Local Government TV

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well We're Living Here in Allentown

A powerful contrast of the Lehigh Valley, both when steel was King, and now.


  1. bernie, we were the Detroit of the 1980's!

  2. Allentown is the Detroit of today.

  3. Ha! Anon 1:43 have you BEEN to Detroit!? Not even close.

  4. I doubt anybody created music videos when the buggy whip industry was mothballed at the emergence of the horseless carriage.

    Ed Rendell knows that gambling is a suitable replacement. Bring on the Depends-wearing, progressive slots-playing Seniors. To hell with Steel.

  5. First There was the MDA "Telethon."

    Then there was "Toyotathon"

    Here on this blog, it is the Allentown

    "Hate-athon" led by Bernie O'Hater, with Scott, "Whinyboy" Armstrong as his Ed McMahon. Who is leading the band? Which one of you Anon sock puppets, Hayshaker, banker, or an anon you haven't given a name to yet?

    Or did molovinsky take the job?

    I think you should come to Ed P's kick off this week. we need someone to put on the tee to start the campaign game. I would love to see you show up and ask him a question, but you don't have the courage. You will sit here at your blog and lob your hate safely from afar, as you always do.

  6. Detroit has twice the unemployment rate and crime rate as Allentown. Ignorant comments like this keep the city down. The only way this city is going to improve is if businesses come to the city. Do you want the city to improve? Then stop trashing it and come up with creative ways to improve it.

  7. Anon 8:22,

    It's a great little video montage set to the music of a real artist who does not have to beg Butz for handouts. Like most true art, it is provocative and challenges the person who views it.

    You construe it as a slam at Pawlowski. Why? Feeling guilty?

  8. Detroit is also half deserted. Very little abandonment exists in Allentown.

    Some may not like all the people who choose to live her, but there is no shortage of people interested in calling Allentown home.

    The Detroit analogy is rather childish.

  9. Anon 9:11,

    Before Allentown can improve, it must recognize it has a problem. Allentown has several. For the past year, I've been posting about Allentowen's problems and have posited suggestions for improvement. The biggest improvement A-town could make right now is to increase the size of its police department, but that won't happen with Pawlowski at the helm of that sinking ship. He'd rather add housing inspectors than cops.

  10. Wow, I never knew there were coal mines in Allentown.

    Allentown, and the entire area, is a much better place today than in the dirty days of the steel mills.

    We gave up fat over paid balding guys, sauerkrout, and kilbsea, for a younger, more beautiful population, and a spectrum of ethnic fare throughout the city.

    Having the old wages would still be nice, but otherwise its a win all around!

  11. Anon 9:23,

    If you think the Allentown or Lehigh Valley of today is better than the Allentown or Lehigh Valley that existed thirty years ago, you are deluding yourself and attemting to delude everyone else.

    To give you an idea, ours is the first generation since this country was formed in which our children cannot look forward to a better life than the ones we are living.

    Those fat, balding, sauerkraut-eating people cared about their kids and tried their best to make sure their children had a life just a little better than theirs. And they were realist who knew you can't shine shit.

    You, on the other hand, are a different story altogether.

  12. I have deleted several comments posted by and related to the now deceased Marge Schott.

  13. Comments deleted, so much for freedom of speech. I'm not surprised considering this mick, potato eating blogger. They'd go too, all the dumb Irish. A potato famine, and none of them realized they were surrounded by fish and lived on an island. Dumb micks.

  14. Hey Marge Shott,

    Why don't you go back to sucking, ........
    sucking on those cancerrrr sticks, OH!!!!!!!

    You f***cking dead bitch!

    Mary mary quit contrary, Marges ghost is f***ing hairy,OHHHHHH!!!!

  15. Sorry, Marge. The Reds look pretty good next year, don't they?

  16. An apology from an Irishman, worth about as much as one of those wetback pesos my players are always grumbling about.

  17. Hey Diceman, I'm more alive than your career.

    Ya hear me?!


  18. A little sanity: I drove around Reading last week and saw many boarded-up rowhomes, sorta reminded me of North Philly (and I've spent a lot of time there). Allentown is not so bad; and as far as change, well, most of the U.S. and most of the new generation is not as well off than the America from 30 years ago. Allentown is no different than most city areas. The malling of America is more to blame or credit for that than anything any Allentown politician ever did (the malling of Hamilton Street may be an exception, Joe Daddonna). The only thing I agree with is the lack of police in Allentown. They are invisible and it must affect the quality of life.

