Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don Cunningham To Announce Reelection Bid Tonight

Who: Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham

What: Re-election announcement

Where: The Palace Center

623 Hanover Ave.

Allentown, PA 18109

When: 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17

Don makes the difficult look easy. His campaign web page is here.


  1. cunningham is very clintonesque. so far he built a new courthouse one half of the planned size for three quarters the price, and then purchased an entire 6 story office building for a 911 center. he allowed cedarbrook to unionize by an intimidating open vote and is tearing down an historic bridge costing the taxpayers millions more for something which will never last as long. rock on don!

  2. Did Molovinsky just say, "rock on don!"?

  3. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's an endorsement.

  4. I thought he was running for governor?

    He wouldn't run for re-election as exec already knowing he wants to leave, would he?

  5. It's no secret he'd like to be Governor. He's been open about that. But it is difficult to mount a statewide campaign from the LV and everything has to fall just right. So why shouldn't he seek reelection to a job he's already doing well, as evidenced by the failure of the Rs to produce a viable candidate?

  6. What do you mean the R's have no viable candidate. Bernie, you don't think Julian Stolz is a viable candidate since Osborne dropped out? For those of you that can't tell I am being ver sarcastic.

  7. Osborne dropped out, wow, Cunningham is a lock for re-election, i wonder if Osborne is going to re-run in South Whitehall

  8. Retired ASD teacher here (the REAL one).

    No, Bill, Retired ASD teacher here is NOT Bernie O'Hare! If you prefer, I'll post a few details that Bernie could never know.

    Give it a rest! Also realize, NOTHING from my pen has damaged you or Angie. Quite the contrary.

  9. The new comment character "KathyD" is really Bernie O'Hare.

    So is "The Banker"

    "Retired ASD Teacher"

    "Politically Neutral"


    and countless "anonymous" (wink wink) commenters.

    All are Bernie O'Hare.

    You are being duped by a master.

  10. Villa, the grown ups are busy.

  11. Retired ASD teacher here (the REAL ONE).

    OK, Bill, here 'ya go . . .

    Room 108, Room 110
    Sue in the office
    Shari and the front entrance

    Should I continue?

  12. O.K. Bill. Anonymous here. Jersey Turnpike. Vince Lombardi Rest Area. Should I continue?

  13. Bernie,

    I'm a fan of your work. Ed Pawlowski has a primary opponent. His name is Dick Nepon. He is currently a city employee.

    So glad someone wants to take this corrupt bastard on.

  14. Wow, I'm not running. The R's have someone

  15. The R's have no one that can beat Cunningham, everyone is running scared of the Donald. 2009 is the year of Obama and the Democrats

  16. Maybe Sam will switch parties and run as a R. She's wierd enough.


  17. retired teacher, i'm afraid the villa's will not" knock it off", on the contrary. in a blog concerning me, the villa's (angie has said "merci" too many times to be separated from his antics) implied i made statements which they know i didn't make. when pressed about their dishonesty, they state because my blog is moderated(ironically because of them), comments appearing there have my implicit agreement, that is absurd. i routinely print comments which disagree with my POV. it is unusual for a woman involved in both the arts and education to hold the truth in such low esteem.

  18. The name "Mike Molovinsky" is synonymous with the expression, "he can dish it out but he can't take it."

  19. Instead of trashing Molovinsky, it's time for you to apologize to the Retired ASD Teacher that you have been impersonating for months. I guess you're not man enough, just like you're too cowardly to sign your posts, Villa.

  20. villa is synonymous with cowardly, that is why he alternates between being offensive like "mohammed ali" and defensive as a" grieving parent". although he brays about winning the harassment case against him, he had it postponed twice already. in addition to creating numerous sock puppets to comment on their blog, they sent out emails requesting people to comment, outright dishonest phonies.

  21. Has DC cut spending? IMO, that's the 1st question one should ask any executive running for re-election. I understand you're going to approach the citizenry w/ admonishments to sacrifice (ie, pay more taxes). The real question, however, is do you have the "guts" to make cuts in gov't spending? Obama - No. Rendell - No. Cunningham - ?

