Local Government TV

Friday, June 20, 2008

Boscola Claims Her Chief of Staff is Leaving

Bernie Kieklak, chief of staff to state Sen. Lisa Boscola, may be quitting his job, according to a scoop from The Express Times' irrepressible Jim Deegan. As more discerning readers of this blog will remember, Bernie got into a jam this time last year as a result of sleazy misogynistic comments posted on this blog. Single-handedly, he pretty much ended any hope Boscola entertained of running for Congress.

Like everything involving Bernie Takes No Prisoners, as he liked to call himself, nothing is as it seems. He's quitting, but there's no resignation letter. According to Boscola, even the energy industry wants him, but she has no idea whether anyone else has hired him.

Say what?

In typical BTNP fashion, he's ignoring emails and phone calls, turning this into a soapbox drama. Personally, I think he's starting a new blog - Friends Don't Let Friends Blog Drunk. He'd be pretty good. This excerpt from his own obituary, which he wrote himself after losing a bet with me, reveals that much:

"O'Hare, who wore his high-school prom dress for the occasion, was humble as ever in front of the throng of international reporters, papparazzi, and inflatable groupies who numbered in the thousands.

"'I'm the smartest person on the planet and I'm always right,' O'Hare said.

"Meanwhile, the idiot Senate aide, Bernard Kieklak, was shackled and locked in stocks in the town square until his boss, Senator Lisa Boscola, doused him with 15 gallons of gasoline and set him ablaze with the designer Gucci flame-thrower she always carries in her purse.

"As the flames consumed him, Kieklak could be heard to shout, 'I was wrong and I admit it. Bernie O'Hare was right. And I apologize to Lefler and Micek [Morning Call dudes] for saying such stupid things... and at least I don't have to kiss Jolly Joe!'

"There are no funeral arrangements planned. No one liked him, not even his friends."

I miss the bastard.


  1. he was one seriously witty dude. a formidable intellect.

  2. He was also a buffoon.

  3. I'm sorry, but Boscola should have canned him when this story first broke. How many second second chances?

  4. Anon 1:10 -

    I believe strongly in second chances, but I agree with you. She should have canned him!

  5. Bernie is a good loyal soldier. However he was no formidable intellect and did not serve Lisa's strategic goals rather it was personal. For that she should be hailed, for him, he should be professional enough to leave.

  6. I don't know if Bernie ever conquered his inner demons. If he could do that, he'd be the total package. But there always is some tragic in his magic.

  7. Boonie, he is no more deeply flawed than you.

  8. True. We are all flawed. You're pretty flawed, too. Anyone who nightly repeats the same anonymous attacks is pretty f--ed up.

  9. And what is someone who anonymously calls another person an "ass clown"?

  10. How does Senator Boscola, who is out to slay the PPL Dragon, say with a straight face that her top aide is seeking a job with the energy industry?

    Shouldn't that bother her?

  11. anon 1:58 raises a good point. saturday's morning call features the departure and references o'hare and this blog

  12. "How does Senator Boscola, who is out to slay the PPL Dragon, say with a straight face that her top aide is seeking a job with the energy industry?

    Shouldn't that bother her?"

    That is a really good point!

  13. The reference to the energy industry really blew my mind.

  14. If Boscola were serious about slaying the PPL Dragon she would be helping the people in Lehigh Twp. Moore and Bushkill who are about to have PPL run a series of 190ft. tall- high voltage towers through their yards and the watershed area. She has not responded to their pleas for help nor attended any of the meetings.

  15. I'm sorry for your plight, but I think you prove that Boscola is not serious about anything accept saving her own political skin.

    As I recall right after her drunk driving arrest she became a great advocate of property tax reform -- her efforts culminated in nothing.

    Now, almost immediately after the politically damaging flap surrounding the offensive comments made by Kieklak she suddenly became an apostle of energy rate caps.

    She assumes various populist political positions like a stage diva changing costumes during a show.

    It goes back to her first term as a state Representative the issues that she seized on then were right from the Rush Limbaugh show -- welfare reform and boot camps for youthful offenders.

    On the technicalities of issues that matter like a power line being run through your community she is woefully unprepared and inept.

  16. Anon 8:14, If by any chance you come back here, I hope you can get share the details. Where is PPL planning to put towers? What has Boscola been asked to do, and what has she done?

  17. PPL is planning to run a a high Voltage transmission line from Berwick PA to Roseland NJ, over one of three possible routes. One of them runs through the base of the Blue Mountain and will require clear cutting of huge swaths of land this includes wetlands, conservation lands, game lands and people's back yards and the loss of alluvial soils can be a real problem for agriculture down stream from erosion factors. They have asked Sen. Boscola to help them reason with PPL and perhaps register her disagreeement with the plan.She has not returned calls. Several other legislaotrs and officials are trying to help these folks. It is especially dangerous because of the lightning strikes on that area (high activity area) will be drawn to those huge towers with high voltage in them and can cause fires and local outages.

    THis line will do nothing to improve service in PA at all.

    THere is a meeeting in Northampton at the community center this Thursay for more information go to:


    For the record: I am not affected by this personally.

  18. Thanks, Not so Casual. I'm going to do some homework.

  19. Lisa Boscola is still in office?

    Talking about dumb.


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