Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Thank You for Sam Bennett

"Is this beginning to feel like root canal?"

That's one question I asked congressional candidate Sam Bennett during a three-hour long interview at the HamFam. Her coffee and eggs were cold. She hadn't touched her toast. To be honest, root canal takes a lot less time. Michael Molovinsky chided me, "The woman volunteered to be interviewed, not dissected."

There were thirty-one detailed questions, and some were borderline unfair. To Bennett's credit, she answered every one of them, and then some. This race is important. Our national leadership is changing and we are in crisis, both domestically and abroad. An in-depth interview will hopefully give you a better understanding of Sam Bennett. Tomorrow, I will begin posting her replies. Because of the detail involved, I will do so in several posts for the different topics discussed.

I wish to thank Ms. Bennett for the time she took in both meeting with one of her harshest critics and for answering every question posed.


  1. I didn't think she would answer half of them, if she even showed up at all.

    I can't wait to see what she had to say...

  2. a.j. i just caught up with the 56 comments and questions submitted to bernie from the mostly democratic blogosphere. with "supporters" like these, she doesn't need opposers. the questions seem more detailed than any of those asked the presidential candidates by msm. here is a person willing to run and work against a local icon and she is being asked everything anyone ever read in the newspaper and questions about the man who delivers it. i would doubt if politically sam and i have anything in common, but i hope bernie can somehow treat her fairly with his interview report. she met with bernie as a good deed, lets not punish her for it.

  3. Michael,

    She gets all the credit in the world for showing up. For the most part, they are very tough questions. But I think they should be tough questions. I plan to break up the interview into segments for different lines of questions. I plan to let her do most of the talking and let the reader decide if her answer was good or not. In some cases, her answers may have led to more questions from me, but I don't think my follow up was very good.

  4. I heard you guys left and didn't even leave a tip.You'd make Mayor Ed proud.

    p.s. I wish Bennett would just go away. She has no real ideas and no chance at all to win.

  5. I heard you guys left and didn't even leave a tip.You'd make Mayor Ed proud.

    I was going to try and skate, but Molovinsky was looking at me through the windows, so I left a tip.

  6. Bernie,
    I actually donated money to the Sam Bennett campaign before the POM story broke. So she has received at least $50 from local sources. Initially I was disappointed by the POM salary disclosure, but at this point Charlie Dent, a formerly good guy, has been too much of a party line politician. We need a change. I'm looking forward to her answers.
    Thanks for giving her the opportunity and thanks to Sam for taking it.
    Johnnydem in Bethlehem

  7. I am no fan of Bennet. But I give her credit for taking on some real arsewipe questions. Frankly, on a few I would have told you to pound sand. Now even though I support Dent, I hope to see equally wild questions for him.

  8. Frankly, on a few I would have told you to pound sand.

    They were very tough questions, I agree. But she is running for Congress, not class president. It is not my questions that matter, but her answers.

    I will have equally difficult questions ready for Dent because I will ask for help from my readers, as I did here.

  9. if dent gives you three hours, you will really believe you are the pope; if he even gives you two hours i'll buy you red sneakers

  10. Michael,

    I like Brooks Addicted 10.5 wide. I don't think they come in red but you can spraypaint 'em. I had a three hour one on one interview with Charlie Dent last Christmas, when he talked about what projects he was trying to help in the LV. He also gave me an hour telephone call from Afghanistan. Pay up, bucko!

  11. Just curious...did she let you use a tape recorder? You mentioned it in the initial posting.

  12. She declined to be recorded, claiming it would make her feel uncomfortable.

  13. Timing is everything. Pam Varkony just posted new details on Ms. Bennett's POM salary uproar today. With your interview series up next, that's a lot of blog buzz for a congressional candidate.

  14. Pete, Pam's blog entries (there are two) form the basis of several questions, as you shall see.

  15. bernie, i was wondering why you had a tattoo of charlie dent's face with x-mas 07 above it. perhaps by the end of the week, submitting to the interview with you, will be a bigger mistake for her than the POM salary.


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