Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gary Asteak: Easton Can't Seize Johns' Cars

Here's a shocker.

Prominent constitutional law attorney Gary Asteak today challenged Easton's recently enacted seizure and forfeiture ordinance, under which cops have been confiscating the cars of johns on the prowl for street hookers.

I'll have details tomorrow. First, I'm going to interview a few hookers.


  1. Ruh roh. Sounds like Gary wants his car back.

  2. "Prominent Constitutional Law Attorney" What Supreme Court case has he won ?

  3. I am unfamiliar with Gary's appellate record, but am very familiar with his work in the pits of Northampton County. He is an outstanding trial advocate who has made many winning constitutional arguments. Not all con law scholars are in ivory towers.

  4. Cowboy boots, blue jeans, pony tail and a sport coat . . . a trademark? Criminal defense or constitutional law? not always the same unless you're the accused. Bravo the 5th and 6th amendment, yet there are others. No derogatory comment intended.

  5. What Supreme Court case has he won ?

    I can think of at least one sitting L.C. Judge that lost a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, yet that does not make him or her unqualified. Qualifications go with non-trivial argument and real experience.

  6. First they came for the Communists but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists but I was not one of them, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews but I was not Jewish so I did not speak out. And when they came for my Crown Victoria because I offered an undercover cop $20 for a blow job, there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Prominent Constitutional Law Attorney Gary Asteak's face should be on money.

  7. So someone who doesn't own a car and approaches the undercover officer on foot receives less punishment for committing exactly the same crime? The logic escapes me . . . or is there something in the ordinance that deals with this?

  8. Morbuck54,

    You hit it on the head! I could hear gary making that argument right now. I'll pass it on and you can ask for a percentage of his fee.

  9. I don't care about pony tails or cowboy boots, but I am against taking someones property before they have had a trial or have even been found guilty in the courts. What is next???? you lose your home because of that parking ticket last week? Thanks Henry

  10. Bernie, your Dad was my Fathers Attorney for many years. Gary is my Attorney and trust me he can truly walk on water!!! Charlie Milder thinkgold@gmail.com

  11. Gary is a brilliant attorney. I am sure he is about the best in this state.


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