Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Local Government TV
Friday, February 13, 2009
You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.
Hey, Bernie: the local pols and a couple of sports-promoter brothers want the state to give them a big "Valentine": $60 million for a minor-league hockey arena for the L.V. (Allentown and Bethlehem may now drop the gloves and start their hockey brawl... :-)
ReplyDeleteThe promoters want to pay only "up to" $20 million of the $75 million an arena will cost.
So our area politicians are seeking $60 million (80% of the $75 cost) from the state for this arena, according to the M.Call article ?
Current estimates are that in this time of horrendous national economic decline the Pa. state budget is already about $5 BILLION in the red and rising.
The federal stimulus legislation about to be passed in Congress will give Pa. this year only about $2.5 billion, leaving the Pa. budget still about $3 billion in the hole.
Where's this $60 million in state money coming from in this climate ?
Now I like hockey as much as the next sports-nut, but:
Are these hands-out pols and sports promoters frickin' nuts ?
That's the Jenn Mann solution to A-town'sa crime problem - a hockey rink. This is why P2P is so dangerous - developers and contractors who say $ signs with thesde ventures will support politicians who will enable them to improve their bottom line.
ReplyDeleteBut can this be good for A-town residents at or below the poverty level? A minor league baseball game is something we can all afford. Hockey is another story.
I will try to find out as much as I can next week. I appreciate your suggestion, Don, as always.
The new comment character "KathyD" is really Bernie O'Hare.
ReplyDeleteSo is "The Banker"
"Retired ASD Teacher"
"Politically Neutral"
and countless "anonymous" (wink wink) commenters.
All are Bernie O'Hare.
You are being duped by a master.
Looks like the Villas will be spending their Valentines Day with the Internet...
ReplyDeleteSadly, AJ Cordi is a real person.
ReplyDeleteThat's debatable.
ReplyDeleteThe Blanker
I second that.
ReplyDeleteWe're drifting "OT."
ReplyDeleteI second that.
ReplyDeleteWhere's that Father Alex?
ReplyDeleteAlex is all about "Pay to Pray."
ReplyDeleteThat's not right ...
ReplyDeleteSadly, I second that.
ReplyDeleteThe Blanker
I'm calling O'Hare right now (who is currently helping little old ladies across Main Street in Nazareth, saint on Earth that he is) ...
ReplyDeleteHe is a saint.
ReplyDeleteI second that.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he's meeting with Kranzley?
ReplyDeleteIf not for this blog, those ghoulishly obsessed juveniles wouldn't have a thing to do all day. Clearly, they love this blog. It's kind of weird to think they'll be spending V-day with Bernie, in a way. Strange blog fellows, indeed. Safe cybering!
ReplyDeleteMoney for hockey is not responsible at this point in time. Two brothers are heart-broken they cannot get on board
ReplyDeleteTwo brothers are also heart-broken that OBAMA HAS LIED ABOUT 48 HOURS FOR AMERICAN PEOPLE TO SEE BILL.
Please explain the lies about the 48 hours and five days, liberals...
Hope Pelosi have a pleasant flight to Rome to pick up her award.
Hey Liberals,
ReplyDeleteYou guys should have a giant party tonight. You got your way. You got your bill. All conservatives are outcasts of society. How proud you must feel at this moment.
The economy is now yours. We now know who to HOLD ACCOUNTABLE if the spending pork doesn't acutally produce any bacon.
Don't you have that tingly feeling.
Hope you like paying for health care for illegal aliens. It's in there! Deny it all you like, you WILL learn in time!!!
There's TONS of stuff in there you will LOVE when the public finds out. They will know who voted for all the crap, too.
Hide behind the "build schools" mantra. Quick. Mind as well stay there, too.
Backlash is coming. Give it a little time. In the meantime, feel free to blatantly insult any conservative you come across :)
Villa - you are such a little girl. I am not Bernie for sure.
ReplyDeleteYou really have deteriorated over the years.
Consider working toward a level of maturity where you are making some contributions to society.
Instead playing in the mud all day long is your game. Do something positive with your experiences and help others.
Stop being so obsessed with destroying.
You are the one with the multiple personality disorder in this town. No one else.
Meds might help. Peace
P.S. - Bernie must be away so the mice can play.
