Local Government TV

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dent-Bennett Debate Airs on Channel 69 Tonight

Tony Iannelli's Business Matters, which airs Monday nights at 7:30 PM on Channel 69, will be featuring the LV Congressional race for the next two weeks. Congressman Charlie Dent and challenger Sam Bennett go toe to toe. After the show airs, you can watch the debate online and even cast a vote for the debate winner.


  1. It was taped Friday and we will see it tonight and next week.

  2. i was just going to ask that too
    is it live or tape. thank you for response.

  3. Well worth watching, I was there.

    The Banker

  4. Why do you hate Same Bennett ?

  5. Anon 803pm, who are you referencing when you ask the question?

    The Banker

  6. Banker, The anon is obviously posing that question to me. If he watched tonight, he knows why I consider her campaign a joke. I saw something tonight I've never seen in a debate before.

  7. Bernie, what did you see that was new? The only thing I saw was a very reckless candidate talking about failed banks, neither one of which failed - that was bad.

    The Banker

  8. I saw something I never saw before and I'll bbe writing a post about it. I saw a candidate so careless with the truth that part of what she said had to be beeped out. In a debate.

    I saw a candidate who repeatedly interrupted, "That's not true," whenever Dent spoke.

    I saw a candidate who even had to take a "shoe break" when one of her shoes fell off.

  9. Yep, saw all that too - I'll tell ya though Bernie, it sure looked different live. Dent came across much better on TV and Bennett did not.

    The Banker

  10. Pete's Sake,

    I thought at the actual debate Bennett came across much stronger and Dent more angry/defensive than either came across on TV. At the actual debate I also saw Bennett as stronger than Dent in terms of "presence" on the stage- I did not expect that given her past performances.

    Seeing it on TV was just much different to me, what I saw live did not come through on the broadcast. I am a Dent supporter (full disclosure here) maybe I was being too critical at the debate where watching it on TV framed it better? I don't know, I'm curious as to what others think, including those who saw live and on TV.

    Bennett's comment on the failed banks was very reckless because neither of the banks she mentioned had or has failed.

    The Banker

  11. That killed her. It's pathetic that what she says, during a debate, has to be edited out. It was a terrible performance by a person who couldn't let Dent speak without trying to interrupt him.

  12. Thanks, Banker. I appreciate your perspective from the live event.

  13. Pete's Sake, welcome.

    Bernie, Dent did a much better job waiting his turn to speak, very true. That was much more annoying tonight.

    Also something that did not come through on TV was the very difficult time Tony Ianelli had controlling things.

    The Banker

  14. To have been wrongly reported as failed at a Chamber event filled with local business people could not have pleased those banks Ms. Bennett mentioned, even if WFMZ did edit out the statements for tonight's broadcast. Has the Bennett Camp issued an apology? Do the banks have any legal recourse if they feel this has damaged their business's reputation or potential dealings with those who were in attendance?

  15. It seems clear that both candidates are better informed on political matters than Sarah Palin

  16. I'm not sure Bennett -vs- Palin would even be a fair fight. They'd stupidify themselves to death!


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