Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

God Denies Endorsing Shegda

LVR readers last year named state representative Bob Freeman(136th) the Lehigh Valley's top elected official. We must have jinxed him, because he's one of only a few state house members with an opponent.

Shegda's last campaign against Freeman was a complete joke. Ron's campaign strategy? Wait until both primaries are over as well as the deadline for filing as an independent or third party candidate. Then suddenly announce he's squaring off against a popular and effective incumbent.

This brilliant tactic resulted in a real nailbiter on election night. Shegda drew 250 ballots while Freeman earned 12,735 votes. Freeman had just fifty times as many votes.

All Shegda could do was threaten me with libel.

This time around, he's taking no chances. He's actually organizing a campaign and is trying hard to raise money. For $50, you can have an early dinner with him at Easton's YR club. For another $35, you can go on a picnic with Shegda and Dapper Dan the Clown (is this Onorato?). You can even catch an Iron Pigs ball game with him. And get this cool campaign slogan - "This Ron's for you," as though Shegda is a can of Budweiser or something.

Does this mean that the other conservative Ron (The Evil Ron Angle) is not for you? And how about Ron Paul?

Shegda has a fancy new web page in which he's quick to tell us he graduated third from his high school class. Who the hell remembers things like that? Seriously. He also tells us he's real active in Hellertown and opposes smut and everything, but talks just a tad too much about rear dwelling ordinances.

Oh yeah, Shegda claims God's on his team, too. In his opening announcement, Shegda mentions God at least a gazillion times. But God denies having anything to do with the campaign. I called Him last night, and all He would say is "I'm sick and tired of these assholes claiming I'm for them. Hasn't anyone heard I get really pissed when someone takes My name in vain? What do I have to do, send a fourth flood your way? Leave Me out of this bullshit! I want to watch Jeopardy. ... But I might go to that ball game."


  1. Ron is a good and honorable man who would change the way business is done in Harrisburg unlike his so called effective opponent.

    Freeman has had his chance. Ron will be an independent, principled voice for the citizens of Northampton County and an excellent addition to the REAL Reformers in our hack infested state legislature.

    It's a shame that some of the hacks in Lehigh are getting a free ride...

  2. Julian,

    According to this blog's readership, Freeman is the best elected official in the LV. He is both transparent and accountable, and has finally reached the point where he is getting some leadership roles. Freeman has been a reformer all along.

    Shegda is an ultra-right winger who now appears to be playing the money game, if his web page is any indication.

  3. Bernie,

    Ron is a good friend of mine. If Shegda is an Ultra Right Winger than he's no worse than Freeman who is the MOST LIBERAL member of the State Legislature.

  4. Freeman is a Rendell sheep. Baaaaa. He's quite transparent. No disagreement here.

  5. Julian, Gee, I thought you were interested in reform-minded people. Now we know your objection to Freeman is that he is liberal. My objection to Shegda is that he makes Ron Angle look liberal and has already demonstrated a desire to play the money game. We've got enough nuts in the land of midnight payraises from both parties. Of all the LV legislators, Freeman is our best hope at reform. I thought that was what you wanted. My mistake.

  6. He's no more conservative than Emperor Ron.

    Play the Money game? What exactly do you mean by that? Fundraise? Well gee he's going to need it to unseat a popular incumbent D in a heavily D district. Having said that, Freeman is with the Hacks when it counts. He has shown no evidence, that I've seen, of being interested in changing the leadership.

    Ron, as I said is a good friend and will be a good government representative if elected. He would NEVER support a payraise as you intoned and frankly I'm a little surprised you would go there.

  7. Who is this Julian Stolz?

    Another know it all kid, no doubt.

  8. I'm a 20 year old newly elected member of the East Penn School Board and a local blogger.

  9. Julian,

    1) Ron Shegda makes Ron Angle look like Ralph Nader.

    2) Bob Freeman is the most reform-oriented state rep. from the LV. There is much more to reform than accepting a payraise. There's also questions concerning the Right to Know law, Sunshine Act, campaign finance reform and a constitutional convention. Freeman has supported all of these initiatives.

    3) Shegda's website is a little heavy on God and selling tickets and a little light on the issues. Since 2004, he has been trying to promote himself to one office or another, including the U.S. Senate. Now he's apparently playing the money game. Knock yourselves out. So much for reform.

    4) Freeman has finally reached that stage of his legislatiove career where he is getting some leadership roles, especially in the area of local govertnment. It is thanks to Freeman that cash poor municipalities like Easton and Allentown, burdened with the services caused by colleges and county governmewnt, might be able to get some cash to make up for the damage done to cities by the 'burbs. While Shegda is selling tickets to the Iron Pigs, Freeman is doing his job.

