Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sam Bennett: Let's Not Let Facts Get in the Way

Above you will see Congressional candidate Sam Bennett's remarks concerning two local banks. You'll see them, but you won't hear them because she was completely untruthful. It's one thing to be dishonest about LV Congressman Charlie Dent. It's quite another to spread irresponsible stories about two local financial institutions.


  1. Christ, just rename your blog either Lehigh Valley Blog Whore for Dent Or Lehigh Valley Bennett Hater. The Horse is dead, if you beat it any harder you'll have enough rawhide for 2 dozen baseballs.

  2. Bennett is a bad candidate who will get lots of votes from people who are only interested in the Presidential race. Plus, you may have noticed several commenters state they will vote for her just to be rid of the Rs. It is important that people know as much as possible.

    Having said that, I don't hate Sam Bennett. I actually like her. She is in way over her head.

  3. Bernie,

    The sad truth is many Democrats will vote for her merely because she is a Democrat. As an Allentown resident I say write from experience that this sort of blind party loyalty is counter productive to good government. Allentown is a textbook example of why party affiliation should be merely one concern among many when casting a vote.
    By the way, I no longer even like my former friend S. Bennett, I expect at least some integrity from the people I form bonds with and I know they expect the same in return.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. Thats our Sam, she can be funny but she is as crazy as a Looney Bird.

    Hey Scott, we agree. Blind party loyalty is a disaster but it is not always a Democrat thing. If that were the case no Republican could get elected to most State and Local or Federal offices outside of the cities. If you check you will find quite a few R's in office.
    There are a lot of split voter Democrarts out there. I am told there are split voter Republicans but when I talk to the many I know they can never seem to find a Dem they like unless the Dem is practically endorsed by Republican officials.

    Gov. Truthinator

  5. Plenty of people will also not vote for that race. I know several people who have said that is their plan.

    The downside of two candidates that turn off plenty of voters.

  6. Thank you for both videos. Haven't been able to see local TV while traveling. Shame on 8:56 for calling Sam a horse.

  7. I find it amazing that this is the best the Democrats could come up with. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it? A number of area Dems chose not to throw their hat in the ring and risk losing their current "safe" positions when this process began. As I mentioned on an earlier post last week, I can only imagine the "coulda, woulda, shoulda"s going through Lisa Boscola's private thoughts now that PA is going pretty blue. I have not always agreed with her on a number of issues, but one can't deny she's a formidable politician. Dent's a popular politician, and I can say from personal experience, responsive to his constituents. However, I think Boscola could have successfully rode the "change" coattails against Dent. Again, easy to say from hindsight........Bennett, though? About the only thing she can truthfully claim is that she was the only one with the courage to run against Dent.

    While it might be nice to send a "mandate" message of change, pragmatically speaking I hope the better "man" wins for the good of the LV.... splitting my ticket.

  8. Let me qualify my above remarks, I see left margin, Bernie K's remarks linked.....oh yes, her loyalty keeping him around so long cost her...one more "coulda, woulda, shoulda" (dumped him long ago) going through her mind.

  9. Let’s start with don’t vote for proven incompetents no matter which party they belong to. I and many other Allentown Republicans refused to vote again for Dave Bausch, wonderful guy/lousy elected official. Please show me the Democrat that has been thrown out of elected office here in Allentown because of poor job performance.
    FYI I was one of two people publicly thanked by Julio Guridy at his inauguration for encouraging his run for public office, I also ran the successful campaign of a Democrat magistrate candidate here in the city

    Scott Armstrong

  10. Here are two questions. Did these so called banks get an overnight bail out from Uncle Sam...I mean you and me the taxpayer? Seems like a faucets open up in the last few days.

    Second question, was there any point in recent days when their stock was trading at or near a dollar.

    I would love to know the name of these banks particularly if they were bailed out/

    Maybe none of this is true, however, if these two so called banks are indeed in dire straights, maybe she was too strong in the statement.

    If not, she was definitely baited with bad information.

  11. "I would love to know the name of these banks"--Anon 10:40

    Here you go.

