Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Greetings From Osceola Mills

I'm writing this blog entry from my son's home in Osceola Mills, located about thirty miles away from PSU. He lives in a big old house with his pretty fiancee, Brandy, and a rambunctious chocolate lab nam ed Otis. He even has a two car garage and a brick driveway. His home costs him less than my monthly rent for an efficiency apartment in Nazareth.

Otis and I are sleeping downstairs tonight. I hope he doesn't snore.

I finally got here after about seven hours of driving a rusted out jeep with no radio. Of course, I also got lost. Yep, I'm a title searcher who can get lost in Nazareth. I loved it. The autumn colors here are breathtaking, and there are plenty of neat little places where people grow vegetables and raise animals. They're called farms.

I stopped at one of them and bought some homemade soap for Brandy. Imagine that! Soap.

No Promenade here, baby.

I stopped at another farm so I could call in for a very important telephone press conference with Congressman Charlie Dent. When I chimed in, there were already fifteen people on the line, including the local MSM and somebody from Roll Call. They were next to their PCs. I was sitting close to a tractor, which unfortunately started in the middle of the conference, making it impossible for anyone to hear until I moved next to a cow.

Sorry, guys.

Now, I'm sitting here with Otis, swilling coffee and pecking away on the keyboard. My son crashed long ago.

In the middle of this small town, I have not heard a car drive by for over two hours.

There's something strangely familiar about this place.

Not that many years ago, it could have been called the Lehigh Valley.

Not anymore.

Otis does snore.


  1. hi bernie,
    sounds like a wonderful day. get brutis breath right strips. what's a cow? cityslicker here. sadly, i too, remember l.v. in the olden days.

  2. yeah bernie. My son lives there too with his pretty fiance'..OMG Bernie can it be?

  3. Not so Casual, Wow! Maybe we're married.

  4. Wow, you drive seven hours to see your son, but still make time to put up several posts that slam Sam Bennett. No wonder Charlie Dent includes you in all the Conference call invites. that's loyalty.

  5. My son, who is a very active Obama supporter, is in complete agreement w/ me about this. His high speed internet made it easy to upload those videos.

    I happen to believe that when a congressional candidate flat out lies about something to score political points, people should know that. So that's why I can keep writing, even when I'm in Osceola Mills.

    I also happen to think that blogs do make a difference. It's a small difference, but a difference nonetheless.

    But that's me.

  6. We use to race a late model in Clearfield many moons ago.

    It's nice out there. Whats the Presidental sinage look like out there?

    McCain supported W with the veto of the "farm bill". Many Northampton county farmers are pro-Obama.

    And I see plenty of Obama signs at Pike County farms as well. (Although Pike county farms are split 50-50) But Pike County is known to have Klan rallies (No joke too, NEPA still has the KKK!)

    I'm just disapointed that PFB gave a Kissinger like endoursment of both McLame and Obama.

    But they probaly like McLame for his pro imigrant worker status. A policy I highly disagree with. Not because I'm a racist liek Lou Barletta. But because I'm a American who would work for the alleged $10 they pay imigrants to do the work. ( I suspect PFB is full of it that the factory farms pay that much to imigrant farm hands.)

    I will post later today on my blog who the PFB backed and their talking points about agriculture.

  7. "I also happen to think that blogs do make a difference. It's a small difference, but a difference nonetheless.

    But that's me."

    Bernie O'Hare and Michael Knight seperated at birth?
    (Knight Rider use to end with "One man can make a diffrence Michael.")

    If the Jeep talks and drives for you on the ride back perhaps.

    Hopefully we will never see a video of you shirtless eating a Wendy's burger.

  8. Spike, I expected to see the place plastered with McCain signs. I was wrong. Obama signs ae everywhere, and these are not just the people who work at PSU. Lots of people here have lost jobs in the last 5 years.

  9. bear in mind the I99 corridor is predicted to be a huge growth area in PA over the next 20 years.

    they will come.

    that's why i plan to retire to canada.

  10. The ABC affiliate from Scranton had a "Survey USA" survey. Had Obama with a 15% lead over McCain. And 4 % for other in the poll. 1% undecided.

    I question the term "swing state" am I wrong in thinking HW Bush was the last Republican to win PA?

    I'm thinking McCain/Palin may have a Swann like performance. Lynn that is.

    PA may be very lopsided.

    Saw way more Bush/Chaney in 2004.

  11. Never mind Bernie my son is a McCain supporter as well as his fiance'. A word about those signs, we have Obama folks taking McCain signs from yards and replacing them with Obama signs, The McCain folks are pretty frosted about it. Don't go by that signage, it is even less reliable than the polls.

  12. Viva La Pennsylvania Rural!

  13. not so casuel should I call the poison controll number for you? I hear they know what to do for tainted kool-ade.

  14. Bernie - From the NY POST via Drudge: "Conservatives yesterday ripped Obama after he was caught on video telling an Ohio plumber that he intends to take the profits of small-business owners and "spread the wealth around" to those with lesser incomes. "
    Does that sound pretty good to you?

  15. Dad,
    Thanks for coming out. It meant a lot to both me and Brandy. We're looking forward to having you again soon and seeing you when we get back to the lehigh valley. Keep on blogging!

  16. The cows and tractors are still here. What are you talking about? Geez, drive 5 minutes from Nazareth and stop complaining.


  17. Re: stealing signs. I was in Lancaster this morning and the front-page newspaper story was that sign stealing complaints to police are down from past elections.
    Where I live, I had four Obama signs taken from my front yard within five days last week (all after dark). But I placed the fifth sign closer to my front door, within the scope of the porch light, and it's been left alone the past three days.

  18. From Channel 6 News:

    Flocks of sheep leave Osceola Mills headed toward Bellefonte. Local police chief blames Lehigh Valley blogger!

  19. ANON 5:12 I suspect it was more in regards to the Hellertown area.

    This blog showed my second place pedal tractor pull in Plainfield. You could hear a cow moo toward the end.

  20. Anon 6:43, Those were some good-looking sheep.

  21. Bernie,

    The Grateful Dead concert for Obama was on Monday @ PSU, too bad you missed it...

  22. Bern,

    Big Brother is watching! Are you in bed yet? Thanks for coming to visit us! Osceola Mills was happy to see you! I'm glad that you tolerated Otis snoring! Go Phillies! They are going to the World Series! Keep in touch! Love you!

  23. Brandy & Buddy,

    I miss you guys already. Now that i know my jeep can make the haul, you might have to move even farther away!

  24. I am deleting a sickening personal and racial attack.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.