joe Long.

    You are amazing in how you selectively pick and chose those you love and hate.

    By the way Stoffa is no Great White, more like a confused Tuna.

  5. He could be married to Joe Long for all I care. So long as he promotes transparent and accountable government, he is infinitely preferable to McHale or Heckman.

    But this is all academic. Stoffa has announced, so you can kiss your hallwalker jobs goob-bye.


  6. Hall walkers ? Is Seyfried back ?

  7. We could use a few more hallwalkers like Jerry.

  8. Stoffa has announced. Announced what? That he's ruuning? Saw it nowhere else. Did you get an exclusive one on one? If so, cool..

  9. No exclusive. Sarah Cassi broke the story at 2:53 PM. She's good. Here's a link to her story.

  10. Nothing against Steve, but, infinitely preferable to McHale or Heckman? His credentials for the job are what? I'm sure you'd prefer him to the others but anyone else you know that might? On name recognition alone he'd get swamped in any race with the others. Your prejudices are showing a bit here I'd argue. Heckman has neen involved in ounty government since 1989. Is steve that old? McHale is president of Council. She's been overwhelming elected for the job twice..You're kidding right..It's a February fools joke? Right?

  11. Well, for Stoffa the more the merrier. Since he has alot of union and party opposition it makes it much better for him if he has alot of opponents. It will split the opposition. If he has to go head to head it will be alot tougher. Ought to be interesting..

  12. If Stoffa were not running, Barron would have been the only rerasonable alternative. McHale and Heckman both represent everything that is wrong with local government. Barron would continue a tradition of integrity and would represnt a change for the same tired old bunch that can't seem to do anything right.

  13. Bearnie your slams against Heckman and McHale seem to contradict what you said in another thread. You indicated that you had respect for all the past council members Heckman served until 98 and McHale has served since 98 which would make them members of past councils.


    btw Stoffa lost miserably when he ran for council in 01 he only won with the support of Grube, Long, the unions and Angle in 05. Now he only has Angle. Good Luck

  14. No confusion at all. Heckman was fine as council member. McHale was OK as council member until she got ambitious.

    Long worked AGAINST Stoffa, as I recall. So this will be nothing new now, will it?

  15. John Stoffa sat in Joe Longs house all summer long in 05, working out the campaign. After Stoffa got what he wanted out of Long he threw him under the bus.
    The quality you love about Stoffa. No class, no appreciation , just use people and toss them aside.

  16. Also in 05 a one legged puppy could have beat Reibman. In 01 Stoffa could not even come in in teh top five.
    You attack others campaigning. Stoffa is know as the laziest campaigner many have ever seen.

  17. Don't run Steve you will be terrible... the Controller position has clearly already gone to your head... you are not qualified and arrogant.

  18. Nice spin Anon 2:46.

    Stoffa never got anything he needed from Long.

  19. well, 2:48 - a race for a council seat and a race for the executive position are two entirely different things, aren't they.

  20. Burnie, you should check your facts. Long had meetings at his home with Stoffa, Grube, Neiper, Branco, McClure and Dertinger. Perhaps you should call any one of these people and ask them if this is fact or fiction. Ask them about the mailer that the Party paid for and mailed with Stoffa's picture and with rest of council candidates on. Maybe Burnie should start telling the truth.

  21. I guess after losing miserably in 2001, people should have said Stoffa is a lackluster campaigner and can't even win one of five County Council seats.

    Given his wise ass announcement today people may see him for the lazy goof he is.

    I guess every race stands on its own, otherwise Stoffa would have lost in 2005 based on his terrible showing in 2001.

  22. "Burnie, you should check your facts. Long had meetings at his home with Stoffa, Grube, Neiper, Branco, McClure and Dertinger."

    I've answered this in comments to mny post about Stoffa's reelection announcement. There's nothing wrong with my facts.

  23. "Don't run Steve you will be terrible... the Controller position has clearly already gone to your head... you are not qualified and arrogant."

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but Steve has made a very favorable impression at the courthouse as a dedicated public servant who is working for peanuts. Those folks do not impress easily either.

  24. Hes a pol on the make who you happen to like. so you won't slander him like you do others, lucky him.

  25. And you are an anonymous troll recruited by Dertinger & McClure to slam this blog.

    By the way, its called libel. Slander is spoken. Given your deep understanding of defamation law, I tremble.

  26. BOH all you spew is libelous.

  27. Thank you for stopping by, Mr. Long. Please tell your friends, both of them.

  28. how can 11:39 be an annonymous Dertinger/ McClure plant? You are as thick as a brick O'Hare. Barron is an officer in the Long Demo Party. His closest political allies are McClure and Dertinger. I realize you never let the truth get in the way of one of your mancrushes.

  29. Umm, Barron resigned as treasurer of the Norco Dems once he was elected. He has maintained independence. He refused to use the consultant employed by Long, Dertinger & McClure. He is on friendly terms w/ those folks, but they are hardly his closest political allies. He is a Bethlehem Dem.


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