Local Government TV

Monday, October 06, 2008

Obama Running for President, not Fuhrer

Barack Obama, eloquent and inspirational, has galvanized America's youth. That's a good thing. But I hope these kids remember he's running for President, not Fuhrer.


  1. nothing like posting a video with no context or background info to stir up the frightened masses.

  2. LOLV,

    No context or background? Where the hell have you been? From goofy posters to student movements all over the country to fanatical supporters, this has been a trend. I've personally witnessed the religious fervor of Obama supporters.

    I'm not trying to frighten anybody. I'm trying to make clear that some of this Obama support is a tad fanatical.

    Google "Obama youth movement" and you'll get 277,000 hits. Some of it is great. But some of it is nutz.

  3. The context is available along with the video at youtube. You can click the information button.

    As a member of the mass, I can tell you I'm not frightened.

    I do believe that this kind of indoctrination in an education setting is wrong, though.

    That's the point of it.

    It's amazing how liberals tag Christian conservatives as weak-minded people who cling to their religion. (Sound familiar.)

    What the hell are these kids clinging too?

  4. Is it fanatical? Looks like ROTC training? Looks like inspired, disciplined young men...good for them!
    Is it fanatical for these young men to be inspired to become police officers and architects? Would you feel differently is they were white boys?
    I couldn't find the original youtube link to get an explanation.
    I would much rather see a little fanaticism, if this is what you are calling this example, than apathy.

  5. Ya Vol, Mein Fuhrer

  6. I do agree that this is totally inappropriate in an educational setting, which is why it didn't last long.

  7. LOLV,

    So far as I know, another video of children pledging allegiance did not last long. It was made private. But this, so far as I know, continues. I've found quite a few today.

  8. BTW these kids are clueless. Obama's healthcare plan SUCKS! Its nothing more than a plan to pander to the assholes who listen to Hannity and will just vote for McLame and Caribou Barbie regardless.

    Say what you will about Dennis Kucinich he had the BEST plan of any Democratic candidate.

    And I'm sure Alien injuries was even covered.

  9. This is a "junior fraternity", at what I can assume is at some sort of high school. The tradional "black fraternities" or Pan-Hellenic fraternities engage in this type of behavior as way to unify their groups and as an induction. It is a form of artistic expression in many african american communities.

    Many other non-black fraternities engage in similar behaviors.

    I do not see anything wrong with it. Many of the black fraternities chanted similar things about being inspired by other black leaders like Martin Luther King in 1960s.

  10. The video in its original German is available at barrysnazis dot com. I smell a master race emerging.

  11. BethlehemDem,

    Thanks, as always, for the perspective. I was unaware this sort of thing is all that common. I still am disturbed bc this is not the only videop I've seen. I've seen videos of little, mostly white kids, singing about Obama as though he were God. I've seen the Obama posters (one is in a local blog) that portray him like Chairman Mao. And I've listened to the religious fervor expressed by some of his supporters.

    None of this is Obama's fault. But it bothers me.

  12. I'm part of the "Frightenend masses"


    Since this is your blog and I respect you Bernie I'll keep my mouth shut but this is not going to end well for America.

  13. I love how you seek to smear the Democratic Nominee with some goofy supporters.

  14. Believe me, if I want to smear someone, I don't beat around the bush. I made it clear that I was NOT smearing Obama and think it's good so many young people are interested. My concern is with the fanatics. I noted this in the primary, too.

  15. As an Angle and Stoffa fanatic are you concerend with yourself?

  16. I like Ron and John, but I don't march around with some group in camo pants. I don't sing songs about them. I don't have posters made up for each of them. Unless you're George Speros Maniatty, Jr., you must realize this is just a little weird.

  17. That poster of them in Speedos is strange O'Hare, whether you admit it or not. Even if Angle is holding a rifle ans Stoffa is holding a chicken.

  18. That's not a poster. It's a large glossy photo.

  19. Bernie,

    McCain-Palin yard signs have been disappearing from the West Park front yards. I attributed this thievery this to the usual overzealous Democrat operatives but today I caught an African American Allen student ripping the plastic to shreds with his hands. Clearly he wasn’t going to tolerate this sign. I approached him and treated the issue as a litter problem. He handed over the remains to me in order that I would throw it away but it was clear he felt no remorse for his actions. Again what causes this aggression, what has been told/taught to this young man that in turn allows him to justify his act of suppressing the speech of a political opponent?

    Scott Armstrong

  20. Scott,

    It's a little early, but I've been hearing stories like yours all over the place. The only difference is that, in your case, you caight the young man responsible.

    The young man probably has finally found someone he can identify with, just like the kids in the above video. We Irish Catholics adored Kennedy, so I think I understand the reason for the fanatic devotion. But it is misplaced. I say this, not because Obama is a bad person, but because we always need to question our leaders, left and right. I hope this kid realizes he's actually hurting Obama when he does things like that.

