Local Government TV

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Angle Gets Another Sheep Shot

Northampton County Council member Ron Angle suffered a lot of cheap shots in his reelection bid. Now he's facing sheep shots, too. Those of you who read this blog have probably already seen the Morning Call story about a sheep being shot at Ron Angle's Springhouse farm in Upper Mount Bethel Township on Saturday night.

I was at Ron's farm on Saturday. I had been invited there for a picnic. Never mind that a frickin' hurricane was whirling its way through the Lehigh Valley, Ron was having an outdoor party come hell or high water. When I got there, he had a few tents set up and was driving all over the place in some kind of golf cart, soaking wet. People held on to the poles or each other to keep from blowing away.

Ron continually commanded the rain to stop, and occasionally, it listened.

Despite the lousy weather, it was a great time with interesting people. Of course, we mostly talked politics, solving all the world's problems in a few short hours.

The best part, at least for me, was when I left. Nancy Dienel gave me a kiss. Don't tell her husband.

Because Ron lives in the middle of nowhere, I doubt that the coward who attacked him by shooting one of his animals will ever be nailed. But if this person was trying to silence the Northampton County Bulldog, I can guarantee he failed. Ron's already training a new attack sheep.

He calls it LAMBO.


  1. It is amazing how many people cannot separate passion for political positions from common civility and decency.

    Too many take any disagreement as some sort of personal attack. Or worse, they view anyone with differing political views as an evil entity of some sort.

    And such people exist on both sides of the aisle so there is no need to get into a debate about who the bigger haters are.

    Liberals are just usually wrong - but I don't hate 'em! ---chuckle

  2. Angle has pissed alot of people off over the years outside of politics. His methods of aquiring wealth have been controversial to say the least. It is impossible to know the motives of the idiot who did this. It could have been an angry former renter or some kids being idiots.
    I seriously doubt anyone did this based on Angles polics, since he is a pretty inconsequential self-promoting blowhard.
    I am glad the sheep will be ok.

  3. Absolutely terrible...

    The Banker

  4. ron angle has a sheep named...anna?

    ahh, the legendary motherlode of straight-lines.


  5. Angle has pissed a lot of people off over the years outside of politics.

    There is a time and place to slam Angle. This is not one of them.

  6. Mr. Ron Angle does piss off people, true.

    Mr. Ron Angle is an elected official, true.

    Mr. Ron Angle can stand toe-to-toe with the best of them, true and this scares people.

    So a coward attacks his farm animal, a sheep, a pet? Sad, but sounds very TRUE. :(

  7. Who's to say this is incident is related to Angle personally? It could have been random. Some people enjoying killing helpless animals for fun, and sadly, it's not uncommon.

  8. Anon 1:10 and AJC,

    Good points. I just assumed it would be politically related. Thanks for pointing out those possibilities.

  9. Good points all and by some and also by anonn 1:10, there is no way to know if Angles politics had anything to do with this. I tend to doubt it. It was idiotic whatever the reason.
    BO, stop being a drama queen, the points made are accurate. Whether or not you agree, many people who have no knowledge of local politics have problems with Angle for a variety of reasons. He loves attention and his business practices have been contraversial.
    Take the advice you give others when they snark people other than your man crush buddies Angle, Stoffa, Dent et. al.--
    Lighten up Francis!

  10. There is a time and place to slam Angle. This is not one of them.

  11. I heard it was a lovers spat between O'Hare and the sheep. Angle was spending alot of evenings with the sheep. You know about jealous lovers.

  12. "I heard it was a lovers spat between O'Hare and the sheep."



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