Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hillary Clinton: Time Traveler

Philly Will Do turns us on to this startling announcement from the Clinton camp.
I'm sorry, but I've got to support anyone with a time machine.


  1. Hillary also said, comparing herself to Rocky Balboa, that she won't "get" up instead of "give" up, but when you are speaking millions of words a day as she recently claimed to be able to do, shit happens.

  2. Wasn't Hillary calling out the pending Mortgage crisis months ago?

    Wasn't it Hillary calling on Bush and Congress to enact a 30 day grace period on foreclosures to give time for lenders and mortgage holders to come to agreeable terms that gives a chance for people to keep there homes and lenders to get paid. On March 7th Congress passed the measure

    On March 24, Hillary had a press conference on her $30 billion economic stimulus plan. On Thursday March 27, Obama ironically comes out with a Copycat $30 Billion stimulus plan. Seem like he is behind on the issues and is only focused one a movement thing. If he does not have original ideas now, how will he be if elected president?

    Some people lead (Hillary) others just follow (Obama).

    Hillary is out front on the issues. Time machine or not, I voting for Hillary.

  3. Anon 6:05,

    It's hard to comprte with her, to be sure. But I woiuld not call Obama a follower. They both have good qualities.

  4. Glenn,
    I think you got the Phila Rocky quote wrong. Her it is:

    "Could you imagine if Rocky Balboa had gotten half way up those Art Museum stairs and said, "Well, I guess that’s about far enough?"

    That’s not the way it works. Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing the fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up. And I know that we are going to make it together - not just up those stairs, but we are going to climb that mountain to a better day for America.

    We have so much work to do and we won’t get there if we quit or we walk away. We’ll get there by staying and fighting and standing up for what we believe in."

  5. the whole point of obama is that he, like so many of his supporters, has evolved and grown past this small-minded reliance on race,gender and ethnicity politics. so who the "latinos" (whoever they are) wish to endorse is essentially a silly exercise.

  6. Looks and sounds to me like glenn got it exaclty right.


    Revisionism already?

  7. BOH do you think the Obama people have heard about your bathroom antics ?

  8. Anon 6:40. surely she ment I never give up, and not I never get up. But thank you for the link and listening to the speech so intently.

    BOH 6:05
    OK...I'll agree.

  9. look, it's simple and TJ Rooney had it right. My vote doesn't count if she drops out. I am voting for her as well as many other PA residents. She has the poise, character, intelligence and experience and most of all she can beat the R candidate, O man can't. It's not hi time, but unlike Jessie Jackson there will be a time for BO.

  10. BOH do you think the Obama people have heard about your bathroom antics ?

    Yeah, they're called LVPoliplops. Maybe you've seen a few floating around.

  11. The local Obama teams trained over the weekend and attended his packed house at Muhlenberg Monday. The Easton office opened Tuesday with great fanfare. Today is the first day grass roots campaigners have had time to begin the work of the Pennsylvania campaign. Since obama came to Pennsylvania last Friday he has cut the polling difference with Hillary in half. When people hear him in person, or experience more of him than a TV sound bite, they are profoundly moved and join his campaign. If you think the Obama campaign is weak, you are finding what you are looking for, not what is out there. Just consider the remarkable work the campaign did with regard to voter registration. J Gerard, Easton

  12. When people hear him in person, or experience more of him than a TV sound bite, they are profoundly moved and join his campaign.

    Perhaps that's why his campaign should have made tickets available to people like me who wanted to see him in person. An Obama supporter now tells me he was handing them out at the door.

    Don't worry. I'm not bvlaming him for his campaign's failures here. I have no idea whether they did a good job woith registration or not because those figures will not be available in NC for another 6 days.

  13. Lazaro Fuentes is supporting Hillary Clinton? WoW!

  14. Actually, the Obama supporter who tells me he was handing out tix at the Obama speech is LaZorro. He has promised to get me a ticket for the next event, "if the accident will."

  15. Bernie,
    Any suggestion that the Lehigh Valley Obama campaign is disorganized is far from the truth. We had more than 100 volunteers show up at our first organizing meeting back on Feb. 9 in Bethlehem. Today, we have offices in Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton staffed by volunteers; hundreds of volunteers going door-to-door to tell voters about Sen. Obama; hundreds making phone calls for the same reason; and hundreds more planning rallies, hosting "Obama parties," creating mixed media, reaching out to Latinos and other special interest groups, recruiting "Mamas 4 Obama," and working to get out the vote on Lehigh Valley college campuses, to name just a few activities. If you want proof of this, all you have to do is visit our web site at www.barackthevalley.com. There you'll find a calendar of activities; a forum that will give you an idea of what we're planning and the depth of our volunteer support; an on-line volunteer signup form and much, much more. You can also go to www.barackobama.com, which has a calendar that will list all upcoming Lehigh Valley events and also offers an on-line volunteer signup form. As for the reporter and elected official you say have been given the bum's rush, with thousands of calls coming in every day, it's possible to miss one occasionally. Let us know who these people are and I'm sure the appropriate campaign folks will be in touch with them right away. Oh, and by the way: the latest poll showed that Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania has narrowed to 5 percent. Granted, this should be her state to lose given its demographics, but never count your chickens till they're hatched!


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