Penna. Avenue (Josh Drobnyk): I'm a little confused about what debates you both agreed to and what debates you're pushing for. Which ones are on the table, even if they're just forums, with the two of you?
Bennett: "Yeah, well, we have one coming up this Sunday and it is a candidates' forum at the Jewish Community Center. And we are pushing for there to be a debate at Muhlenberg, for there to be a debate at NCCC and, of course, the traditional Express Times debate.
Drobnyk: So the JCC is the only one? I was under the impression - they had told me there was going to be a debate at the Chamber . . .
Bennett: "Yeah, Actually, that's , there's the Chamber of Commerce, yes, you're absolutely correct. And also, . . . "
Drobnyk: That's an actual debate - as opposed to a forum?
Bennett: "No, I think that's a forum. I think that's part of Tony Iannelli's Business Matters TV program."
Drobnyk: O.K.
Gary Ritterstein: "Part of the problem here is that the Congressman is picking and choosing his forums and he's leaving out some of the largest and best attended options that are on the table. He's dodging the opportunity to talk to most voters and to put both candidates in front of the most voters over the next 48 or 49 days before the election.
Drobnyk: Just so I'm clear, though, what has been agreed to, as far as when you two are going to sit down? Are the JCC and Chamber the only events or are there others?
Bennett: "We have others scheduled, hold on. . . . We have others scheduled. The Citizens Action Committee, the Chamber of Commerce, the Jewish Community Center and I'm double-checking on one - yes- PBS, Channel 39.
Drobnyk: O.K. And when is that?
Bennett: "I've got October 23rd, Josh, for PBS, and Community Action Committee, you know, Alan Jennings' organization, that's the 15th of October.."
Not to split hairs, but is it wrong to say they will face off or debate when in fact most of these dates are forums? Is there a significant difference between a debate and a candidates forum? These forums impress me as a platform for canned speeches. Shouldn't we know the format of these face-offs before reaching any conclusions?
ReplyDeleteI need another exciting League of Women Voters debate. Those old lefty battle axes are more effective than Ambien.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:00,
ReplyDeleteI have gone to these things for years. None of them are really true debates. All of trhem give a candidate an opportunity to face off, although the LWV (which I have promised to join) needs to kick it up about 47 notches.
I saw Bennett in a number of debates when she ran for mayor twice and lost in the Democreatic primary each time.
ReplyDeleteShe is a terrible debater -- unfocused, programmed, not good on her feet, too condescending and comes off as totally contrived.
Don't know that she has changed over the years either.
Her recent TV ads, with her oozing and self-absorbed smirks at the end, and the very few times I have seen her interviewed on TV or on a blog site, tell me she has probably gotten much worse.
Dent should chew her up if they get a chance to actually go head to head in a real debate.
He will definitely outperform her in a forum setting.
Hope lots of voters watch so they know what they are not getting with her.
Why won't Charles W. Dent debate Bennett at the State Theater with the Express Times as the moderator? I don't understand why he rails to an empty Congressional chamber but won't debate in front of his constituents.
ReplyDeleteThe Debate at the State is one of the best things going. I would have loved to have seen an encounter there.
ReplyDeleteBut Dent will be seeing Bennett at least four times. Two of those encounters will be televised. People are going to have several opportuniities to see the tweo of them together. Bennett has already missed two opportunities to face off against Dent.
Anon 1052am, Dent speaking in front of an empty Chamber in Washington was a political tool to give Rs the ability to say that they've tried to debate issues and the Ds aren't being a part of it / avoiding issues that impact all Americans, yada yada. He was one of many US Reps that took part in it. It's fluff, but it's also politics and both parties have engaged in the practice.
ReplyDeleteAs to a debate, I am hugely disappointed that we're not getting a true debate as I think it would both be enjoyable and educational. My understanding is that Dent won't agree to it as he feels he doesn't need it and has more to lose than Bennett does. I understand his reasoning (and if I were him I'd probably do the same thing) but I don't like this decision.
The Banker
O'Hare you didn't answer Anon 10:52 AM, why won't Dent debate at the State?
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:04, I though I did answer the question, but let me be more clear. Dent and Bennett agreed to a series of debates. After that had occurred and after the campaign had been scheduled up to the day of the election, the ET came up with the idea of a Debate at the State. I think that is one of the best but there are only so many opportunities. As an incumbent, Dent has agreed to two televised encounters and at least two other opportunities to square off. I would not condemn his unavailability that night.
ReplyDeleteAs far as speaking to an empoty House floor is concerned, Dent's recent speech on the eve of that energy vote was one of the best short speeches I've ever seen. I was very proud that he was my Congressman that night. he saw right thru what was being attempted. If you get a chance, you should check it out.
Real politicians would follow the Lincoln-Douglass debate format.
ReplyDeleteThey questioned each other and had long periods of time to answer and rebut.
I still think we need to start a blogger debate forum for local, state and Congressional races.
The media tries to be too "objective". Other forums are blatantly partisan.
Bernie, you and I would cut through the BS pretty fast and get to the heart of the matter(s)!
I think they should joust. I love a good joust. I heard they had great sandwiches at jousts. Real good MLT's -- mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Where the mutton is real lean --
ReplyDeleteThey did. I had many of them. In fact, I was looking for some mutton when I shot Angle's sheep. Oooops.
ReplyDeleteI dont understand this. She is claiming he isnt debating her enough, but when questioned by the reporter, she doesnt even know how many, when, or what time the debates are?
ReplyDelete"...was under the impression - they had told me there was going to be a debate at the Chamber . . .
Bennett: "Yeah, Actually, that's , there's the Chamber of Commerce, yes, you're absolutely correct. And also,"
I mean, challengers are lucky to get any debates at all. She doesnt even know how many she has and then claims Dent isnt debating her. Horrible.
"Where the mutton is real lean --"
ReplyDelete...and the tomatoes are so perky. I love that!
Reporter: Dent says you're scheduled for at least four debates.
ReplyDeleteBennett: Debates. But I say he's dodging debates. It's inconceivable!
Reporter: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
O'Hare you didn't answer Anon 10:52 AM, why won't Dent debate at the State?
ReplyDeleteBecause O'Hare is Dent's blog mouthpiece and is dodging the issue.
Someone smell chicken?
Anon 11:18, I answered the question. Twice.
ReplyDeleteThe answer is that Dent cannot be bothered? OK. Perhaps he'll regret it when he's selling TV's again.
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me that Sam will be back ripping off neighborhood groups before Charlie Dent is "selling TVs again."
ReplyDeletethe real reason charlies not debating is because he has a facial tic which doesnt look good on camera.Gives people the wrong impression when hes under pressure.