  12. Going to throw a bone out there, unrelated to this race, but relevant to the larger race. Christopher Buckley has left National Review, after endorsing Obama.....many of his reasons sound like mine last spring when I changed parties:

    "So, I have been effectively fatwahed (is that how you spell it?) by the conservative movement, and the magazine that my father founded must now distance itself from me. But then, conservatives have always had a bit of trouble with the concept of diversity. The GOP likes to say it's a big-tent. Looks more like a yurt to me.

    While I regret this development, I am not in mourning, for I no longer have any clear idea what, exactly, the modern conservative movement stands for. Eight years of "conservative" government has brought us a doubled national debt, ruinous expansion of entitlement programs, bridges to nowhere, poster boy Jack Abramoff and an ill-premised, ill-waged war conducted by politicians of breathtaking arrogance. As a sideshow, it brought us a truly obscene attempt at federal intervention in the Terry Schiavo case.

    So, to paraphrase a real conservative, Ronald Reagan: I haven't left the Republican Party. It left me."

  13. Anyone who would vote for Sam Bennett is loonier than her. She is an embarassment to the party. Not even Guiseppe could repair her lying nose.

  14. Thanks Pete. Great insight Lighthouse.

    Both parties have some crackers (far right far left) but the Dems do not shelter them in a closet. One can influence more change in the Dem party because everyone has a voice. It is this reason the Democratic party seems to appeal more to my values. Just look at the Blue Dog Dems. They seem to have a great mix of conservative and moral values. Heck if you don’t like something, no one will stop you from putting your name on the ballot. If enough people speak, change will happen. Changing Attitudes from within has more impact than trickle down party platforms and agendas. Maybe this is cyclical…ya know to the victor goes the spoils. But I can tell you this, overall, what has been served for the last eight years is spoiled, IMO.

  15. Charlie never answered the question on how we fix the Economy. His whole time was spent talking about raising taxes....he did not offer a solution. A missed opportunity.

    Dent said that next years transportation budget will face challenges because the amount of gas tax revenue is really diminishing because of greater fuel economy and the Fed is getting less gas tax per vehicle per mile traveled. Actually, fuel economy overall has not increase that drastically in the last two years enough to significantly impact total revenue. The SUV boom in 2005-2007 put more high mileage vehicles on the road. The price of gas has discouraged people from driving.

    I doubt this debate changed anyones view. Dent did appear more agitated. I am willing to venture a guess that independents from outside the area whom do not know either of these candidates may have favored Bennett overall delivery though.

  16. BTW,
    One bank did trade at $2.20 recently while the other was below a dollar.

  17. Lighthouse,

    I think a reason Boscola didn't run is her own background. She is very safe in Norhampton County. She has built a record on good constiutent service and the notion she has helped seniors?? Fact is the Senate is safe for Republicans and they are not going to waste money on her seat, they don't have to.
    Also Lisa has a very colorful past to say the least, so I don't think her success is assured, especially in Lehigh County. If a Dem is going to win that seat they have to be strong in Lehigh.
    She or just about anyone would be an improvement on Bennet but the problem was money. Also, the strange fasination some of the Party leadership have with this woman.
    I have heard them talk about her as if she is the 'gift' we have been waiting for.
    As a Dem the only thing I can liken it to is when I hear some of my Republican friends tell me how history will be kind to George W.
    Frankly, I think if you check the DNA there may be a link.

  18. Anon 12:32, There's a big difference between stock prices and the allegation that a bank has folded. In fact, the current suggestion that these banks "nearly" folded is just as irresponsible as the original charge.

  19. "I and many other Allentown Republicans refused to vote again for Dave Bausch..."

    And yet in 2007 the choices the R's put up in Allentown couldn't even fill the ticket. And in 2005 you gave us a retread from the previously failed R administration. In 2009 it appears we are going to get Tony Philips. Where are the business leaders who could be credible as candidates? Anybody?

    Until the R's in Allentown start fielding a ticket for every ballot slot (at a minimum) and then learn how to run a campaign that doesn't include "R's good D's bad", I don't think you can blame a one party system OR the voters (which you are so good at doing).

    Competition is gov't is good. But competition requires a credible alternative. Simply demanding to be given credibility b/c you show up is a form of political socialism.


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