Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Pawlowski Sends Campaign Mailer Instead of Reporting Contributions

Last week, Lehigh County Voting Registrar Stacy Sterner agreed that Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski must amend a campaign finance report that falsely claims no contributions and no treasury. His campaign must file a thirty day post-election report, too. But Sterner was told Pawlowski was on holiday, so she did not expect to give him the bad news until this week.

Mayor Ed's campaign had no time to prepare the correct campaign finance reports last week. But a campaign that claims no money somehow had both the time and money to send out a mailer inviting everyone to his reelection campaign kick-off on January 14 at The Palace Center, 623 Hanover Avenue. Must be magic.

Everyone is invited to "celebrate the accomplishments of the last three years" and listen yet again to King Ed discuss his "vision for the future of Pennsylvania's third-largest city." I'm sure he'll have plenty of kool-aid in hand.


  1. I'll bet if he paid you as much as Angle and Dent, you would love him.

  2. Bernie,

    As Ed has created expensive new positions and filled them with people who do the work a mayor used to do he is free to work on the "big picture". The big picture is of course himself.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. I admire his chutzpah.

  4. This must be why he held two fundraisers this year, while current candidates were trying to fund current campaigns. He was obviously less than successful as he reported, because no one wants to fund him. So it is probably quite true that he has no money. Maybe he should take the hint and just not run.

  5. "I'll bet if he paid you as much as Angle and Dent, you would love him."

    A personal attack following a criticism of Pawlowski's lack of transparency. There's a shocker. Ed must be back from Chicagi.

  6. Did Angle report his fundraising event with Dent this summer? Or do you just make attacks against Democrats.

  7. Yesterday's blog about JC Kelleher was an attack against a Republican. I'm an equal opportunity offender. Pawlowski's little trick is to misdirect people, trying to divert them from the subject at hand, which in this case is his own very clear campaign finance violations.

    I was at that Angle event this summer. That night, somebody vandalized Angle's property and even shot one of his sheep. It was no fundraiser. It was a picnic. Nobody passed around a hat for Dent, who was not there very long. But if anybody donmated money to Dent that day, I'm sure it was reported. He follows the law. If you'd like to make a complaint, please do so.

  8. In other words because it was an O'Hare approved event, NO MORE QUESTIONS!

  9. Bernie, do you plan on attending the January 14 kick-off and calling the mayor out on his campaign finance reports?

    Or would he have you shot on site if you came anywhere near him?

  10. Please explain. What leadership has Pawlowski provided to his city?

    Also, if you can. How is Allentown a better place today than it was when Ed was elected, or when Ed was SECOND in command?

    Raise your hand if you believe Ed has been a good Mayor,i.e., just what that troubled city needs.

  11. Anon 8:21 - why don't you run? Anybody with an unsubstantiated mouth like yours was made for public office.

  12. How can he runb? Looks like King Ed is soaking up all the campaign dough, even in off years.

  13. Prediction: Pawlowski will win with more than 60% of the vote. I am not saying I agree. I am just an insider with some information

  14. Anon 6:41, He's an incumbent and a pay to play pol. I suspect you are right.

  15. I guess that is the same reason Stoffa will win, right?

  16. Stoffa will win bc he is an honest and decent man who eschews these practices. Over the past three years, he has made plenty of enemies among the political hacks and pay to play crowd, but people see thru that crap.

  17. Way to ruin my birthday King Edwin. Geeze.


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