Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leonard Zito Returning to Northampton County Bench

When President Judge Robert A Freedberg goes to the Superior Court, guess who will be appointed to fill his vacancy? According to a reeliable source, the vacancy will be filled by Leonard Zito, who will be returning to the bench for a second time.

Zito, who currently serves as Solicitor to Northampton County Council, was previously required to step down from the bench after an appointment because he had pledged he would not run. This time around, he is free to run if he wishes, and intends to do so.


  1. Burne, your information is bad. There is no way Zito gets the appointment a second time. Sorry, he will have to do it the old fashion way. Win it.

  2. Zito will be appointed. The court is one man short and Judge Smith has just returned from military service.

  3. There's actually no chance that he will be appointed. But, I understand why you believe he will.

  4. The election will boil down to two outstanding statesman and public servants, Leonard Zito and Karl Longenbach. We can't lose with either one.

  5. I agree they are both excellent choices. There will be another vacancy next year.

  6. He may get the Guv appointment, but do you really think the Republican controlled State Senate would confirm if he doesn't stipulate that he won't run?

  7. Yes, I do. I smell a deal in the works, and have it on good authority. If this dude is wrong, it will be the first time ever.

    Zito will be appointed and confirmed, which means that a number of attorneys will be running for one vacancy instead of two.

  8. What deal could Sens. Browne and Wonderling agree to without enduring the wrath of Norco GOP? They both were pressured last time for a no run promise from Zito.

  9. That I cannot explain. Why would the Norco GOP want to interfere with the appointment of an obviously qualified and independent jurist? Just because he's a Democrat? If that's so, then there's really little difference between the Norco GOP and Dem. Why not look at the person and the best intersts of the county instead of partisan goals?

  10. As a NorCo R, I can testify the that the NorCo GOP couldn't organize a one-car parade.

  11. You must be on the executive committee.


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