Today's one-liner: "The shortest way to the distinguishing excellence of any writer is through his hostile critics." Richard LeGallienne
Local Government TV
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Obama's Well Oiled Hope Machine ... Or Is It Hate?

You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.
Perhaps it is a little biased to suggest that this is Obama's doing? I mean, there are plenty of people in the world who don't like Hillary.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of her! I found this HILARIOUS site where people record dreams they've had that include the candidates:
You have NO idea how happy this makes me, here in Washington, we're OBSESSED with politics.
Katie Bee,
ReplyDeleteI don't think Obama or even his campaign is responsible for this. People fropm both sides tend to get a bit nutty close to an election.
Was that sign on the ramp?
ReplyDeleteThe lunatic fringe is alive and well!
ReplyDeleteCandidates' eating habits are not relevant.
ReplyDeletePerhaps our less tasty grandchildren will live to see a day when discrimination against cannibals - or anyone else who enjoys an alternative food group - is no longer tolerated.
Has anyone seen my sister? She went to the Hillary thing last night and ...
Hansel and Gretel are alive and well, and they're living in Berlin. She is a cocktail waitress, he had a part in a Fassbinder film.
ReplyDeletePerhaps our less tasty grandchildren will live to see a day when discrimination against cannibals - or anyone else who enjoys an alternative food group - is no longer tolerated.
ReplyDeleteWell said.
Bernie, I am an Obama supporter ,have been since early on ,but one observatin i have is that he gave up on Pennsylvania early on. I frankly have a problem with this . We deserved more of him . If he had worked hard here he might have won Pa; imagine the boost that wuld have been to his campaign...? How many visits did he make to this area ? This is my first doubt about his judgement .
ReplyDeleteObama supporter, Your concerns are what eventually led me to think Clinton is the better candidate. His campaign is sending me at least ten spam emails every day but does not have time to answer even one of them. Emails to his chief LV Volunteer have gone unanswered. I could not get a ticket to see him when he visited the LV. But I did not need a ticket to see the two term former president and won't need one to see Hillary. His poster is really kind of scary. His own platform is high on platitudes and short on substance. His debate performance last week was poor. I like Obama, but question whether he is ready. I don't like his campaign, especially here in Pa. And yes, he could have wrapped it up here.
ReplyDeleteWow, that picture strikes a to say the least vexed feeling within??!!!
ReplyDeleteDo Pennsylvania voters know that
Reps. Patrick Murphy took a $18,826.00 "donation" from Barack Obama prior to endorsing him?
I think that taints his endorsement more than alittle bit and sells out the voters of Pennsyvania that havent even been able to vote yet.
Do Pennsylvania voters know that Barack Obama has "donated" huge sums to Pennsylvania's Super Delegates? Talk about back room politics. Is he trying to buy votes from Super Delegates and take votes away from Pennsyvania voters?
Why are some Pennsylvania Super Delegates taking huge sums of money from someone they have to cast a vote on? Is that like paying the judge before the verdict? Pennsylvania Rep. Patrick Murphy took $18,826.00 from Barack Obama before he endoresed Barack Obama, kinda puts his endorsement in question. There are more Pennsylvania politicians taking BIG MONEY from Barack Obama for their Super Delegate votes and Pennsylvania voters have not even been able to vote yet.
I just wanted to note that the sign has been removed, though the cinder block remains.
ReplyDeleteThis guy raises 40 million dollars a month; he has a lot of money to throw around. This fact raises two troubling questions, whose influence is he buying with this money and what happened to all of the media concerns with “to much money in politics? Now that their candidate is raking in record amounts it has ceased to be a problem. I see no scrutiny here from the press, what’s new?
ReplyDeleteScott Armstrong
Scott Armstrong,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by "their candidate" and "press?"
Care to clean that up a bit? Maybe be a little more specific?
Last year at this time "their candidate" was Hilary.
ReplyDeleteAnd throwing money around to gain support is not something new. Let's not act like Senator Obama is the first to do this because he is the front runner.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously do not like Obama, but blaming him for this homemade sign is absurd.
Actually, I put up the sign and I had to dodge sniper fire to do it.
Bernard P. Fife,
ReplyDeleteBlaming Obama for that sign is absurd, I agree. And actually, I do like the guy. I don't like his Pa. campaign. I suspect that, come Wednesday morning, neither will he.
There are nuts on both sides. There are bigger nuts on his side in this race. And what's with the Orwellian posters?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some kids in the slow cooker.
ReplyDeleteI hope you remember to put a bay leaf in the crock pot. And be careful about oversalting; kids tend to be salty already.
Best eaten when their bones are still soft!