    5) It's totally ridiculous that a reform-minded person would target Freeman, of all people. The only reason that is being done is bc the person seeking Freeman's seat has no real interest in reform. He's just interested in himself.

    6) You claim Shegdsa is your friend. That's irrelevant to this discussion, but I have seen him debating others. During the debate at the Pen Argyl Area Concerned Citizens, he tried to take on Tony Branco over some Hellertown issues, and made a fool out of himself. If he could somehow make Tony Branco, a party hack look good, watch out for what happens when he faces a conscientious legislator.

  10. Bob Freeman is one of the most honest, trustworthy, and intelligent public officials in the Lehigh Valley, not just now, but ever. If this Shegda guy is that far to the right, it'll hurt him in this district. If not, it won't matter: no one will beat Freeman in his district.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Bernie, I do not agree with you on most points, but we are in complete agreement when it comes to Freeman. Here in the Lehigh Valley, he's the best state legislator we have!

    Julian, you're 20 years old and have a long way to go when understanding governance, the state legislature, and political culture in Harrisburg. It's great that you're active and involved. However, before throwing stones, know and understand who you're throwing them at. Instead of Freeman, you may want to direct your attention to other "leaders" in our area who just plain stink.

  13. aka- Joe Long. Amen Anon.

  14. For the sake of argument, please print Rep. Freemans voting record on the following...
    I 80 as a toll road
    Tax increases
    State legislature pension fund increases
    School choice tax credits to parents
    Tax credits to charter and cyber schools
    Teacher strike referendums
    Increasing state budget deficits/spending

    How much WAM did he give out and to whom?
    How many years did he work in the private sector?

    Just the facts please!
    Thank you.

  15. Anon 5:15, As the election draws nigh, there will be ample instance from Freeman's record to substantiate the honor that voters have bestowed on him. Remember, he at least has a record.

  16. I merely asked for facts and since you have stated that this is your man, I would just like some clarification from you as to why.
    If you are unable to state Freeedman's record, please just say so. This is not a contest, just like the facts!

  17. I believe I answered your question, but let me be more clear. Over the next few months, I will have several posts that detailk Freeman's many accomplishments and record from his years of public servic. You will have an oppoortunity, then and there, to challenege his record.

  18. Julian... its bernie's way or the highway when you enter this place.

  19. Wow, I hate to say this, but Bernie you are right.

    As you pointed out, Mr. Shegda's site is 'new'. So it's version 1.0, what did you expect? At this time, he isn't running against anyone in the primary. So the site appears to be focused on building resources for his potential run against a seasoned incumbent.

    As for G0D? I'm sure there is some type of penance associated with agreeing with Bernie O'Hare, so I'll be back in a while.

  20. its bernie's way or the highway when you enter this place.

    Untrue. If I were uninterested in other points of view, I would not permit comments at all. Not only are they permitted, but they are unmoderated. It appears to be that this is just an opportunistic Republican is seeking to usurp a good government leader. He's been trying for years.

    It has nothing to do with reform, which is the one issue where I usually find myself in agreement with Rs. It has nothing to do with displacing an incompetent or unethical person. It is strictly partisan.

    His web page certainly is an idication to me that Shegda is for sale. Anyone who knows me knows I hate pay to play, especially in smaller races.

  21. You wrote, "His web page certainly is an idication to me that Shegda is for sale."

    My thinking, he is in fund raising mode, and he has offered no 'conflict of interest' campaign promises

    If you have time, can you explain this, how he is 'for-sale' verses any other politician raising money?

    Thank you.

  22. If you have time, can you explain this, how he is 'for-sale' verses any other politician raising money?

    No politician will overtly make promises in exchange for money. But the way Shegda's site is set up, it indicates that some people are special, i.e. thouse who kick in more money.

    Tom, nearly every politician does do this sort ofthing. Nearly every policitian really is for sale. I've just spent a few weekds detailing some of it in A-town.

    Here's my question - why would a liberal or moderate who advocates reform replace a reform-minded progressive rep who has achieved a leadership with a far right wing person who appear to be for sale?

    You are wasting good money on this guy. It would have been better spent on you, when you ran for county council.

  23. Your A-town posts are great. Friends and I have a vested interest in making Allentown a better place to live. Thanks.

    Mr. Shegda never appeared to me 'motivated' by money, so I don't see an apples to apples comparison here. However to answer your rhetorical question, No. I would not want to support a "pay to play" politician.

