Local Government TV

Friday, June 20, 2008

Northampton County Inches Closer to $30 Million Bond

The vote was 7 to 1. Northampton County council member Lamont McClure believes the county already has enough debt, but the rest of his colleagues voted last night to support a resolution endorsing a $30 million bond for capital projects. There was little discussion. Council member Charles Dertinger was absent.

This resolution does not authorize the county to borrow any money, but only expresses a consensus that county exec John Stoffa should continue exploring a $30 million bond.


  1. So Mr. Fiscal happy hates bonds which expand the tax base but loves bonds that do nothing but feed the monster of County government. So like stoffa, he has played both sides for 20 years.

  2. I detested the first bond because (1) it lacked realistic cost estimates; and (2) it involved handouts for the economic development of greenfields. I don't just carte blanche hate all bonds.

  3. BO: not to re argue your ancient battle. However, you were wrong then and I as is/was stoffa. If you wish to have parking lots, juvenile centers, big prisons u need to expand the tax base, not raise taxes. That was somethin u and your allies missed in eco 101

  4. Actually, John Stoffa supported the $111 MM megabond. I remember him taking that very unpopular position when he ran for county council. it probably cost him the election, but he earned my respect.

    I understand your point, and those of you who supported the megabond may be right. But I don't like the government to spread money among people and businesses that don't really need it.

    My view is that if we are expanding, then the tax base is already expanding.


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