Local Government TV

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lynne Abraham to Endorse John Morganelli for AG

Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham, the people's DA, will today endorse Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, at a 3 P.M. Philly press conference. Morganelli will also outline his plans to attack gun violence at this press conference.


  1. Finally saw a JM tv spot this past weekend! Doesn't he have any money for spots? Corbett is all over the papers and on the tube. Uphill battle and bonusgate working against him..doesn't look good.

  2. When our son was 7 years he revealed that he was sexually assaulted by his first grade teacher. We filed a Police report with Colonial Regional Police and than were required to meet with Detective Gary Hammer and Morganelli’s assistant DA. In confidence and trust our son made his statement in Morganelli’s Office. A bogus investigation followed along with a conflicting police report made by Detective Gary Hammer. Since they were not going to move forward in this case, this police report was supposed to be sealed and kept confidential should the investigation be reponed again, instead it was distributed through the mail. According to the Northampton Schools district response they stated they got a copy from Morganelli’s Office. This confidential police report by our child and many other 6 and 7 year old children’s statements which included full names and addresses have been made public. The Teacher was transferred the exact same time when Detective Gary Hammers 6 year old son was placed in this teachers first grade pod. When we confronted Morganelli he stated his office did not distribute this report and said there is no need for an investigation on how this confidential report was made public. Morganelli stated 6 and 7 year old children do not make good witnesses, even though he knew the school district withheld and gave false information on abused 6 and 7 year old children.
    Morganelli’s police report was not kept confidential! Answers are still left open and the cover-up continues.

  3. EMTech,

    You've mentioned your ordeal once before, and I'm sorry to hear about it. As i undestand it, there were allegations of sexual abuse, investigated by the DA and Colonial Region, and the decision was made to let it go.

    The sad truth is that children do make poor witnesses. A DA has to decide whether he is doing more harm by exposing a child to scrutiny than he would do by prosecuting.

    As far as details involving minors are concerned, that should be kept confidential. You indicate details were released. was that just to school officials, or did it go further?

    If it was spread down the alley, you have the right to request an investigation. if the DA refuses, you can ask the AG.

  4. It took Detective Hammer 4 Months to interview 9 witnesses. Key witnesses were never interviewed. 5 out of 3 children that where interviewed were in counseling as a result of this teacher. Detective Hammer having 2 children in the same school is a conflict of interest. This police report is privileged information, only to be viewed if a Judge allows it, and than the names must be kept private. We got a copy in the mail with no return address. The school got copies. We did contact the AG twice, once we got a response telling us there is nothing they could do. The second time we no response. I did hear a radio commercial from Tom Corbett the Morganelli Protected a 3rd grade teacher in a sexual assault case, I wonder if this is another incident.
    Unbelievable how Kids are treated

  5. A laughable endorsement from a woman who has presided over and enabled the loss of a major American city to criminals. How embarrassing.

  6. Gee a big Dem endorses another big Dem. What a surprise.

    Scott Armstrong

  7. enabled?

    You've got to be kidding!

  8. She and her entire party enabled. Proposals for police patrols and stricter enforcement we quickly shelved when called "racist" and "inflammatory." She's a model for a politically correct approach that has left so many law-abiding citizens in urban areas victims to absolute lawlessness. Her, "let 'em have their own neighborhood," approach is insulting and has proven disastrous.

  9. What a joke,,,it really is !


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