Local Government TV

Friday, January 16, 2009

Joe the Mayor Appointed to Northampton County Council

Whenever the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, calls, it's almost always at the crack of dawn. I'm usually in the middle of a good dream and yesterday morning was no exception. Just as I was about to take a ride to space mountain with Angelina Jolie, the phone rang.

"So, who do you think is going to get the appointment?"

"Nobody. This one's going to the courts, Ron."

"That's where you're wrong. Joe Capozzolo will get the appointment. I'm about to run a play like you've never seen."

Before the night was over, Democratic Bangor Mayor Joe Capozzolo (you can read about him here) was appointed to council. It was a surreal vote that occurred after almost all the candidates had left and reporters were in the hallway, speaking to a few disappointed candidates. Here's the play by play.

Round 1. Democrat Marilyn Lieberman or Republican Bruce Gilbert. Deadlock.

"I know this was going to happen," laments Council Prez Ann McHale.

Round 2. Democrat Bill Wallace or Republican Esther Lee. Deadlock.

Round 3. Democrats Joe Cappozola, Marilyn Lieberman or Republican Karen Clarkson. Deadlock.

Round 4. Democrat Marilyn Lieberman or Republican Larry Kisslinger. Deadlock.

Round 5. Democrat Bill Wallace or Republican Mark Schwartz. Deadlock.

"Are we ready to let the courts decide on this?" pleads Council Prez Ann McHale.

Charles Dertinger is "at a loss" to understand why Lieberman has not been appointed and Lamont McClure accuses Republicans of partisanship. Angle protests that Republicans nominated two people of color (Lee and Gilbert) as well as a Democrat (Capozzolo).

McHale: "This is not about race, Mr. Angle."

Angle: "We're willing to give you a Democrat, but does it have to be your Democrat? You people still believe you have a seven person majority. You don't."

Peg Ferraro: "Bruce Gilbert has an MBA and is an expert in finance. he brings a fresh perspective to that area."

Dertinger: "What you are trying to do is steal the balance of power or play the race card."

Ferraro (angry): "Do you not ever do that! Do you not ever do that!"

Round 6: Ask the courts to appoint a council member. Deadlock.

McClure: "I'm willing to sit here all night and into tomorrow . This is a complete abdication of our responsibility. It is defeatism in the extreme. It is the worst possible result. This is our responsibility. It is not the court's responsibility."

Angle: "We have offered you compromise three times. You're stuck on Marilyn Lieberman. She would be your person."

Round 7: Democratic strongman Rodney Applegate, who has not even applied, is nominated by McClure. Diane Neiper seconds the nomination with a "Good man!" Angle nominates Dick Cheney and Ferraro nominates Bruce Gilbert. Deadlock.

Round 8: Angle nominates retired Judge Jim Hogan, who happens to be a Democrat. McClure nominates Marilyn Lieberman. The Democrats all ignore a retired Democratic judge. Deadlock.

Angle: "It's not the Republicans, folks"

Round 9: Angle nominates Pope Benedict. No second.

Ferraro to Democrats: "Why wouldn't you vote for Hogan?"

Dertinger to Republicans: "Why wouldn't you vote for Lieberman?"

John Cusick: "I could not support Marilyn Lieberman because of her support of the 2001 bond."

Angle: "She's a loyal follower of Glenn Reibman."

Round 10: Democrat Bill Wallace and Democrat Joe Capozzolo. Deadlock.

Round 11: Angle nominates Morning Call columnist and non-county resident Bill White. Nobody seconds. Sorry, Bill.

Round 12: Ask the courts to decide. Motion passes, with only McClure and Dertinger voting No.

After spinning their wheels and going nowhere, council sputtered through the seven remaining items on the agenda. As they moved onto the last item, Lamont McClure got up and whispered into Ann McHale's ear.

Before long, McClure was speaking instead of whispering. Correctly characterizing council's inability to appoint a council member as an "abject partisan failure," he nominated Bangor Mayor Joe Capozzolo. This time, the vote was unanimous. When he voted, Angle said, "I really wanted Marilyn Lieberman but I'm willing to take you."

Ascending to the dais, a stunned Joe Cappozzolo said, "I guess waiting around after everyone left paid off. Eighty per cent of success is showing up."


  1. What a farce! Winning by contrition? Hanging around til the end is the formula? Pathetic and so is the mayor! This guy was chosen because he won't make waves and will sit in his seat like a good boy should! Good riddance and farewell from the good people of Bangor. You can have him!