  21. Unconventional, possibly. Because we may live in a lily white borough in Northampton County, we may not understand or appreciate what other's from North Philadelphia may keenly observe as something innocuous.

    Bethlehemdem's explanation may have merit. One example of Pan Hellenic fraternities, like Alpha Phi Alpha have programs such as "A Voteless People is a Hopeless People" was initiated as a National Program of Alpha during the 1930's when many African-Americans had the right to vote but were prevented from voting because of poll taxes, threats of reprisal, and lack of education about the voting process.

    Voter education and registration has remained a dominant focus of this outreach activity for over 65 years. In the 1990's, the focus has shifted to include political awareness and empowerment, delivered most frequently through town meetings and candidate forums.

    Underscoring Barack Obama's candidacy has driven programs, such as these, into the limelight. We can be uneducated and afraid. Or talk about it in a rational way to understand and embrace differences. If we closed our eyes and listened to the message of these youngster, what were they saying?

    Because of Obama's candidacy, they saw within themselves, a future that was different than stereotypical outcomes. For that I applaud them.

  22. Blue Coyote,

    There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the message from these young men. I do live in a 99% white community, so perhaps my understanding is limited.

    My concern, quite simply, is that much of the Obama support borders on religious devotion. In the case of young black men, I can understand it. In the case of white elementary school children, it's harder to understand. In the case of adult canvassers, it's even harder to understand and a bit unhealthy for a democracy.

    Some of the poster pics of Obama are like Chairman Mao posters. It's surreal.

    It's a strange phenomenon, and I don't hold it against Obama. You may recall I noticed the same thing in the primary.

  23. I do recall and I agree. But I don't think this a recent phenomenon. As a student of history, do you remember the editorial print of John Brown looking like Moses parting the Red Sea? It was an allegory for the emancipation.

    Spurious cartoons of President John Adams were rampant in the Lehigh Valley during Fries Rebellion. That was 200 years ago.

    Your call to vigilance in these political messages should be observed, I agree. But in this particular video, I just didn't see it.

  24. Fair enough. As you well know, I am sometimes full of shit.

  25. This fraternity video is strange, to me, at least, but I think I can see where these kids might be coming from.

    This, however, scares the living crap out of me:


    That quite simply is indoctrination.

    Those kids have no idea what they're singing. They are malleable little pieces of PR noise for the idiot parents and teachers clapping at this ridiculous circle jerk.

    Actually, that sums up the Obama campaign perfectly for me. It is a complete appeal to the empty-minded for a big national circle jerk, where nothing costs anything, nobody will hurt us if we all sing together, and all we need do is bask in the radiance of the Great Leader.

    Fuck us, I guess. We're all going to get exactly the change we deserve.

  26. Ah, you're not full of it! I know you, and you mean well. You had a good point here, it was just in your delivery.

    What bothers me though, is Julian's response. Growing up in Philadelphia during the race riots, I see the importance of engaging and talking about race relations. It appears others have not.

    If we can't talk about race/ethnicity and it's impact on the political process, then I would agree with Julian, in that it won't end well for America.

  27. B.C.

    Has nothing to do with Race and everything to do with Obama being a Socialist.

    Having said that, yes I expect race riots if Obama loses. I hope I'm wrong.

  28. Blue Coyote 11:11PM
    So you want to talk about race relations--good luck with that. Didn't the Messiah promise us that was going to occur a few months ago in a speech in symbolic Philadelphhia? Meanwile he has attempted to stifle ads across the nation put out by the NRA.
    As to his being presented as a Messiah, that has been the intent of this campaign since its inception. This man has talked about a parting of the seas. He is/was hooked to two ministers one a Catholic priest schooled in the Marxism of South America. Have you paid attention to how he turns his head when using the teleprompter? They have deliberately set the prompter higher so he conveys the impression of looking toward heaven and over the vast multitudes. This man believes he is the second coming of Christ and believe me, sorry Bernie, he is not a nice man and indeed is dangerous.

  29. That kooky telepromptor theory is from Rush Limbaugh. nonsense.

  30. Anyone else notice the McCain TV ads that depict Obama with his arm raised similar to the Nazi salute and the sounds of cheering crowds?

  31. If the shoe fits . . .

  32. Oh, I gotta go. The Obama sign has been stolen from my front yard for the third time since last Friday. I have to put my last one out. It's probably some middle-schooler walking past my house in the predawn darkness, but does anyone know where Scott Armstrong lives?

  33. Chris, thanks for the hilarious teleprompter jokes. I couldn't stop laughing for at least a half hour! You made my day!