    Thank you for the compliment, and your time. Peering into the Bernie O'Hare thinking process is scary, but appreciated.

  24. Tom, I'm sure we'll have more to talk about after the primary.

  25. "Here's my question - why would a liberal or moderate who advocates reform replace a reform-minded progressive rep who has achieved a leadership with a far right wing person who appear to be for sale"" If you are saying Ron takes bribes, just say so.

  26. What distinguishes Freeman from most other candidates is that he steers away from special interest, while Shegda's web page appearsd to be inviting them to contribute. The morte money, the higher the honor. It is bribery, but legalized bribery.

    What Shegda is doing is no different than most of the pols here in the LV. But he is doing it, and is therefore in no position to tout himself as a reformer.

  27. Bernie, you are pretty hard core. If I ever run again, I'll have to think twice now about accepting even a handshake.

    I'm guessing this is why you seem 'pro-county-campaign-finance-reform', this way we, anyone running, can concentrate on issues than fund raising. There is still fundamental one flaw, it's expensive getting your message out to the public.

    Not all of us have BLOGs. :D

  28. Interesting article... thought provoking. I had not heard of Ron Shegda before his campaign. He recently came to my house, and I had received some of his campaign materials as well. I thought I'd look up some more information on him, since I thought he sounded promising, and so I stumbled upon your blog.

    After reading the article, I see that you seem to have an axe to grind, but do you have any real issues with substance with Shegda?

    You seem to criticize him for losing a last minute election, for his campaign slogan, for remembering that he graduated third in his class (I still remember that I graduated first in my class in high school: I don't think it is really all that strange actually), and most interestingly, that he is fundraising for his campaign. If you want to criticize him for all that, so be it, but are there any issues with him that are genuine issues with substance?

  29. Those little things mean a lot to a swing voter like me. If I'm going to vote for an R, it's not going to be because of substance. I am a liberal Democrat and would never expect to agree w/ him on substance.

    Because of those little things, Shegda is a person I could never support. And this ego trip wants to replace one of the most reform-minnded people in the state legislature. As someone who remembersd graduated first in your high school class, you will eventually see that. As someone whoi graduated first, better be a little more honest in your summary of my objections. Read the blog again.

    And I've seen Shegda in action. I've seen this guy make a complete idiot out of himsewlf during a town hall with Tony Branco. Branco is not the brightest light on the porch, and made Ron "I'm very smart" Shegda look like an idiot. It wasn't hard.

  30. Those little things mean a lot to a swing voter like me. If I'm going to vote for an R, it's not going to be because of substance. I am a liberal Democrat and would never expect to agree w/ him on substance.

    So what would you vote for someone besides Freeman for, if not for substance? Why would you vote for someone for a reason other than substance?

    Because of those little things, Shegda is a person I could never support. And this ego trip wants to replace one of the most reform-minded people in the state legislature.

    Well I'm not so sure about that... the reform minded part. He voted against making English the official language. He voted against defining marriage. He voted against considering mental retardation in murder cases. He voted against more stringent voter identification requirements to cut down voting fraud. He voted against that bill to cut property taxes. How is he reform minded? Because he voted to make 80 a toll road?

    As someone who remembersd graduated first in your high school class, you will eventually see that. As someone who graduated first, better be a little more honest in your summary of my objections. Read the blog again.

    I did. I see I did miss your last point, and I apologize. You also criticize him for mentioning God. I don't know if your are religious, but it doesn't really matter. If you really don't like him mentioning God, read over our Declaration of Independence, or our Pledge. Our nation was founded on religious principles, and so I have no issue with a candidate mentioning his belief in God. Nor do I think that belief in God should make a candidate any less of a candidate. Look at your own thought for today: "If we aren't afraid to think it, we shouldn't be afraid to say it." Shegda wasn't ashamed to say what he thought. He had backbone. He stood up and said what he believed in. He did what you suggest, and you criticize and make fun of him?

    And I've seen Shegda in action. I've seen this guy make a complete idiot out of himsewlf during a town hall with Tony Branco. Branco is not the brightest light on the porch, and made Ron "I'm very smart" Shegda look like an idiot. It wasn't hard.

    So the one common theme I see is that you dislike Shegda because of intelligence. Perhaps you are jealous in a way? Did you get a degree? Perhaps you would remember your class rank too, if it had been in the top 10%.

    Your point here is that Shegda messed up a debate. I've messed up debates too. I've gotten flustered. I've had bad days, where I felt awful. I've been in situations where I was prepared for an event, only to learn that the event was different from what I had prepared for. I have suddenly, for no reason, gotten nervous and messed up a speech. I've had days where I've been distracted because a loved one was in trouble, and I couldn't focus on what I was doing.

