Local Government TV

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tony Branco, Love Slave

Tony Branco is a former Northampton County Council member who actually lied about using campaign consultant campaign consultant Scissorhands Severson during his county council bid, both to Morning Call columnist Bill White and reporter Joe Nixon. "I didn't hire him to fire him," Branco claimed. While making these denials, Branco was busily writing out checks to Severson's Political Strategies, Inc. Branco's lie finally caught up with him when he filed his post-election campaign finance report.

OK, so we know he's a liar, but did you know why? Apparently, a bunch of women in Douglass Township were trying to have their way with him, and the poor bastard lost his day job as Douglass Township manager in Berks County and everything. At that time, he told me, "I won't compromise my ethics or beliefs for anybody." But I did not know the horrifying details.

Now, thanks to Northern Lehigh Valley Logic, we know what happened. The all-female Douglass Township board was trying to turn him into a sex slave or something. It must have been terrible. Fortunately, Attorney Richard Orloski has sued these dominatrices. Branco's complaint, already amended a few times, claims he's suffering mental anxiety, anguish, distress, humiliation and sleeplessness. I hope he's getting the help he needs.

Oh yeah, Tony is disabled, too. Apparently, he suffers from "anxiety," "heart disease," and even had his gall bladder plucked out. But these banshees didn't even care.

So at the time Tony was telling whoppers about using a sleaze consultant, he was valiantly defending himself from being turned into a love muffin. And I'm sure his anxiety, heart disease and gall bladder interfered with his judgment.

Perfectly understandable.

You know what really kills me? This maroon was actually appointed to Northampton County Council. Most of the rocket scientists who named him will be selecting Wayne Grube's replacement.


  1. "You know what really kills me? This maroon was actually appointed to Northampton County Council. Most of the rocket scientists who named him will be selecting Wayne Grube's replacement."

    He was inoculated against serious political inspection through the registration process. He registered as a D. It's a very protective vaccine in NC.

    Remember the inarticulate, grammatically challenged, adenoidal robocalls (i.e. "Peggy Ferraro has ran and ran for office.")? Apparently he was taking out his woman frustrations on Peg at the time.

    There's a deliciously ironic pattern emerging, however. The better woman always seems to win.

  2. When you write needless attacks like this one, you shouldn't be surprised when someone wrotes a post titled "Bernie O'Hare, Asshole". You write about TB's hypocrisy of claiming to be a victim, what about your own.
    I hope Bill Villa's Lawyer (one who is actually licensed) prints out every one of your attack posts and takes them into for the magistrate to read.
    Bernie O'Hare a Victim? More like a Bully.

  3. Bernie -- thank you for this post. I read the complaint and have to say that while Tony's unscrupulous campain methods and use of a dubious consultant are typical politics, his railroading in Douglas is not right. The lawsuit seems reasonable and it appears to me he is entitled to his severance. I would hope Douglas settles this one quickly. Not sure a Jury would come down in their favor.

  4. "When you write needless attacks like this one,"

    Let's see. The same body that appointed Branco is about to appoint someone else. I think the timing here is perfect.

  5. This is the kind of sleazy attack that Severson might use. Ohare feels justified tearing on someone he hates. He claims itis right. Mr. Branco's mdeical conditions are real enough to him.

    The same type of sleaze attack could be written about Ohares idols Angle and Stoffa or just about anyone, using titlted and selective statements.

    Lets see how many kids have died while Stoffa ran a Human Services Dept.? Or how many pensions does he collect? Or Angles arrest record that spans 30years? Or???, we could go on and on. By selective wording Ohare and Severnson become the hateful blood brothers they are.

  6. An OT and repetitive smear from Trollvilla has been deleted. Bill, this is NOT the advertising world. Telling lies over and over does not make them true. Repetition doesn't work here. It just pisses people off.

    The only place where repetition is really successful is when you're meditating and trying to get yourself into a trance. I know, I know, it's hard after all those electric shock treatments, but you can do it. Try sitting down, cross your legs and take a few deep breaths. Don't worry about farting once or twice. Now, pick a simple word like Jim or Glenn or Bern or Mike or CHARGE! and focus on that word while breathing.

