Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I. Charlie Dent Strikes Back

Up until now, LV congressional challenger Sam Bennett has been swinging freely at incumbent Charlie Dent. That's a mistake. On Monday, Dent began swinging back with TV ads like the one above.

Here are three examples of Bennett's own mudslinging.

First, she claims Dent has suddenly become rich in Congress, a charge Dent forcefully denies. "[I]f Siobhan Bennett and the truth ever came into contact, there would be a mighty collision."

Steerike one!

Second, on a local talk radio show, Bennett actually conducted a mock debate with "Chicken Charlie the Dented," "moderated" by Dem Bossman Joe Long. But she's missed two opportunities to mix it up with the real Charlie at Parkland High School and Northampton's Allaince Fire Company. Her web page accuses Dent of refusing to debate her, but she recently told Express Times reporter Jessica Coomes that four or five debates are scheduled. Two will be televised.

Steerike two!

Third, her webpage even contains a faux George Bush phonecall to Charlie, yukking it up about GOP standing for Grand Oil Party and baloney like that.

Steerike three! She's outa' here.

I personally think what really annoyed Charlie the most was Bennett's claim that she goes to church more often than him. She might want to stop talking about that. When I mentioned it, the usually relaxed and affable Dent suddenly sat up straight, visibly annoyed, with a very steely look in his eyes.

After that, I knew it was only a matter of time before he would respond.

In the post below, I'll detail Bennett's complaint about the negative campaigning.


  1. When Will McCain and Dent Condemn LaDuca's Statements?
    by: John Morgan
    Tue Sep 09, 2008 at 08:59:43 AM EDT

    Adam LaDuca, the disgraced former leader of the PA College Republicans volunteered on both the Charlie Dent and John McCain campaigns. He worked for Charlie in 2006 and volunteered recently on that effort in the Lehigh Valley. When I called the Dent for a comment while writing the series they refused to acknowledge even knowing the young man. Then Dent gave Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny this comment: "Adam LaDuca is an idiot."
    Funny Dent knew that but doesn't know who LaDuca is.

    I asked the Dent campaign for a statement condemning the racist, sexist, homophobic comments LaDuca posted on Facebook but they refused. Now that this is a national story and the comment about Barack Obama's lips is in newspapers everywhere will they change their tune? They can call me anytime especially since I'll be in Allentown this morning for a Sam Bennett press conference.

    The silence from John McCain's campaign is even more interesting. Adam LaDuca sent a message claiming he was the "point person at KU for the John McCain campaign." I sent McCain's Pennsylvania headquarters an email requesting comment almost two weeks ago and they have not responded.

    Does John McCain think Barack Obama's lips are "big enough to float half of Cuba to Miami?" One must conclude that from their refusal to condemn the remark.

  2. Adam LaDuca made clearly racist remarks. He lost his job with state college Rs as a result. Dent does not know him and LaDuca has had nothing to do w/ Dent's campaign. He did NOT work for Charlie in 2006. He is no recent volunteer. He may have spent a weekend in 2006 in some GOTV effort, but that was what Kutztowen Rs were doing at the time. He apparently made an entry on Facebook. Down With Tyranny put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5. John Morgan is parroting what was wriutten in a California blog. Shawn Millan stated, when first asjked about the guy, that he never heard of him.

    So this is a nonstory, more baloney from the Slimy Sam camp.

  3. It's interesting that this blog detailed the salary story, but did not address it as directly as Charlie (i.e. "Bennett ... ripped off taxpayers"). Is Charlie exaggerating or were you being diplomatic, Bernie?

  4. Anon 6:51,

    I've never been accused of being diplomatic, but there is no exaggeration in Dent's claim. Her salary was disproportionately high - taking up one-third of that nonprofit's budget. I was highly critical of that salary and Bennett's role in setting it.

  5. Even $55,000 is disproportionately high, even though she was paid $88,000. This "non-profit" is a waste of money.

  6. As to "strike three":

    Rep. Dent is actually being praised by Politickerpa.com because he is an incumbent willing to debate a challenger twice on TV, and possibly 5 times in total before the election.

    "Congressman Charlie Dent is doing something most incumbents would never do and deserves to be applauded."--Politickerpa.com

  7. Pete, I saw that yesterday but could not remember where. Thanks for the link.

  8. Dent is buying this election with oil company money, and yet Burne just gushes with his mancrush.

  9. There's the token "big oil" comment. We havent heard that one in probably ten minutes...Anon 10:08, you forgot the next line of the typical (and boring) Sam Bennett talking points where you are supposed to mention Bush as well. The arguments are recycled, non-factual, and we voters STILL arent buying them.


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