    Haven't we all?

  31. 1) I will vote for people with whom I have basic substantive disagreements because I am not so certain of my own opinions as to preclude the possibility I am wrong. That's why I'll support a Charlie Dent, Ron Angle or Arlen Specter.

    2) Those little things mean more to me than someone's positions on the issues. Is the candidate responsive? Does the candidate do his homework? Is he an opportunist? What makes him tick? In Shegda's case, I have found an unresponsive and ill-prepared person who clearly acts the opportunist.

    3) Freeman is clearly the most reform-minded member of the LV delegation to the legislature. He has pushed for property tax reform, reform to open meetings laws, right to know, constitutional reform. When you slam him, you're confusing reform oriented issues with substance. You're also obviously using R talking points. So much for being legitimately curious. A Dem would not consider a voting ID requirement a reform, but a possible step backwards to an illegal poll tax.

    4) Shegda & God. I'm always leery of candidates and people who claim God is on their side. They should be more worried about whether they're on His side.

    5) The Branco debate I saw in Pen Argyl was not a setting in which Shegda was even a participant. He went there as a member of the public, and specifically to gun at Branco over a local Hellertown issue. And he fell flat on his face against a person not known for his intelligence. Given this situation, I find it absurd that he would remember and have to point out how he did in school.

    6) As far my own records are concerned, no one ever asks me how I did in school as a basis for deciding whether to accept an argument. But if you ask around, I'm sure your questions will be answered. Many people call me crazy. Nobody ever calls me stupid. They don't make law students law review editors for stupidity.

  32. 1) I will vote for people with whom I have basic substantive disagreements because I am not so certain of my own opinions as to preclude the possibility I am wrong. That's why I'll support a Charlie Dent, Ron Angle or Arlen Specter.
    2) Those little things mean more to me than someone's positions on the issues. Is the candidate responsive? Does the candidate do his homework? Is he an opportunist? What makes him tick? In Shegda's case, I have found an unresponsive and ill-prepared person who clearly acts the opportunist.

    This makes me a little confused. I always thought we lived in a democracy so we could vote in politicians who believed as we did, to represent us in the government. I just don't understand why you can vote for people with whom you substantially disagree because you prefer someone who is not an opportunist.

    Not to say that I actually think Shegda is an opportunist. According to HIM, he is only trying to fix what he sees as problems in the government. Trying to run for a republican spot in a heavily D district is really very opportune, Mr. O'Hare.

    3) Freeman is clearly the most reform-minded member of the LV delegation to the legislature. He has pushed for property tax reform, reform to open meetings laws, right to know, constitutional reform. When you slam him, you're confusing reform oriented issues with substance. You're also obviously using R talking points. So much for being legitimately curious. A Dem would not consider a voting ID requirement a reform, but a possible step backwards to an illegal poll tax.

    I'm afraid many democrats wouldn't consider a voting ID requirement because they like the votes they get from people who shouldn't be voting...

    But that's just my opinion.

    Don't label me an R. I'd rather die. I'm conservative on some points, liberal on others, centrist on some, and libertarian on others.

    Btw, he voted for tax reform? What about HB 1275?

    4) Shegda & God. I'm always leery of candidates and people who claim God is on their side. They should be more worried about whether they're on His side.

    Well technically, if God IS on his side, then he is obviously on God's side, since if he wasn't, why would God be on his side? ;-)

    5) The Branco debate I saw in Pen Argyl was not a setting in which Shegda was even a participant. He went there as a member of the public, and specifically to gun at Branco over a local Hellertown issue. And he fell flat on his face against a person not known for his intelligence. Given this situation, I find it absurd that he would remember and have to point out how he did in school.

    Ok, well you don't seem to be very convinced with the idea of situational factors, and that's fine. If you want to let this incident sour your opinion of the man, then so be it. I'd hold back judgement if I only saw someone once. But your choice.

    6) As far my own records are concerned, no one ever asks me how I did in school as a basis for deciding whether to accept an argument. But if you ask around, I'm sure your questions will be answered. Many people call me crazy. Nobody ever calls me stupid. They don't make law students law review editors for stupidity.

    I apologize sir. That was an inflammatory remark, and completely uncalled for. I wasn't thinking I suppose. I didn't mean to imply that you were stupid. Your debating shows otherwise anyway.

  33. Robert Freeman has done alot to protect the natural features that make this area a nice place to live. He is honest and fair and is in my opinion the best representative that we have in office. Look at his voting record to quantify the process of making your decision on him.


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