    Do that about 12 hours every day and get back to me in a few years. I'll have your next lesson ready.

    Billy, all additional comments from you or your Stepford wife will be deleted.

    Sorry, but those are the rules. If only you had commented on Tuesday.

  7. Anon 4:10, Yeah, that's right. Men file sex discrimination suits all the time. Branco can run for council and simultaneously file a lawsuit claiming he suffers from "anxiety." Yep, that happens to everyone. Silly me.

    And Angle has a thirty year record of crime? Wow! I'm surprised there isn't a bounty on his ass. So far as I know, Angle's record consists of one reckless driving conviction.

    If you're going to smear someone, try telling the truth.

  8. fortunately, he has one of the best lawyers around for this sort of situation.

  9. I would never judge a lawyer by his clients.

  10. bernie, apparently the villa mrs. is also a student of repetitive advertisement. she write;

    "It is hard to ignore constant taunting, not just from O'Hare but from other misinformed and hateful bloggers like Scott Armstrong and Mike Molovinsky who cross-polinate the twisted lies of O'Hare at their blogs".

    a couple of months ago, before the troll blog began, i wrote that my blog was being highjacked by a pirate, and did show the retro picture bill villa identifies himself with, but i didn't even mention his name, much less angie's. she has identified me both as hateful and evil several times already. the irony is that they attack people for participating in blogger tuesday, and then refer to themselves as grieving parents when countered. yesterday bill villa started sending me comments at 6;15 am and continued all day and evening, using many different names. because you have deleted his comment, he will refer to this comment as sucker punching him. i believe they are egotistical bullies who believe their grief and mission justifies anything they say and do.

  11. Well, Mike, they are remarkable people. She's a "community activist," you know.

  12. Oh yeah, I forgot. She's also a volunteer and a dedicated wife and mother and is really, really positive. ... Really!


  13. Mr. O'Hare, I'm not "OT" and I'm not being repetitive, now where were we ...


    "I hope Bill Villa's Lawyer (one who is actually licensed) prints out every one of your attack posts and takes them into for the magistrate to read." -anon 9:42am


    I see The Morning Call has again rewarded local blogger Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall for his attack-dogging of me and my grieving family at his "Troll Parade" blog [http://trollparade.blogspot.com] with yet another "Blogger Tuesday" appearance in last Tuesday's Morning Call.

    And who said The Morning Call was dumb?

    Dumb like a dissent-quashing fox, that is.

    Since the inception of "Blogger Tuesday at The Morning Call," our local blogosphere's previously informative and healthy criticism of The Morning Call has vanished ...

    and my previously welcomed and even championed Morning Call dissent has been effectively muzzled and quashed, as a handful of influential and ego-aquiver local bloggers have willingly sold out their integrity and credibility for the promise of a few more readers in The Morning Call's Forum venue.

    These "Blogger Tuesday" bloggers are so mainstream media star-struck, and so compliant, they provide their blog content to the content-starved Morning Call for free.

    But give the "newspaper" some credit.

    "Blogger Tuesday" translates into Less Dissent and More Profit for the Morning Call in one slick move.

    Like a lazy but crafty trapped rat, The Morning Call always figures out a way to escape accountability and continue underachieving.

  14. villa writes;

    "I see The Morning Call has again rewarded local blogger Bernie O'Hare O'Mcall for his attack-dogging of me and my grieving family at his "Troll Parade" blog [http://trollparade.blogspot.com] with yet another "Blogger Tuesday" appearance in last Tuesday's Morning Call."

    the villa's are so self-absorbed that they believe a multi-million dollar newspaper rewards someone for attacking them. they are such distorters that they claim 19 people (bloggers) sold out to have their blog publicized by the morning call. they are so hypocritical that they attack some of the 19, but not the ones they wish to cultivate as allies.
    i'm most speechless over their aggressiveness and ruthlessness towards those who no longer serve their purpose or agenda; then to state they are grieving victims, mixes up the issues in a most disingenuous way.

