Local Government TV

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lehigh County's Sterling Raber: The Quiet Man

Sterling Raber, who chairs Lehigh County's General Services Committee, has been a county commissioner since 1981. As I suspected, he's also a farmer, part of that noble and dying breed that quietly feeds the world. He's a man of few words. He mostly listens. When he does finally speak, with just a hint of a Pennsylvania Dutch accent, people stop and listen. At the conclusion of last night's commissioners' meeting, he provided this latest tidbit about Lehigh County's statewide contribution to farmland preservation. It ranks third in number of farms preserved and fifth in total acres preserved. Although he takes no credit, I'm certain that Lehigh's exemplary record is largely due to the quiet man.


  1. Sterling is one of the most decent people I have ever met in life, especially politics.

  2. He's done more to preserve farmland than anyone else so far. I won't say he's been right all the time on the issue, but he works hard at it and recognized early that it was something that needed to be done.

  3. Bernie,

    My first foray into politics was years ago; long before I actually ended up getting into politics. I had no name recognition and no connections.

    Like now, a seat on the L.C. Commission became vacant. A notice was printed in the paper encouraging the public to apply. I researched what was needed, submitted my paperwork and went before the commission for an interview.

    I knew no one and had no leverage, but I must have said some things right because all the Democrats voted for me and a couple of brave Republicans, Sterling being one of them. It came down to me and another candidate; the voting went to three ballots. The Republican "establishment" was so furious because the other person was their hand picked candidate, and being totally politically naive, I had shown up and thrown a monkey wrench in their plans.

    The commission took a recess and when they came back, Sterling, who is such a gentleman and class act, took me aside and explained that all the Republicans were going to go with the chosen successor. He encouraged me to get involved in local Party and try again.

    Every time I saw him after that, he always made a point to speak to me.

    The Lehigh Valley was built by the Sterling Raber's of this world; honorable, hard working, industrious, shrewd, fair, kind.
    We will not see their like again.

    Thanks, Bernie, for giving me this opportunity to honor Sterling; it was long overdue.


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