  2. this is politics at its worst- ask anyone on bangor's borough council about this guy's attendance or involvement at council meetings. he couldn't make it at moravian and the only reason he has a "job" at windjammer is because his father owns the company. he is angle's "puppet" and i can't believe this is the best choice for our county. this appointment is truly an embarrassment.....

  3. this guy was a republican when he ran for mayor-when did this "bum" become a democrat?

  4. I have to get these meetings on my calendar.

    Seriously though, I have the luxury of living in Lehigh County, so I can laugh. Northampton County residents have my sympathy, I know it's not a laughing matter to you.

    The Banker

  5. we reap what we sow

  6. This is the worst travesty of democracy I have every read!

    The best we could hope is to reject current incumbents by not re-electing them this year and get new blood on the County Council who will run our county government.

    The contempt Ron Angle demonstrated for the government body and others on which they serve should be condemned and the best thing he could do is follow through on his threat to resign!

    It is clear we need “the devil we don’t know instead of the devils we currently know” representing us!

  7. How funny Cusik was against Lieberman for the bond since he was trying to add another 25 million to the county bonds during this years budget that the executive didn't want to spend.

  8. McClueless was sandbagged, hornswaggled, and generally made to look like an ass - all by a farmer with shit on his boots. Lamont talks about an abdication of responsibility as if he's posed squarely in front of his mirror.

  9. Ron should be very excited with this outcome. Having his brother-in-law Joe on Council now means his usual losses of 8-1 for his crazy stunts will now be 7-2.
    A great day for Northampton County.

  10. [Dertinger: "What you are trying to do is steal the balance of power or play the race card."]

    Comfort us, we get to run this guy out of office soon.

  11. Bangor's former Mayor, Carol Leigh Cuono had to legally resign as Mayor of Bangor before being sworn in as a Northampton County Councilwoman. How can Joe Capozzolo serve two masters at the same time, who changed the law?

  12. He's our mayor in name only! Don't worry..he'll never show up for county council meetings cause he never came to Bangor Boro meetings! Won the battle by attrition of his opponents..just freakin' hilarious! Shame on all of you NH conty councilpeople.

  13. i hope this serves as a wakeup call to all of us NC taxpayers- its time that the circus ends! let us all clean the slate when the election comes around- enough is enough!

  14. I bumped into Joe the Councilman today and he told me he switched to Dem in '07 bc he knew the primary would be historically signifigant. He told me he has remained a Dem but considers himself a "Republicrat" and doesn't attach much weught to party labels.

  15. As long as Angle is there, the circus will remain. He's the ring master.

  16. Anon 3:04,

    To answer your question, Cuomo resigned her position and even Angle was forced to resign from the Bangor Area School Board. He wwas facing litigation from council over holding two offices.

    All that changed when Tony Branco was appointed to Council. At the time, he was also President of Hellertown Borough Council. Council Solicitor (now Judge) Leonard Zito ruled that a council member can hold other offices and that the state constitution, not a home rule charter, determines whether dual offices are incompatible.

    Having noted Zito's opinion that this is legal, I agree completely with the argument that it is impossible to serve two masters. I consider it bad practice for a county council member to also be a member of another municipal government. It creates a conflict of interest.

    The county HRC also prohibits its solicitor from serving as a municipal solicitor. This has been construed to apply to the solicitor, but not his assistants. Why not?

    I have high regard for the legal abilities of the assistant county solicitors who also serve as municipal solicitors, but think the practice should end. I would not penalize the people who are there now, but would apply a prohibition prospectively if I were King.

  17. Anon 4:03,

    If Angle is the ring master, what does that say about Dertinger, Neiper, McClure & McHale?

  18. Angle is the Slate Belts revenge for all the neglect fostered on our part of the county. For decades we were the red headed step child of the county so now we continue to send Ron back year after year just to give the rest of the county a taste of Northern Comfort!

  19. I get it, Dave. He's a bastard, but he's your bastard. He ran circles around them last night.

  20. So why did McClure nominate Joe and why did everyone jump on board?

  21. Bernie- you have sold your soul to the ring master!

  22. Annon12:08, I think McClure got outfoxed. After his soul wrenching speech about responsibility, he wanted to keep it from the Courts. He probably cut a quick deal with McHale & Comp. to put him on. McClure may be an attorney but he is none to swift. Even if Stoffa does not run I cannot immagine any of these goofs becoming County Executive.

    Good Grief.

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  24. Dave, if thats his or her real name, continues to bash a good public servant. Capozzolo will straighten out those clowns down in Easton.
    As for "Dave", he is pathetic. Get a life, contribute SOMETHING!

    FROM: a real Slater


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