Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Tale of Two County Execs

Two county execs would like to be your next Governor. Allegheny County Exec Dan Onorato got Northampton Dem Bossman Joe Long to host a meet 'n greet last month at which about fifteen people showed. Most of them had to be there.

So who's helping Lehigh County Exec Don Cunningham? Well, he lacks the powerful assistance of Bossman Long, so he had to ask a little known Philly pol named Ed Rendell to host a fund-raiser on May 7 at Philly's Cuba Libre. According to Capitolwire, donors will be shelling out between $250 and $1,000 for a chance to snuggle with the future Guv.


  1. Is Cunningham an Eagles fan?

  2. Anonymous said...
    They don't need those guns and Cunningham has no business involving the County in programs that they should not be handling. If he has extra money to play with , then send it back to the taxpayers. Cops in streets is not the county's business. What's next?

    8:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I am a little angry and upset about all of this "not law enforcement stuff." However, I am extremely disappointed and discouraged. I am a Deputy Sheriff. Does anyone out there really know what we do? We do work in court, serve papers and deal with inmates on a daily basis. However, we also do many other things, some of us on a daily basis. I am very shocked at the public opinions regarding us "non law enforcement" Deputies. I would like to think us non law enforcement Deputies would be appreciated for getting the people, who are ruining our communities and jeopardizing the lives of our children, off the streets.
    Do you know what it is like to put on a bullet proof vest everyday and hope the day goes well so you can go home to your children at night? Do you know what it is like to enter home, after home, after home looking for wanted people who have committed crimes? Never knowing who is hiding under a bed or behind a shower curtain. Entering homes filled with drug dealers and gang members knowing there are guns in the home ......somewhere. Do you have any idea what it is like dealing with the emotions that develop when you see neglected, abused children living in filthy, drug infested homes, being (so called) cared for by their strung out parents? Devastated because us non law enforcement Deputies just entered their home and are taking away their parents and placing them with complete strangers? The parents they love, not realizing they have no chance at a good life (so Far), because they don't know any other lifestyle? I am really puzzled and dissappointed with some of the public thinking. Isn't what we do a good thing? When we apprehend drug dealers, gang members, and killers (yes, us non law enforcement Deputies really do catch killers) we are doing something positive. Why are we not appreciated and thanked for putting our lives in danger ? It's upsetting, that what we do doesn't make people proud. It's really nice to hear a complete stranger say "thank you" for no particular reason. ( it actually does happen sometimes .) I will continue to do my job and do it well, regardless of the discouraging words spoken by the public. I know that I am out there doing good things for the communities. Tell the Lehigh Co. Deputy Sheriff that was shot to death serving SIMPLE civil papers that he was a non law enforcement officer." But, what do I know I am just a Deputy Sheriff.

    10:56 AM

  3. Anonymous said...
    "Cunningham Top LV Vote-Getter in Presidential Delegate Run"

    Doesn't say much for the people of the valley. I'm not impressed!

    4:47 AM

  4. Anonymous said...
    Alan Prescott said... "Do Pennsylvania voters know that
    Reps. Patrick Murphy took a $18,826.00 "donation" from Barack Obama prior to endorsing him?
    I think that taints his endorsement more than alittle bit and sells out the voters of Pennsyvania that havent even been able to vote yet." And Cunningham had a fundraiser for Murphy at a prominent Republican home (Molewski) in Saucon Valley, March 29th, and than wants to be Governor. He also wants to be a Clinton delegate. Is he a Republican or a Democrat? Which side of the ballot is Cunningham going to be on as he panders on both sides of the political aisle?

  5. To anonymous

    Deputy Sheriff's observation, "Do you know what it is like to put on a bullet proof vest everyday" ? I would answer the question as follows. We all make choices and the Deputy Sheriff makes his or hers by working in that field. This is not to say that I do not applaud him, but, as I have, we all make a free choice as to our profession in life.


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