Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sam Bennett: Why I'm Running For Congress

I participated today in a telephone news conference conducted by LV congressional candidate Sam Bennett. I'll have more about the nuts and bolts tomorrow.

"I'm running for Congress because I feel strongly we need somebody to represent Lehigh Valley families in a bipartisan way and not somebody who's just a rubber stamp for Georger Bush or Republican leadership. That having been said, I don't really care much if it's a Democratic idea or a Republican idea as long as it's a good one. If it's good for the Lehigh Valley, I'm interested."


  1. Nice try, Sam, but no. Dent is a pro-abortion, middle-of-the-road RINO who's despised by conservative Rs. He's been mostly a pain in the ass to the Bush administration.

    When Ds wake up and realize they are running against a guy who's largely a fellow traveler, they'll be in a better position to defeat him.

  2. Actually, there are some big differences between Dent and Bennett. I have to go do some work so that I can get my jeep out of impound, but I can't wait to post these differences.

    I will also say that the Sam Bennett I spoke to in may is not the same Sam Bennett who spoke today. She has learned a lot. I thought she handled herself pretty well, but we'll see what readers think.

  3. She has learned a lot

    ...and then come the ridiculous press releases and lame attakcs on her campaign Web site.

  4. Agreed w/ a.j.c., Bernie it'll be interesting to hear why you think she's learned alot as it's not coming through her campaign.

    I still think the best thing she could do is send Ms. Seck back to Washington (assuming Ms. Seck ever came up here to begin with).

    The Banker

  5. This is the first time I can recall her showing any real bipartisan interests at all. Do you think that all the buzz and excitement generated by Sen. McCain's VP pick of Gov. Palin have anything to do with this sudden change of strategy?

  6. Pete, Banker,

    I'll post her comments and let you decide. I do think she is better prepared now than she was in May.

  7. "I feel strongly we need somebody to represent Lehigh Valley families in a bipartisan way and not somebody who's just a rubber stamp for George Bush or Republican leadership."

    She says using the same talking points and lines put out by the Washington Democrats. This doesnt indicate independence or bipartisanship. Dent's willingness to buck the Republican majority on a number of issues is independence and bipartisanship in action. Actions speak louder than partisan talking points. We need more moderates like Dent in Washington and in Harrisburg for that matter.

  8. SO basically she is saying that she supports what Dent is doing - working with people of both parties to get things done. I guess the main difference is that while Bennett has just realized that this is actually how things get done, Dent has been doing it his whole career.

    Pretty simple choice for me.

  9. She said what she said. But I don't know how calling a moderate Congressman a Bush rubber stamp can be viewed as anything but partisan.

  10. No matter how she polishes it up -- Sam Bennett is still a twit.

    I'm a Democrat who will vote for Obama but NOT for Bennett

  11. Wouldn't a "rubber stamp for..."Republican leadership" (her words, as per the original post) be attending the national convention going on right now, instead of in Washington working?

  12. Did I read correctly? Did someone actually agree with me?

    Is it a full moon or something?

  13. Moment of weakness a.j.c., I'll try to not let it happen again!

    The Banker

  14. what...nothing about BIG OIL...usually the Bush rubber stamp comment is either followed or preceded by such a comment...I'm disappointed


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