  19. Yeah Allentown is sure better without the kraut eating bald Dutchmen. The new population is a lot prettier and real classy.
    They may be bald though, since with all the hoodies I can't tell if they have hair.

    If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much. And Allentown sure ain't much anymore.

  20. Bernie, The anonymous comment before mine is what I am talking about. Hope you see my point !!.. Bill

  21. Bill, that person is responding with some indignation, and rightly so, to a [erson who brags, "We gave up fat over paid balding guys, sauerkrout, and kilbsea, for a younger, more beautiful population, and a spectrum of ethnic fare throughout the city."

    That's an inflammatory statement designed to encourage the comment that followed.

  22. MM, BOH and SA are correct in their assessment of Allentown.

    Personally I do not care who turns Allentown around just as long as they do it.

    Those that see it as some developing rich cultural melting pot are deluding themselves. They fail to see the this "cultural richness" emanates from poverty.

    People come to Allentown based on financial and other socioeconomic survival issues and not because it is some grand multicultural enclave.

    The probably will start to celebrate gang colors. Perhaps the Holiday Inn or even better the Americus Hotel can host the Crips and Bloods annual meetings.

    I would like to see the rich whitey revisionists tour Allentown after dark and survive.

    They probably would greet the residents with "Yoh home boy Allentown culturally rich resident. Was'up mutha."

    So where do we go after restaurants? Will 2009 witness the closing of the ABW and the Amazon Cafe?

    I heard that JM's was going to be the Pawlowski campaign headquarters.

  23. "if you work hard, if you behave"... well, I guess that's why I've become such a dud!

    This song always made me laugh b/c it was about Bethlehem. Heck, even the first industrial image was Bethlehem Steel. But Bethlehem didn't fit into the lyrics.

    Personally, i love allentown, problems and all. It's why I live where I live. My biggest gripe, everyday, is the people who have nothing of their own at stake who write off this city. No neighborhood or community deserves that. No person deserves that. Observing the work of Bethlehem in the early 1990's, that appears to be the governing philosphy that works best in reviving a community.

  24. Geoff,

    Billy Joel's song, as you correctly note is actually about Bethlehem. The demise of BS affected the entire region, including A-town. Some areas have recovered pretty well; others have not.

    I think it's sad that yours is the first American generation whose kids will most likely be worse off than you. I think the song is about that. There's lots of reasons for that. Most of them have little to do with local government. Yet one person construes it as a slam at pawlowski. Another irrationally bashes the Pa. Dutch.

    I personally like what you're doing.

  25. The assumption that the hispanic population of Allentown consists solely of poor welfare hounds is absolutely outrageous. The diversity we celebrate in Allentown (those of us who actually live here and go out at night and support local businesses) are familiar with the dozens and dozens of latino business owners (many of whom are also home owners). These responsible citizens, no matter what race or ethnicity, want the gangs out of Allentown, too. Bernie, I've seen posts where you complain about the Mayor not looking out for the working poor, but these blogs that trash the city also hurt the working poor. People trying to get by here are HURT when their city is written off as a trashy, miserable, failure. It is not. There is so much potential here, and it kills me that people don't see it. How can the city afford more police if you and others are constantly suggesting that residents need to "hide behind trees to avoid being shot" and all of the nasty diatribes about hoodie-wearing animals. It is frustrating!

  26. Anon 9:30,

    This blog, which really is just Billy Joel's song set to some interesting images, does not bash A-town's Hispanic population. But it also, in my view, tells the truth, at least in an artistic way. The main theme, and it's a disturbing one, is the interruption of the American dream. Every kid should have the same chance his father did. That is no longer true.

    Also, to suggest A-town is some kind of Shangri-La is to ignore reality. Unfortunately, that has been the approach of too many people, who choose to ignore reality. In truth, it IS an unsafe place. In truth, people stay away bc it IS an unsafe place. I resent any person who refers to another human being as an "animal," and my comment about hiding behind a tree, made in a Treevitalize post, was made in jest. You have to laugh a little, dude. You also have to be honest. I'll agree A-town has terrific potential. But it is also, like it or not, a miserable failure. Its pay to play mayor has no interest in protecting the working poor, a real abdication of his responsibility as a civil servant. Contrary to what one person has suggested elsewhere, he has refused to meet his critics and instead tries to smear them with the politics of personal destruction. A few restaurants here and there will NOT solve A-town's crime problem. Moreover, he ignored the promises he made about public safety the first time he ran.

