Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reminder: Charlie Dent Interview Tomorrow

Speak now or forever hold your peace!

I'll be meeting LV Congressman Charlie Dent tomorrow, and will be posing the tough questions you've asked, as well as a few of my own. If there's something you'd like to know, now's your chance.


  1. BO on Healthcare please press him. No personal saving health accounts. a bad flu could wipe that out. what meaningful ideas does he have regarding the current state of healthcare in the country.
    Thank you

  2. while at it, his own health care. I remember reading that he takes the pa health care afforded to former legislators rather than the federal health care. He doesn't work for the state any more. He works for the federal gov't. Also, he has defered his state pension payments (between 50k-100k for 2005 and the same in 2006) from when he was in the state house and senate (opensecrets.org). It appears he has also deferred another 50k-100k from the state (opensecrets.org). What is this from? Does he plan to receive back payments from those deferals after he is done in congress? And what is a PA Tap account? Sounds like he's sitting on a huge taxpayer pay day the day he retires. To be fair, it appears that Alyson Schwartz and Tim Murphy are doing the same thing. Why won't Charlie Dent lead by example and put an end to this kind of abuse?

    Finally, he received a lot of money from Air Products employees. In the 2008, 2006 and 2004 elections, they were his top individual contributors (www.opensecrets.org). In 2005, Air Products received $14.6 million in earmarks, $12.4 million in 2006, $19 million in 2007, $12.5 in 2008 (grand total of $58 million). Each of those years Air Products is in the top 4 receipiants of federal pork, with others being Lehigh University, community services for children, the airport authority, LANTA, Cedar Crest and Lehigh Valley College (now defunct?)(all from www.usaspending.org). The other big receivers have some sort of social service mission. Air Products is private industry.

    I don't have so much a question as a statement: it appears that Air Products receives good investment on their campaign contributions. Now the question: does Charlie Dent seek those contributions from Air Products' employees, especially knowing that they receive such great treatment from the Congressman when it comes time for earmarks? If the earmarks have nothing to do with contributions, as I'm sure Charlie Dent will say, why not simply refuse to take money from anybody affiliated with organizations that money at the pork barrel? Or, perhaps it has something to do with what appears to be dividend payouts from Air Products that Charlie Dent has received in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

  3. One last thing: charlie dent will point out that he voted against the increase in state pension for lawmakers. Will he return the amount that he voted not to receive or will he accept it?

  4. First he goes to Musikfest and now he's talking to a liberal loonie? WTF!

  5. Wow, those are tough questions - borderline unfair.

    That's good.

  6. please address the following:

    dent has a plan for energy security: lessening our dependence on foreign oil and he calls it the G.R.O.W. plan.

    in this plan, under the "R", he calls to "Research new technologies...that will spur the development of alternative and renewable energy resources like wind, solar, geothermal..."

    exactly how does he expect to implement his own plan, when he:

    1. Voted against ending oil company subsidies in order to invest in renewable energy incentives;

    2. Voted to allow offshore oil and gas drilling along the Outer Continental Shelf in places like New Jersey’s coast; and

    3. Voted reduce oil company payments to the federal government.

    i think our "energy security" will only become "secure" when we stop depending on and supporting big oil companies. eliminate oil subsidies and use the money more wisely like investing in new technologies and giving credits to taxpayers who want to purchase such technology (thereby making it more affordable)

    i think someone who calls an approach to our energy dilemna a "G.R.O.W." plan needs to "G.R.O.W." some balls and step up to big oil in congress. exactly when does dent plan on doing that?

  7. Anon 1:45am, what's wrong with health savings accounts? I personally like the idea of paying co-pays or other costs out of pre-tax dollars.

  8. Congressman Dent,
    You often take the John McCain "Republican Maverick" line when you speak on issues with President Bush.

    You told the people of the LV (whom are heavily opposed to the Iraq war.) Your not the puppet/rubber stamp for this administration.

    YET, in your recent campaign vs Sam Bennett you know are using all Bush White House talking points. Off shore drilling, support warrent less wiretapping, and my favorite "She wants us to cut and run from Iraq so the terrorist will win" as you said on WFMZ, not a LIBERALLY biased channel.

    So what is it Mr. Dent? Are you a Neo-Con yes man as you know claim in this campaign? Or just working on being a foot ware sales man in Margarittaville ?

    You can not be both against and with the Bush white house. What is it?

    Keep in mind your stance on the Iraq war will be in print on this site and you can not take it back.