  15. "they [The Villas] claim 19 people (bloggers) sold out to have their blog publicized by the morning call." -Allentown Mayoral Hopeful Mike Molovinsky

    ... nope, never said 19. O'Hare, Molovinsky, Najarian, Donovan, and Casey. That's 5.

  16. Clarification: 6. I forgot "Blogger Tuesday" wanna-be, AJ Cordi.

  17. I normally delete every word Villa writes on this blog, but two of the last three comments will remain bc they make Molovinski's point. The Villas, by their own admission, attack 5 of the 19 bloggers enlisted at Blogger Tuesday, just as MM stated. A 6th blogger, a young college student, has been added bc he dared ask to be left alone.

    Actually, Villa forgot quite a few, but I won't quibble.

    When the Villas attack, they don't just do it with a post they sign. They also use all kinds of pseudonyms like foo foo, mc judas, jdg, Joshua T, Mellow Yellow, Broadway Jim, etc., etc. They also misappropriate the identities of people they don't like, and they pretty much despise a lot of people.

    What kills me is they do this on their own moderated blog. It's a form of dishonesty and is actually insulting to their own readers, not that they care. They can always play make believe. They think nothing of deceiving readers into believing these other identities actually exist.

    How do I know this? Because Villa, when commenting on Casey's blog and at LVPoliblog, would send me an email and say, "That was me." The VIllas have even claimed that the ordinary rules governing mortals like you and I have no application to them.

    I had no problem with Villa's erratic behavior until he started to threaten people, use the language of violence and start spamming blogs with 500 identical comments in one day, something he proudly refers to asd "the attack of 9/29."

    Those not attacked are bloggers the Villas hope to enlist as allies or want to use in other ways.

    The Chen Arts group recently formed its own blog. I suspect they needed to distance thmselves from an increasingly bitter, angry and deranged man.

    In any event, Villa has made Michael's point.


    For the love of god, let's get back to the political discussion of the LV. This mindless bickering is exactly the reason the LV is in such sad shape.

    There are actual issues out there polluting the city, and surrounding areas. Attacking people on the freaking internet is beyond reproach. There can be no serious dialogue about problems while this continues. And sadly, the dialogue is why I frequent this site as much as I do.

    Stick to one side of the internet tracks and stay there. It's insulting to the responsible and intelligent readers when the comment sections boils down to such reprehensible anger and hate...over the internet.

    If you hate the morning call and all those bloggers, DON'T FREAKING READ THEM!! It is as easy as canceling your subscription. I did. Or should we start blaming TV and music for the all the crime, drugs, and sex also?

  19. Hey Bill,

    I don't want to understand. I don't really care, with all due respect. I just want this nonsense to stop. It's the internet. The internet's only value in the history of the world is making porn accessible to anyone at anytime. That's it.

  20. Worth Repeating Department:

    "Bill Villa has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help."

    Not from Bernie O'Hare

  21. Worth Repeating Department:

    "Bill Villa has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help."

    Not from Bernie O'Hare

  22. Branco is the victim here. You area real hater Ohare.

  23. The people of Northampton County were lied to and played by a political hack. I think it's safe to say that they, and not Tony "the love slave" Branco are the real victims.

  24. Do we have a county Council or a cast of characters in a Mel Brooks Movie?

  25. "The internet's only value in the history of the world is making porn accessible to anyone at anytime." -Timothy Russo

    What a thoughtful young man.

  26. Actually, the complaint says nothing about domination and sex slavery. Its a fairly typical complaint.

    I don't know T.B. from a hole in the ground, so I can't share your perspective, but I note the EEOC issued a Notice of Right to Sue, which suggests the assertions are not totally without merit. On the other hand, Township employment is generally at will, which makes the case interesting. Lets see what unfolds.

  27. The "Love Slave" has announced he's running for District Justice.

    Wonder if potential voters will find their way to this blog and see stories about his attacks on "Free Speech" and used of smear tactics against his opponents.

  28. Did anyone hear that Branco dropped out of the race because his petitons were being challenged?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.