  27. Bernie,

    I know that my generation is incredibly vulnerable right now. I have friends who have advanced degrees and are qualified for jobs that simply don't exist right now. I don't know if those jobs will ever be re-created once the economy is corrected. I also look at the number of friends I have that are forced to live with their parents until they get on their feet financially. Generation X (roughly 30-45 years of age) bolted the nest immediately b/c they had opportunity. My generation is not so fortunate.

    I think my generation will eventually be better off than my parents' generation, but it's not going to happen when we are in our 30's or 40's. Then again, I don't know many boomers who are looking at their retirement right now with a great deal of confidence. I have a feeling my generation will be the opposite when we hit that age. If we can stay sane long enough to get there.

  28. And thanks for the vote of confidence.

  29. IRONPIGPEN Headquarters East is in a secret location just west of the Hannover Bridge. IRONPIGPEN lives in the Franklin Park district.

    IRONPIGPEN oftentimes works very late.

    Anyone who thinks Allentown is super safe and hoodies mean nothing should come have a late night tour of the secret IRONPIGPEN facilities.

    We can then stroll through the heart of the city by the moonlight and, if we live, discuss the latest edition of IRONPIGPEN: The Pork Stops Here!

    It's all the Pennsylvania Dutch's fault!

  30. Don't be fooled.

    Bernie knows darn well the fear mongering he participates in huts Allentown and its working people.

    That is his intent. Bernie intentionally frames a negative picture of our city by choosing what to cover because he is upset Pawlowski won't return his calls.

  31. Don't be fooled.

    The propaganda machine is hard at work. Tell big fat whoppers and keep repeating them, and the sheeple will follow. Billy Joel must hate pawlowski, too.

    Oh yeah,amd while you're at it, slam the " fat over paid balding guys, sauerkrout, and kilbsea," and praise the "younger, more beautiful population, and a spectrum of ethnic fare throughout the city."

    Allentown's real problem is a lack of leadership and sycophants of a courrupt system, who will lie if it suits their purpose.

  32. OK, I'll say one thing and then just throw up my hands. I live here. In center city. I have kids. There are A LOT of things that concern me and bother me. Gangs being #1. ASD has major issues. The people I know that like Allentown and tout the good qualities just want to see the city succeed, we are not delusional, we just refuse to be bogged down in a spiral of negativity. I do believe this is a dangerous city to live in if you are a gang member or drug dealer. The random violence that I've read about lately has happened in S. Whitehall and S. Bethlehem.
    I'm frustrated by all the bad blood in these blogs. Look, if I like the city, it doesn't mean I'm 'sheeple' who LOOOOOOOOVES everything the mayor does. Life isn't that black or white. I'm a glass half full person whose extended family includes both bald germans AND hispanics. I want my kids to grow up safe and happy, but I don't want to live in a mcmansion in the suburbs surrounded by scared white people. I believe in the future of the city, whole heartedly, and I think it depends more on the citizens than the politicians.

    sorry to be long winded!

  33. "I believe in the future of the city, whole heartedly, and I think it depends more on the citizens than the politicians."

    YES! Politicians come and go. Citizens endure. This is the root of people politics and it's the kind of politics badly missing in this country (not just in Allentown).

    Note to politicians: if you aren't a good citizen first, don't run for office.

  34. Anon 9:19,

    No need to be sorry. As you may have noticed, I'm pretty long-winded myself. There is a difference between wanting your city to succeed (we all do) and refusing to accept any constructive criticism about what has gone wrong. Unfortunately, there is a contingent that definitely is in the delusional category.

    When I write about A-town, I treat it just like any other LV community. It has many great qualities. My grandson lives there. My sister lives there. My girlfriend has a shop there, along Hamilton Street. But Allentown, just like Bethlehem or Easton or anywhere else, has its share of problems. The difference that I see between A-town and other LV communities is a large contingent who refuse to recognize those problems or pretend they don't exist. Criticism is responded to with personal attacks. Noting a very real crime problem results in the bashing of its white, Pa. Dutch population, as happened right here by one of the propaganda artistes.

