Local Government TV

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bossman Long Thankfully Repudiates Democratic County Exec John Stoffa

I managed to get my hands on a news release trumpeting Joe Long's picks for county council and exec. Gee, thanks, Joe!

Bossman Long admits they were actually made at a "petition signing meeting," but what the hell. No need to actually notify anyone. Just how many Democratic committeemen were actually there? Three? Six? Long sure as hell sent no invitation to incumbent John Stoffa, who just happens to be a Democrat.

The Bossman characterizes his action as "a bold statement protesting County Executive John Stoffa’s decisions and lack of leadership within the Democratic Party." What Long fails to understand is that the county executive is elected to lead ALL the people, not just Democrats.

Long also brays, "The County Executive supports Republican candidates for election and has turned his back on his own Party."

Horrors! A county executive who thinks both sides might have good ideas! One who condemns the sleaze campaign run last year by Scissorhands Severson. How terrible!

Thank God for Ann McHale. She and her country club pals are great Democrats and the cash drawer will be wide open for insurance contracts and whatever else they may want.

Party time.


  1. "The Banker" is Bernie O'Hare.

  2. Well I'd guess heckman won't be too happy with this if he runs. If he doesn't run he might decide to pay back Long by backing Stoffa. I guess that would suck for mcHale..

  3. ask long if he ever supported a gop candidate... I know he did.

  4. any bets on how long it will take the bossman to order a cease and desist of the facebook page?

  5. which Republican candidate is Stoffa supporting... and what is Herr Long's evidence of such support?

  6. "any bets on how long it will take the bossman to order a cease and desist of the facebook page?"

    I've asked Joe Long to be my Facebook friend.

  7. Bonie O'Hara. Did Joe Long ever get caught admiring himself in his birthday suit in front of a mirror in a public restroom in the Northampton County courthouse ?

  8. Truthfully, there's not much to admire. I've been in a bathroom with him and he needs a microscope.

  9. Long was a big supporter of Republican Joe Ulianna. Now he just craps on any Dem that doesn't kiss his ample ass. He and his young disciplles don't just disrespect people like Stoffa nad Heckman, it diminishes the entire Democratic Party.
    Long and his new Dems' have brought us Team Dert and Sam Bennett, is that the future of our Party?

  10. "Long was a big supporter of Republican Joe Ulianna."

    Is there any independent evidence to support this accusation?

  11. I signed a petition today for Sal Panto to run for County Executive. They were circulating the neighborhood. I wonder what bossman Long thinks of that?

  12. I signed a petition today for Sal Panto to run for County Executive. They were circulating the neighborhood. I wonder what bossman Long thinks of that?

  13. Whether it is Sal Panto, Ron Heckman or John Stoffa, local Democrats make a big mistake by playing favorites. Party bosses who tell voters they know best usually are in for a rude surprise. It has happened repeatedly to Long and is about to happen again.

  14. Joe Long sucks monkey nuts. This is a man who endorsed Mike Fleck in the Primary over long time Dem Panto. Joe Long is a moron who has destroyed the democratic party. I hope he chokes on those monkey nuts.

  15. Truthfully, there's not much to admire. I've been in a bathroom with him and he needs a microscope.

    7:09 PM

    I knew you 2 were toe tappers in the john but can't figure out who's taking it up the ass?

  16. I never kiss and tell. Well, hardly ever.


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