Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bob Freeman and Ron Shegda Tangle on Thursday

LV Ramblings readers selected Pennsylvania state representative Bob Freeman last year as the Lehigh Valley's top elected official. That means nothing to Hellertown oddball Ron Shegda, who wants the job for himself . . . again.

Two years ago, Shegda waged a losing write-in campaign for Freeman's 136th state house seat, which extends from Easton to Hellertown. At that time, Shegda was also soliciting contributions for the U.S. Senate in 2010, and claimed to be as "wise as serpents and gentle as doves."

I see enough snakes on Northampton County Council, and I sure as hell would never send one of them to Harrisburg.

A few weeks ago, Shegda and his posse tried to evict AJ and me from our seats at a Bennett-Dent debate in Allentown. We refused to move. He also recently lambasted Express Times editor Tony Rhodin in a goofy email, which you can read here.

He reads like he needs a rest at Happydale.

On Thursday night, Shegda will cross swords with Freeman at a candidates' night sponsored by the LWV and AAUW.

When: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 7 to 9 PM

Where: St. John's Lutheran Church, 330 Ferry Street, Easton, PA 18042.


  1. It's a shame Rs couldn't come up with a better alternative to one of Ed Rendell's most reliable lapdogs. Freeman's a nice guy who keeps his head down and dutifully toes the party line. I'd like more than a predictable sheep, however. I'm glad he's being challenged; I just wish the challenge was more serious.

  2. Anybody who says Freeman is a sheep for Rendell or leadership has no clue about the culture in Harrisburg. Bob Freeman is revered by his peered and mocked by the leadership of his party b/c he stands by his principles and the needs of his, not by the needs of Harrisburg insiders.

    If he had an interest in raising money, Freeman would be speaker of the house. But his interests lie in doing the right thing, so he will always be looked at as a good guy but always an arms length from the party leadership.

  3. 6:20,

    I hear you quacking. His votes tell the tale, however: reliable, rubber stamp.

  4. Aside from trying to kick us from our seats, Ron Shegda was very rude throughout the entire Bennett-Dent debate on 9/21/08. You can read about it here.

    The "man" behaves worse than an 8-year-old being punished during recess.

  5. I had a minor run-in with Ron, he kept including me in his email bursts from which I repeatedly asked that he remove me. I have a pet peeve against unwaited broadcast email. Thats called spam! I claimed that I personally asked to be included on his list, tho I never met him, did not know who he was, am not close to his district (He's in Hellertown, I'm in New Tripoli), and I never previously communicated with him. He got my email from some other politico list. I dislike his former stated comment from last year that "smart growth" will thwart a beleaguered housing industry." The housing industry killed itself. Smart Growth had nothing to do with it. Heck, we've got enough empty houses. Why build more! In communicating with him, I always got the idea that he thinks I owe him just because he is a republican. At one point, I thought to do a blog on it and post his emails.

  6. I went to re-read something on Rep. Freeman I saw on Blue Coyote, and found that the blog is no longer available. Anybody know what happened? Will it be back?


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