Local Government TV

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dertinger: In the Holiday Spirit

After Frank Flisser wished everyone the Christmas they deserve at a Northampton County council meeting last night, Council member Charles Dertinger decided he better get in on the action. After all, he's up for reelection next year. So he started wishing everyone a "Merry Christmans, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza or whatever."

Angle: "What about Bernie, he's an atheist."

"I'm not wishing him anything."

Such class!


  1. I'd think an atheist would appreciate not being wished anything - unless you want winter solstice acknowledged.

  2. As being a former Atheist, yes this is true, I would want to be wished good health and happiness.


  3. I'm no atheist. Ron just likes to tease me.

  4. F' me santa!
    F' me santa!

  5. Thank God this Christmas for Charles Dertingers loyal service to the County.

  6. I'm no atheist. Ron just likes to tease me.

    Too bad.

  7. Too bad Ron couldn't use the cattle prod on Bernie that he uses on his sheep and other family members


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