I have deleted Villas' comments on the other blogs published today. I'll let their childish taunts stand here because some of you responded to them. Remember, these are the folks Pawlowski chose to do his interview. We can see what they're like. What does this say about A-town's mayor?
ReplyDeleteHey Bernie, look on the bright side of things, the massive boycott against your blog, organized by the villas, must have falling to deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteEckville, Are you me, too? I'm afraid to talk to you bc there's a "vill" in your name.
ReplyDeleteI find it incredible that the Mayor of any city would stoop so low as to be interviewed with two such apparent self obsessed glory seekers.
ReplyDeleteThe level of respect I had for this mayor went down a couple of notches as a result of the Lehigh Valley Nobody interview.
I spoke to an ardent supporter of the mayor and they commented on his ineptness in not checking out the MO of the Villas prior to the interview.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBernie, 10:03 was me. I'm computer challenged.
ReplyDeleteIn response to your comment 8:24, SPOOKY. NOT?
Well, I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day even though there's a "vill" in your name.
ReplyDeleteRemember, these are the folks Pawlowski chose to do his interview.
ReplyDeleteBernie, it wasn't a real interview. They didn't sit down with Pawlowski. Some of the questions weren't even legit; they were based off of Villas hate for you - completely irrelevant and probably all posted anonymously by the Villas.
It's questionable whether or not Pawlowski even answered those questions himself since the Villas note that they had to send them to "his people."
There's no credibility to any of it.
Why do you people continue to attack parents who lost a child. You are very mean and show no class in your vile attacks.
ReplyDeleteGee, well perhaps the Villas should think twice then because some of the people they attack have suffered the loss of children, too.
ReplyDeleteThis is a father and step-mother who use that tragedy to justify vicious attacks on others, including me, MM, AJ, NLVLogic, Pam Varkony (who also lost a child), Michael Donovan (who also lost a chld), Scott Armstrong, KathyD, Retired ASD Teacher, a Catholic priest in training, The Banker, Politically Neutral, Jonah, Oh For Pete's Sake, Not Too Casual Observer, LC DA Jim Martin, NC DA John Morganelli, District Judge Capobianco, Glenn Kranzley, Bill White and on and on we go.
They are Internet bullies who have come into my house and disrupted meaningful discussion. I created the troll blog, in part, as a playground to keep Villa occupied and away from the blogs. It even worked for a time, until I opened my big mouth and mentioned it.
I don't know a single soul who does not have the deepest sympathy for the loss of any parent who loses a child. But Villa uses his loss as a weapon to hurt people.
This post was not about him, but he came on here and attacked people, and some of them responded. They had every right. It must be very insulting for them to read that they are not who they say they are and to see their opinions given such disprespct by people with a vendetta. They are justifiably concerned when the Villas also impersonate them. It's downright creepy.
The Villas have marginalized themselves and have no one to blame but themselves. But the reason he's here is bc he wants to marginalize everyone else, too. He wants to destroy meaningful discussion and it makes no difference that he takes himself out of action, too.
"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow." "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brother only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
ReplyDeleteMatthew 5:38-48
Easy to blog about. Virtually impossible to do. But we can strive...
Peace be with you, ~~Alex J.
I supported Villa and went to the limit for him in trying to help following the tragedy involving his daughter.
ReplyDeleteHe then starts to communicate with me under the name of another blogger. Kind of psycho if you ask me.
The Villas are not the only ones who have experienced a loss as Bernie has said. But for some reason they think they are unique.
They have abused far more people than supposedly have besmirched them. They reap what they sow.
Bill needs to constrain his childish impulses of generalized rage against the world.
I am sure their must be tremendous frustration in trying to keep all of his blog personalities separate and distinct. He is becoming increasingly transparent to the blog community.
People have an infinite capacity to forgive but Villa keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. God only knows for what reason.
An angry Priest who does not turn the cheek but ofers sarcastic help is hard to listen too. Why not reach out and help this family in crisis.
ReplyDeleteI have reached out and will continue to. But I can only go so far. If the other party doesn't want help or chooses not to listen, I can't force myself. Free will is a stumbling block, sometimes.
ReplyDeleteBut please don't call Father Alec a sacastic priest. You offend the creator and all his creations.
Peace be with you, ~~Alex
He just did. You're too far gone to see it.
ReplyDeleteVilla - What do you need?
ReplyDeleteI have seen so many people in this community give you so much.
But it never seems to be enough.