    Choose wisely,or look poorly.

  9. And Mr. Dent another question (or two)

    1. Give us your stance on how long till we leave IRaq. And if you say untill we win or victory DEFINE victory beyond claiming the word.

    2. How did you vote on the Farm Bill? And on the overide of the veto?

    3. Why are you not working with the Farm Bureau on more alternative fuels like bio fuel with so much farmland left in your district.

    4. Would you support a LIVING WAGE over a minunium wage considering the low wages America has had is a real problem in this energy crisis. (Living Wage would mean any worker over 18 years of age or parent of a child would make atleast $11 a hour.)

    5. Do you still support Globalization, and free trade now that americans are struggling to find careers with this floundering economy?

    6. Which do you prefer the Weekly Standard, or the American Conservative?

  10. It amazes me, the outright hostility coming through these questions. We have lost the ability to have legitimate disagreement on issues without it degenerating...this is sad.

    The Banker

  11. I'm gonna vote for him..holding nose..but he's got to promise to at least TRY to reach across the aisle! Enough of the neo-conservative crap! Stand up and be your own person..Chuck!

  12. what's unfair about questions related to campaign contributions and abusing taxpayer funded benefits? Sam was fairly asked the same questions about her taxpayer funded position. Sam has been held to account on the fact that she received so much money from outside of PA. Why can't we ask the same types of questions of Charlie Dent without being told they are borderline unfair, especially since the information was drawn from public information? These conclussions can certainly be drawn by a reasonable person.

  13. Its hard not to be hostile when he gives us that handsome smile and a promise. Then goes to the floor and votes opposite his promise.

  14. She wants us to cut and run from Iraq so the terrorist will win"

    PLEASE tell me Dent didn't actually SAY this.

  15. It amazes me, the outright hostility coming through these questions. We have lost the ability to have legitimate disagreement on issues without it degenerating...this is sad.

    Please hold Mr Dent to the same standard. You don't think hostility is warranted when he disrespects his opposition using lines like those above? It's as bad as his party's presidential candidate who amazingly claimed that Senator Obama would rather lose the war and win the Presidency. Both statements are completely ignorant and incredibly insulting.

    Second, Representative Dent has wholeheartedly supports a war which most Americans disagree with and fails to end even when the grounds it was based on were found to be false!

  16. Hayshaker, Dent never made that statement. Spike is just doing what Spike does.

    Some of the questions posed are hostile. Some are borderline unfair. And I will ask as many as I can.

  17. BOH, how do you square your love affair with Ed Pawlowski and his surveillance cameras with Dent's pork barrel photo op?

  18. I'm not sure I understand the question, but Dent is doing what he can to help the public safety of the LV. There were many public safety initiatives, thanks to Dent. Strange way for a Bush clone to act. Bush fought against it and threatened a veto.

  19. The question is challenging you and Molovinsky's attack of Pawslowski's camera plan. You two were overly critical of P's crime fighting plan but you love Dent's endorsement of it.

  20. Bernie O'Hare stated,: "Those cameras are actually little more than a bandaid over a gaping wound."

    Perhaps you can ask Dent why he is wasting federal tax dollars on bandaids?

  21. Hayshaker,

    Lot's drop the bullshit arguing. I thought those cameras were a good idea and said so. But A-town's problem is so bad, they are little more than a badaid. A-town needs more cops. Pawlowski is doing everything he can to avoid that reality. Congressman Dent can and diod help, but can't solve A-town's crime problem by himself. More cops are needed. I spoke favorably about those cameras, too, but they are not the answer.

  22. what is hostile and/or unfair? Is he abusing taxpayer funded benefits or does he plan to when he is no longer in office? Didn't we ask Sam Bennett how much she earned from her taxpayer funded job this past year. Rightly so. Does he accept money from his support of pork barrel politics? When Allentown gives money away to private industry, we call leadership out on it. Rightly so. Bennett was asked to answer the same kinds of questions. Now it's Dent's turn.

    Something about goose and gander?

  23. Bennett was asked to answer questions that were borderline unfair, too. Listen, I wanted tough questions. Otherwise, what's the point?

  24. There's nothing unfair about tough questions, they should always be asked (and there are plenty of them to be asked, as outlined here). It's the tenor that I don't like.

    All politicians should be held to the same standard, all I ask is that we keep it several levels above where politics resides.

    This is also a nonpartisan issue, both sides of the aisle have lost the ability to have honest disagreement and debate without it degenerating from there.

    The Banker


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