    A-town is the only LV community that actually has propaganda or puff blogs designed to make sure that only the "good" news is heard instead of the gritty reality.

  35. Selective perception is not necessarily reality.

    Of course there is potential in Allentown. Some of you act like you are the only ones who live here.

    Of course not all poor are Hispanic. Everyone who discusses this issue is so quick to throw out the Hispanic thing. On both sides. Like the "one of my best friends is Hispanic" attitudes that so many whiteys have.

    When I go to a meeting and idiots focus on gays and grays as the 'new" demographic target, they insult us "breeders" who are raising children as insignificant.

    You all need to treat people as people and not assume you have some lock on the perception of what is happening in this city.

    In balance I see MM, BOH and SA perceptions of the state of the city as more accurate.

    Not that I completely agree with them. But their perception is more on target that the Peter Pans who who so often use profanity against every person that challenges them.

    Damn where are all these Peter Pan concerned people when it comes to making a statement on a blog or engaging in a community group?

    Can they make a stand without calling everyoen else an A** H***.

  36. Good news isn't part of reality?

  37. No one criticizes good news as long as it is not blown up to be more than it really is?

    Also is good news a new restaurant or a new business that provides a decent wage to people living in downtown Allentown?

    So I guess we could debate this for ever.

    I am tired of this thread. I give up, you win.

    My last post to this thread. I concede that I am just negative and find everything wrong with Allentown and nothing right.

    I must just be an idiot for living here the past 30 years.

    So curse me for it you fool.

    I hope you feel better Anon whoever.

  38. Hey, I'd like to point out that Allentown isn't just one community. It's a city of 100,000: there's quite a few communities in there. There are parts of the city that are still doing great and there are parts that have fallen on some hard times. But let's not pretend that you can't be anywhere within city limits after dark.

  39. Good news is certainly part of reality, but refusing to recognize a problem is delusional. A-town, like no other community, has a very large contingent that dismisses constructive criticism with personal attacks and will only tolerate "good" things being said.

  40. On a slightly different note, the USS Des Moines CA134 built by BSC Mass was the last surviving WWII battleship and was in storage in the Phila Reserve Basin. Two groups attempted to save her but two years ago she was sent on her final voyage to be scrapped in Texas. She was quite impressive with her big guns and teakwood deck. Hard to believe it could now possibly be part of a foreign manufactured car.

    Speaking of Detroit, went to look at GM cars recently only to find out the G6 and G8 were manufactured in Australia. So much for American made.

    Thanks for the video. I'd love to see Bily Joel as the first act at SteelStacks.

  41. Don't you love the irony?

    BJ's song was written about Bethlehem, but he used "Allentown" for purposes of alliteration. 25-30 years later, Bethlehem has made it through those tough times pretty well (one of USA's most livable cities) while Allentown has sunk lower and lower, to the point that it may be worse off than the city BJ was writing about in 1982.

    When I was a young lad, Allentown was the standard by which smaller cities were measured. I remember almost everything about Atown was either unique or successful. A thriving downtown...a successful Park & Shop program...a daily, evening and Sunday newspaper...clean residential neighborhoods... successful small businesses... examples civic pride were everywhere, from the fabulous park system, to magnificent public areas and buildings. What's left? Why was the decline so steep? Is there anyone left who gives a damn? People make the difference. In some cities, the right people are elected. Citizens will not accept mediocrity in some communities. In Allentown, mediocrity has become the watchword. Citizens don't seem to care...their elected officials are fools... It will take smart, engaged citizens to win Allentown back, pulling it from the depths to which it has fallen.


  42. Not sure what I'm getting myself into here, but I just wanted to say thanks for posting this.

    My father worked for many many years at what was called Phoenix Steel in Claymont (is it Citi Steel now?) and I was entirely too small a child to have ever seen the inside of the place. That steel factory is (I believe) one of the few still operating in that region.

    That's all, just thanks for the inside peek at a small piece of my history.

  43. Mr. Lady, It's an honor to hear from someone in Vancouver. I'm glad you liked this little video, but it was put together by someone else, not me.


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