    As far as Governor, can he make it past the primary? What skeletons (if any) are there rattling around in his closet, that the Demo opposition in Philly will exploit?

  22. You heard it here first:

    Donny C's extra marital issues will be put front and center if he runs, and I can tell you right now, he isn't. Rendell's boys have already warned him that he won't get help from any of their sources.

    For now he's going through the motions to save face, that's all.

    It will be Vietnam Combat Medal Winner Wagner versus Corbett. You can put money on it. Corbett wins, and Morganelli finally gets to be Attorney General in 2012. Cha-

    Now I gotta get back to cleaning up after the party. Tony phillips is announcing here tomorrow. God, that will make me some great U-Tube video!

  23. "What skeletons (if any) are there rattling around in his closet, that the Demo opposition in Philly will exploit?"

    Looks to me like the only one rattling any skeletons is you, and anonymously at that.

  24. Bernie,

    I am going to go OT and I apologize. If I can get this point across, I think that this might put a little more perspective on this dilemma. If this doesn't work, well pure reasoning is lost and I can feel everyone's frustration.

    Today's Gospel reading dealt with prepartion and controversy. Controversy that us, as people of the Gospel, are not spreading the counter culture message of the Gospel to today's people. Instead the religious feel comfortable on going through the motions and not creating any waves. Well this is wrong. People should hate me. People should want nothing to do with me. People should want to shut me up. People should want to beat me. Because I am chastizing them. Because I am telling them they are living a life of sin. Because I am telling them that they are doing an injustice to themselves.

    This is where the prepartion comes into the playing field for all of you and me. If I don't do this and if you don't adhere to these things, what good is it? (God forbid,) but if any of you were to die tonight, tomorrow, or soon, would you be prepared to meet judgement? You never know when your time is up. Some of the behavior exhibited here is less than cordial. It is down right poor. How will you explain this to a God that sees EVERYTHING? There is no lying to him. The time is now. Get a handle on things, before it is too late.

    Pray for me, I will pray for you.

    Peace be with you, ~~Alex

  25. "KathyD" is really Bernie O'Hare.

    So is "The Banker"

    "Retired ASD Teacher"

    "Politically Neutral"


    and countless "anonymous" (wink wink) commenters.

    All are Bernie O'Hare.

    You are being duped by a master.

  26. "Retired ASD Teacher" (wink wink) said ...

    Room 108, Room 110
    Sue in the office
    Shari and the front entrance

    Should I continue?

    This "info" comes from O'Hare's nephew who works in the ASD. It proves nothing. "Retired ASD Teacher" is Bernie O'Hare.

  27. Villa,

    My nephew teaches at a middle school in A-town, but NOT at some school on south side, which was the one mentioned by Retired ASD Teacher. He would know know the person in the front office when your wife and he were at the same school. How the hell would he know that stuff?

    This comes from somoene who knows your wife and worked with her. it proves what we all know - YOU ARE A LIAR.

    But you believe if you tewll a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will believe.

    Unfortunately for you, this is not Nazi Germany.

  28. anon 4:21 wrote that I am running opposing Ed in the primary. I did not write that. I am gathering signatures on a petition, and anyone who wishes to can email me and let me know and I'll arrange to meet them. When I submit my petition, and survive any challenges, then I'll make an announcement. No one is running for Mayor until after the primary. Right now, we are only gathering signatures to be a contender for the party spot on the primary ballot, a party position, not a city position.

    I can be reached at richnepon@gmail.com

    Dick Nepon

  29. BO:

    You need to stop misspelling the same words when you post under your different identities. It gives you away. At least try to make the illusion work, okay?

  30. Villa, Well, I wouldn't know whether two of the people you mention misspell the same words but I am sane.

    I don't get obsessed like you.

    Retired ASD Teach disproved you rather nicely, but you already know you're lying. That's not the point. You just want to ruin this blog. Your action serves no legitimate purpose and is intened to harass.

    You are repeating lies you know are lies, following the Goebbels prescription.

  31. "Retired ASD Teacher" is Bernie O'Hare.

    So is "The Banker"

    "Politically Neutral"



    and countless anonymous (wink wink) commenters.

    All are Bernie O'Hare.

    You are being duped by a master liar.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.