Local Government TV

Monday, October 13, 2008

Charlie Dent Endorsed by VFW

Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent received an important endorsement on Friday. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) political arm has endorsed his re-election campaign.

Larry Rivers, Director of the VFW Political Action Committee, stated that the "endorsement is based on [Charlie's] strong support for veterans, national security/defense, and military personnel issues.”

Rivers also notes that the “VFW-PAC endorses only those candidates for federal office who support our nations’ veterans and stand in support of a strong national defense.”

Naturally, Charlie was proud. “This endorsement means a great deal to me. I’ve worked to make sure that our veterans and our fellow citizens now serving in the Armed Forces receive the support and respect they so greatly deserve.”

At the same time that this endorsement was issued, Dent also learned that the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) has given him a grade of “A” on their 2008 Congressional Report Card.

The IAVA graded Congress on issues like veterans health care, expanding the G.I. Bill and providing housing opportunities for veterans.

Previously, in both televised ads, news releases and during a debate at the Jewish Community Center and in televised ads, congressional candidate Siobhan "Sam" Bennett has insisted that Dent refuses to support veternas. "[Charlie] votes against mandatory rest periods for veterans. When those veterans come home, he votes against health care and job training for those same veterans.”

Apparently, veterans disagree.

Representative Dent’s campaign manager, Shawn Millan, noted that the VFW endorsement and the “A” rating from the IAVA shows that charges made by Siobhan “Sam” Bennett regarding Charlie’s voting record on veterans’ issues are false.

“Once again a third party source, with far greater credibility than Bennett could ever hope to muster, has stepped forward to prove that the allegations she makes are reckless, off-the-mark, and not to be trusted,” said Millan.

“In other words, par for the course for her,” he added.

Ordinarily, I'd include a reaction from the Bennett camp. But after I criticized their mean-spirited attack at Rudy Giuliani last week, they've decided to cut me off.


  1. I still find it funny that a campaign would "cut you off" when they're barely able to stay afloat. They need all the attention they can get.

    Because you questioned the Bennett camp, you're no longer able to receive releases and statements. That's a clear sign of how Bennett will not represent the people in the district.

  2. Rep. Dent also picked up the endorsement of Esquire Magazine, according to Capitol Ideas.

  3. Ah, they cut you off? Too bad. It's not like you are impartial, or anything. You are like a dog that bites everybody, yet expects to be petted. Wait, I take that back. Your, master, Charlie Dent, trained you that way. It's not your fault.

  4. Pete,

    Dent had Esquire's endorsement in his last run for office, too.


    The Bennett campaign was well aware I supported Dent before they started sending me news releases. I made no promise to be impartial. Because I questioned the Giuliani release and asked the candidate to disavow some pretty disgusting remarks by their "information officer," I was cut off.

  5. IAVA is rather non-partisan pro-troops as they come.

    PS: Victerino rules!!!!


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