Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Spaz - RIP

Charlie Spaziani was my dad's opponent for Northampton County DA in '68. My dad was still in the middle of a police corruption investigation, so he decided he better run for a second term, something unheard of in those days. Spaz' campaign pitch was that no DA should be in office more than one term. The people bought it, too. On election night, a radio station called for a live interview. My dad's magnanimous words?

"The people have spoken. Fuck 'em."

Charlie would probably have said the same thing had he lost. When Spaz ran for his second term, my dad supported him. Soon after that, they were both members of a convicted murderer's wedding party. At various points in their careers, they had both prosecuted and defended this guy. I guess he was like family. They chipped in to get him a nice wedding suit and President Judge Palmer officiated at the ceremony in Courtroom 1.

Lots of people have law degrees, but there are very few lawyers. Charlie Spaziani was a lawyer, one of the best.


  1. I can honestly tell you, we had some characters that were always in our shop, especially before we moved from Butler Street in Easton to the "Boro" on Northampton Street.

    I had the priviledge to serve him a salami and sardine sandwich on semolina bread while he got his hairs cut. I can still remember the smile on his face when he saw me eating a salami and sardine sandwich.

    And when I said that I had one for him, as well, it was like I gave him a billion dollars. But what he didn't know was, that he gave me the billion dollars when his face light up with joy.

    He was one class guy that was a regular joe that didn't forget his roots. He had a lot of good jokes that were chiefly real stories that happened in throughout life.

    We are so blessed to have the Lehigh Valley and all of its colorful people.

    I miss my friends and I miss my home...

    ~~Alex J.

  2. I disagree Bernie; "Spaz" would never have said (Blank) "em". He would have sincerely congratulated the winner with a personal hearty handshake, and then he would have helped them in any way he could.

    This is only one distinct difference between a Spaziani and an O'Hare.

  3. Mark Spaz,

    I was trying to pay a tribute to a great lawyer and apologize if I offended you.

  4. Bernie (if I may),

    When you "presumed" Charles would have acted rudely; yes you offended me.

    Charlie Spaz was dedicated to the laws which govern our democracy and had a deep understanding of their "intention". This is what made him a good lawyer; but it was his heartfelt compassion for his fellow man coupled with his understanding of the law that made him a great one.

    The basis of our "democracy", is the fact that "the majority rules". He clearly understood that, agreed with that, and would have responsibly accepted that; whatever the outcome of any election.

    Your apology is accepted and thank you for the portion of your remarks which were a tribute.

  5. Since my remarks definitely did offend you, I am sorry. I knew and liked Spaz very much.


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