Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jenn Mann Using Severson Scissorhands in State Treasurer Bid

In her never-ending quest for higher office, state rep. Jenn Mann (D-132) has decided to run for two at the same time. Not only is she seeking re-election as a state rep, she's also running for state treasurer.


When she ran against state senator Pat Browne in 2003, she wanted to win so badly that she started a smear campaign. Of course, she lost. This time, she's promised Capitol Ideas' John Micek she'll be really, really, really, really good. "Those personal attacks only backfire." She claims she has ethics now and won't be bought, but her $107,000 warchest tells a much different story. It's a veritable who's who of special interests.

Maybe her fingers were crossed when she spoke to Micek.

And guess who's running her campaign? That's right, bippy, she's hired political guru Severson Scissorhands, the King of Sleazeball Politics. Her campaign has dished out $45,172. 00 so far to Political Strategies, Inc, a California corporation that's not even registered in Pennsylvania. That's the company Severson uses to hide his work for Democrats.

Rich Grucela, Joe Brennan and Craig Dally - are three LV legislators who've co-sponsored legislation that flatly bans political robocalls. But Jenn Mann is paying Severson to make them.

I understand he's also agreed to disrupt a few funerals and give her a few lessons in knife fighting. Hey, she lives in Allentown!

At the same time that he's working for Mann - a Democrat - Severson's Precision Marketing, Inc., has been paid nearly $41,500 by Republicans seeking state office. Between 2000 and 2007, that company has collected $9.9 million from Republican candidates seeking state offices.

That's no conflict to a consultant who sells out to the highest bidder.

Severson and Mann were made for each other.


  1. I remember her race against Browne, which was so negative that even Lisa Boscola came to Brown'e defense.

  2. I don't think I'd ever vote for Mann... unless her opponent was Bennett.

  3. After pledging to run a clean campaign, she's using Scissorhands?

  4. I am an Easton resident who will vote for someone else.

  5. Looks like Rob McCord is the first out of the box slamming his opponents.

    I just saw a commercial on CNN. The commercial states that Cordisco padded his own pockest by voting for the pay raise. It accused Jen Mann of taking vacations at taxpayers expense. Offers no such evidence or reference though. It states that Neither Mann nor Cordisco has financial experience.

    Remarkably, McCord does not offer any qualifications there for I give him a thumbs down.

  6. I don't watch TV so don't get to see the ads, but it sounds pretty negative. I know Cordisco took a few shots, too.

  7. We've received complaints about Mann at StopPoliticalCalls.org

  8. here's the thing: Lt. Gov. Katherine Knoll ....a big proponent of electing women as well as a one-time State Treasurer herself ...has endorsed McCord.

    doesn't that speak volumnes?

    in comparison to McCord, Mann is clearly unqualified for the job. her main appeals are that 1)she is a woman; and 2) she is apparently bored with the House. neither of these seem very compelling to the needs of the voters.

    i certainly don't blame her for being bored or frustrated with the state legislature; that is a venal environment at best. but if she no longer finds satisfaction in that position why didn't she start running for state treasurer last fall. and why does she try to hold on to an office she no longer likes?

    is she in fear that she might have to ...god forbid ...start picking up the payments on her car lease herself?

    she is insightful enough to realize her time in the legislature is over. why can't she leave in an elegant, high-minded way?

  9. Any politician who employs Severson loses my vote immediately. Are you listening Dirty Johnny Morganelli? Or do you still throw in with guys who disrupt religious services? Your silence speaks volumes about what you'll do to get out of NorCo. Jettison Severson, get a flea dip, and then have the balls to ask for my vote - just not via some vicious robocall.

  10. hate to break it to anyone, but 107k isn't enough to run a negative campaign on anyone, statewide. it's a spit in the ocean.

  11. Money is the least of Jenn Mann's problems. Her ability tyo raise gobs of it - and from all the people who usually give to Rs - is just one more reason why I don't trust her.


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