Local Government TV

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Obama's LV Campaign Office Opens Friday in Bethlehem


Grand Opening Obama Office!

531 Main Street Bethlehem

Friday, March 7th from 5-7:00 PM

Open to all Obama supporters! Come, register to VOTE and get some info on the LehighValley Obama Group.You've been invited to attend Grand Opening of Lehigh Valley Obama Campaign Office.

Contact: Bar Johnston: JohnstonLV4Obama@gmail.com

Phone: 610-868-6878


  1. Who cares? Obama is done! Hillary wins Pa in landslide.

  2. What is Barack doing to his wife?

  3. Who cares? Obama is done! Hillary wins Pa in landslide.

    Let's hope not. The polls this week show Hillary's lead diminishing quickly. Obama has 7 weeks to seal the deal. And if he does manage to pull off PA, it is OVER.

  4. What is Barack doing to his wife?

    She's his secret weapon.

  5. Who cares? Obama is done! Hillary wins Pa in landslide.

    Hillary does have the support of key Democrats who have managed to betray their own party's ideals time and again. That alone is enough to make me hesitate.

    Obama, by contrast, is probably the most stirring speaker this country has seen since JFK.

  6. I just hope that all the young voters who have been inspired by Obama don't get disenchanted if Hillary muscles her way to the nomination.

  7. I need action, not pretty words...

  8. "Obama, by contrast, is probably the most stirring speaker this country has seen since JFK."

    ... and RFK. Heck, Michelle Obama's a stirring speaker too, ever hear her turn it loose, she's brilliant ...

  9. If Obama wins does that make the process an Obamanation?
    Is Stoffer Barack's campaign manager in NORCO? Is that a back door movement Barack is doing with his wife?
    Go Hillary !

  10. Michelle Obama's a stirring speaker too, ever hear her turn it loose, she's brilliant ...

    Bill, I have not heard, but have read her and agree with you 1000%. If we're lucky, maybe she or Barack will stop somewhere in the LV.

  11. "Bill, I have not heard, but have read her and agree with you 1000%. If we're lucky, maybe she or Barack will stop somewhere in the LV."

    I also enjoy Michelle's custom-fitted wardrobe choices but I'm getting off topic. I'm voting for her husband.

  12. I should add that what's "stirring" about Obama's speeches, for me, is the content of what's he's saying. Yeah, the delivery's great. But it's what he's addressing that I find stirring. He makes me cry, if truth be told. And Bobby Kennedy's the last pol to achieve that in me.

  13. Obama can beat McCain, Hillary can't. She is a runaway train on a crash course.

  14. Who cares? Obama is done! Hillary wins Pa in landslide.

    Isn't this what Rendell said? However he did it more colorful with a white hood, spouting something about whitie will never vote for a candidate of darker skin.

    Even our Governor knows we don't vote based on character, since he is on his second term as governor.


  15. Clinton is ahead in PA in the current Rasmussen poll 52% - 37%. The primary results to date have shown a consistent exaggeration of Obama's poll numbers (i.e. he's likely farther behind than polls indicate). Rendell will deliver a huge victory for Hillary and she'll be propelled to the nomination with far more popular votes in primary (not caucus) contests. November will feature two solidly pro-war candidates. The left wing has lost their party's nomination, just as the right lost theirs.

  16. Anon 5:39 whom said
    "Isn't this what Rendell said? However he did it more colorful with a white hood, spouting something about whitie will never vote for a candidate of darker skin."

    You must be that hate breeding Obama support spewing your filth at gatherings about anyone who raises qestions about Obamas quals simply to give rise to your base. It is people like you making this about race. SHAME ON YOU OBAMA SUPPORTER FOR INSTILLING HATE INTO THE CAMPAIGN.

  17. Special Ed made the racial comments. He's a Hillary man.

  18. You must be that hate breeding Obama support

    Did he, or did he not, comment about Obama's ability to win in Pa was limited due to his skin color?

    The hate you might feel, is the leadership of Pa playing the race card, and further curdling our melting-pot state.


  19. When is Obama coming to PA?

    Also, is Hillary's office opening next week?

    ...It sort of bothers me that they wait to open shop until they NEED something from the Democrats. If either Hillary or Obama had clinched the nomination, I doubt we'd ever see them in PA.

  20. AJ, I'm embarrassed to say I lost the email I rec'd about Hillary Clinton's office in the LV. I believe it opens Monday. Bill Clinton will be in Philly tomorrow.

    I know what you're saying, but I'm getting excited about this now.

  21. I need action, not pretty words...

    Like voting for more Bush wars? Like voting to designate the Iranian Republican Guard a terrorist organization? HC in her desperation to become President sold her soul. Sorry, we don't need more war.

  22. ...It sort of bothers me that they wait to open shop until they NEED something from the Democrats. If either Hillary or Obama had clinched the nomination, I doubt we'd ever see them in PA.

    John Kerry and Al Gore both made appearances in the valley.



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