Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Michael Molovinsky for President?

Local celebrity and blogger Ken Matthews may have lost his radio spot on B104, but still has a nose for news. He just forwarded this breaking story about everyone's favorite blogger, Michael Molovinsky.


  1. Mike got my vote!

  2. Bernie
    Land grabing by municipalities and using zoning to pit neighbor against neighbor have become weapons in the arsenal of public officials. Expect more of it unless we make some serious changes.

  3. Chris, You must have read Mike's Autozone post.

  4. This doesn't happen often, but I'm at a loss for words...

  5. OMG, I just noticed Molovinsky ads are on buses in that video. Did he sell out to LANTA?

  6. The bastard sold out! Next thing I know, he'll be driving all over A-town with Pawlowski, shutting down yard sales.

  7. Before you know it, they'll quit tipping at restaurants! The maddness will never end!

  8. bernie, that bastard comment cost you being considered for my VP

  9. Damn, I think I would have been a great Dick Cheney, too!

  10. Bernie, you don't want VP - you want Chief of Staff. Wield power from behind the scenes, be a puppetmaster, that's the ticket!

  11. That was GREAT !!! Especially with the elderly lady with the tattoo. It's funny how technology can make this seem so real. Imagine if this took off like WAR OF THE WORLDS.


  12. I just realized my planner for the remainder of '08 is very light. I'd like to be considered for the VP slot. I Like Mike.

  13. As hilarious as this is I do predict that during the next 12 years some unknown will make a real, serious push and probably win.

    As long as both parties continue with the "Republicans suck", no, "Democrats suck" childish mentality that infects politics today.


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