    You might as well add Obama as being responsible for Paul's death when the Beatles crossed Abbey Road.

    This is exactly why the Republican ticket will lose. And you just proved it, in a small diminutive kind of way. Let's call the Democratic Presidential candidate the bogeyman. Yeah, that's it!

    The public wants substantive answers to hard questions. Are there small fringe dingbats out there? Sure there are. On both sides. R's and D's. But the people on Main Street will pick the candidate with answers to our problems. And by the way the polls are going, I'm not worried about Julian's nightmare.

  34. No kidding. Someone stole the fourth Obama sign tonight, between 6 and 7:15 p.m. (so much for the early morning theory). Darn you Scott Armstrong!

  35. Are you seriously claiming your Obama signs are being stolen and that this is the fourth time?

  36. I said no kidding. 4th time in less than a week. It's probably just a coincidence, but when the neighbor 6 doors down put out a McCain yard sign last week it was the day my first sign was taken. They're not taking the metal bracket, just ripping off the plastic sign. Now I got to get some more.

  37. I first put one up around Labor Day after I picked some up at the Allentown Fair. They were unmolested until just a few days ago. One of the stolen signs was a newer Obama/Biden sign I got a couple weeks ago. My son, a high school senior, is very upset. I think it's just a misguided neighborhood kid(s).

  38. Blue coyote
    Apparently you have little to no experience with political campaigns. I can tell you that all sorts of ideas come up and the candidate is told what to do right down to the color of his shirt for his TV debate. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the prompters have been set above eye level for the very reason I stated. Did you ever hear Obama state that the whole Messiah thing was silly?

    Papier boy,
    You are correct about Rush making the statement. Unfortunately I do not have a three hour radio show to express my views. However, I was making this claim earlier then that. Take a look at Obama's speech in Germany.
    Remember what his charming bride said. "Obama will make you do things" I will tell you that she is talking about a national community service program that will require you to pick up garbage along the highway when you want to play golf

  39. Chris,

    We'll have to agree to disagree.

    You worry about teleprompters, messiahs and color of shirts.

    I'll worry about racism, the war and the economy.

    And I hope to God the voters know the difference.

  40. Take it easy on old Chris, blue. Chris and his Banker buddy are cranky cause all those quick fat real estate commissions have dried up.
    The Republicans have the only campaign tactic left, fill in the blank.
    Did you know that Barak Obamam is a ______. Whatever works. You can put a Rush spin om it by using the classic line, "I am not saying it folks, it's a rumor that is out there." He is such a cute drug addict.
    Seriously, I wish the John McCain of 2000 was running. He was sincere, competent and direct. He got Bushwacked by the Rove Warriors and decided to come over to the Dark Side.
    The shame is he stands out by the stark contrast to his 2000 bid.
    This is a Democratic year despite all the fear mongering, all the indicators are out there.
    A month ago I would have never thought this but the tide may be so strong with independents thrown in that old Charlie may get swept out.
    I am no Bennet fan but the indicators are so strong he may need to do more than run the overused POM commericials.

  41. Blue coyote
    Thank you for that trite old comment. One used when you can't admit say, Gee I didn't know that."
    Let me recall an old saying for you"Be careful what you pray for you just might get it." Another old trite saying but one that frequently comes true.

    Anonymous 12:12
    I know that you and your ilk think that we had a fine old time during the run up of prices. Keep in mind that most of the realtors I know started holding thheir breath around 2004. It was much more of a scary situation then one could imagine because we knew that bubble would burst. We worked hard to protect our clients from loans they should not take. I had only two customers in that time period who ended up with subprime but both got out within a year and escaped the reset. We worked hard to protect our customers and were probably 99% successful in my office.
    As for being cranky, please, I am happy to get some rest having spent many days out there for 10, 12, 14 hours and watching my weekends disappear on me. The market will come back, we should all want that because there are 20or more industries connected to it. In the long run your home is your major investment and it isn't going to do you a whole lot of good if it value ends up in the toilet.

  42. Yeah Chris, I'm a real neophyte when it comes to politics. You can read me like a book. I'm amazed at your astuteness.

    I guess I'll have to go back to college after all these years and take Rush Limbaugh 101 and learn interpersonal communication skills with teleprompters.

  43. Blue coyote
    Still haven't seen any of those skills. You would be much happier with learning about them on Air America. Or has that gone the way of the Mario Cumo show?

  44. Scary stuff, but, hey if you want change (like Germany did in the 1930's), well, history does have a habit of repeating itself.

  45. That kooky telepromptor theory is from Rush Limbaugh. nonsense


    "Tell Ahmadinejad I can't talk with him now. My teleprompter is broken. What? Missiles just hit Israel? Hostages? Call the repair guy and demand that it be fixed by tomorrow!"


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