Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pelosi: Economic Crisis Snuck Up on Little Cat's Feet

When I'm not throwing hatchets into my wall late at night, I listen to C-Span. Last night, I heard Speaker Pelosi's speech that ostensibly supports the bailout. She called the $700 billion figure "staggering" and "alarming." Of course, everything was the Republicans' fault. Yet the crisis snuck "up on us so silently, almost on little cat's feet."

Did she go to the Ron Angle School of Diplomacy? Seriously, why didn't she just throw a frickin' grenade?


  1. I'm showing my ignorance of constitutional law here, but isn't she 3rd in line to the presidency?

    If that's true (and please correct me if I'm wrong) I'd wager more than a few people are praying for the health of Bush and Cheney right now.

    I'd replace Bush in a heartbeat, this is not a pro-Bush statement, this is an anti-Pelosi statement. She's nuts.

    The Banker

  2. She is #3. This is just a snippet. You should listen to the whole thing.

  3. I don't know if I want to - just watching this clip was disturbing enough!

    I will.

    The Banker

  4. She just comes off as such a transparent hack.

  5. OT. The Lord Pomfret Filet is overrated and the place smells like old lady. It's a perfect place to salute Nazareth's underachievers.

  6. Pelosi is giving lip service to win over the Cindy Sheehan base.

    Only the Sheehan fans are not buying Democratic talking points. And rightfully so.

    I voted for Nader in 2000 because he warned of all this 8 years ago.

    I guess snuck up on us, over nearly ten years.

  7. Bernie,

    What gets me about this story is how the media is ignoring her failure to lead on this very important issue. Leaders don’t engage in partisan harangues before an important vote, they set an example others want to follow. She fell well short of this standard and so did the media with their shameful coverage of this event.

    Scott Armstrong

  8. What is even more scary than Pelosi being 3rd in line to the Presidency, would be Palin next to the Presidency with a very old President.

    Are those Russian planes I see from my Porch?

    Oh My!

  9. Hope and change are the buzz words of the Obama Campaign. These are verbs more commonly associated with faith than rational and/or analysis.
    In light of this I find your questioning of Palin's credentials as, at best, selective.

    Scott Armstrong

  10. I question anything that I please. Unlike my friends on the right who can only parrot dogma, I am not deluded by Obamam's aura or the reality of his experience.
    If you can honestly look at Sarah Palin and see a competent leader of the USA, then God Bless you and hopefully God will Bless this great Nation.


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