Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guv' Extends Filing Deadline for State Races: LV State Races Mostly Uncontested

Yesterday was supposed to be the last day for a state house candidate to circulate or file a nomination petition. But because of the inclement weather, Governor Ed Rendell has signed an executive order - his very first of the year! He's extending the filing deadline until Thursday at high noon. This also means the last day for filing objections will be extended to February 21.

You can see the executive order, which even has Rendell's autograph, here.

As of 5:35 PM yesterday, here's how the Lehigh Valley state house races are shaping up.

187th-Carl Mantz: Carl is retiring. Two Democrats (Richard A Stine, John R. Ritter) and two Republicans (Gary Day, Allen R Cerullo) have filed. Ritter has spoken to The Reading Eagle. Julian Stolz has posted some comments from Day and Stine.

131st-Karen Beyer: Drake Eddington Minder is not running for Congress after all! He decided to challenge Beyer instead. His previous two attempts at public office - state house and senate - have been failures. To really understand this very different person, check out this exchange.

132nd-Jennifer Mann: Republicans decided they better run a candidate, Mike Welsh, just in case she somehow wins her bid for Democratic nomination to state treasurer. To give you an idea how confident Mann is about that, she's running for two offices at the same time.


Who the hell is Mike Welsh? You won't find an answer on the local republican webpage, although it does have nice picture of an elephant with one tusk.

133rd-Joe Brennan: One of the best out there, but hard to see because he's even taller than Stoffa. A few years ago, he was severely injured when a plane flew into him. Joe is so reform-oriented that he was proposing campaign finance reform while a member of Northampton County Council. He has no opposition, but because I support him, he'll probably lose to Drake Minder on a write in campaign coordinated by Tony Rybak.

134th-Doug Reichley: Reichley epitomizes Republican principles. He's fiscally, morally, socially and emotionally conservative. He can't sleep at night without his Ronald Reagan blankie. He's also a very hard worker who responds to emails, even when they're from me. His district is even more conservative than him. Any Dem who challenges this guy would have to be nuts. Want proof? Fellow blogger and insaniac Chris Casey challenged Reichley two years ago. He just got out of the hospital a few weeks ago.

135th-Steve Samuelson: Bethlehem is known for its independent-minded Dems, and Samuelson is perfect proof of that. I think there are only three Republicans in his district.

136th-Bob Freeman: LV Ramblings readers' rated Freeman the LV's top elected official last year. Unlike many other pols, he refused to take as nickel of the $230,350 that the Chrin boys have spread among state office seekers since 2000. Freeman has been a vocal opponent of Chrin Landfill expansion plans in the past. He is now part of the state house leadership, and chairs the local government committee. Despite his obvious qualifications, he has an opponent - Ron Shegda - a Republican version of Drake Minder.

137th-Rich Grucela: Rich is my state rep. He answers every call, will sit down and talk with anyone, but won't fire Wayne Grube despite my repeated requests. His legislative aide, who also sits on Northampton County Council, has deflated my tires, spray painted "Grube Rules!" all over my jeep and once had Nazareth cops tow it as a nuisance. Although this district has a good mix of both parties, no one has challenged Rich. He has made me promise to support his opponent.

138th-Craig Dally: Craig used to be my state rep before my wife had enough of me and kicked me to the curb. But I knew him for many years before that because he happens to be a lawyer. He used to be a Democrat, and I once asked him, "Why did you leave the party?" His answer. "It left me." I've done a few title searches for him, and once I missed three mortgages. He asked, "Why did you miss those mortgages?" I tried his line. "They missed me." He didn't laugh. He has also asked me to support any opponent who is insane enough to challenge this very popular and reform-oriented legislator. Craig is among a minority who would like to see a constitutional convention.


  1. Drake Minder sounds pretty good to me, Bernie.

    What makes the incumbent worthy of holding the office another term?

    If I were voting; I vote for this guy! Would that be ok Bernie?

    Drake Eddington Minder was quoted as saying:

    He is "outraged that in the 21st century we are in the situation we're in. Our economy and infrastructure are a mess." He says that Pennsylvania needs fresh ideas brought to the forefront to resolve the problems of our life.

    He wants the voters to know that he signed a declaration sponsored by PA Clean Sweep that will establish a policy that will allow voters to decide whether or not the Legislature deserves a raise and will establish a policy "whereby no legislation in the General Assembly shall be considered for final passage until the citizens of the Commonwealth have been given no less that ten business days to review such legislation and provide comment to their respective legislators."

  2. Drake Minder sounds pretty good to me, Bernie.

    What makes the incumbent worthy of holding the office another term?

    If I were voting; I vote for this guy! Would that be ok Bernie?

    Drake Eddington Minder was quoted as saying:

    He is "outraged that in the 21st century we are in the situation we're in. Our economy and infrastructure are a mess." He says that Pennsylvania needs fresh ideas brought to the forefront to resolve the problems of our life.

    He wants the voters to know that he signed a declaration sponsored by PA Clean Sweep that will establish a policy that will allow voters to decide whether or not the Legislature deserves a raise and will establish a policy "whereby no legislation in the General Assembly shall be considered for final passage until the citizens of the Commonwealth have been given no less that ten business days to review such legislation and provide comment to their respective legislators."

  3. Sorry, for the double post;
    my screen didn't refresh fast enough.

  4. Is it true that Drake and actor Ed Harris are twins who were separated at birth?

  5. Is it true that Drake and actor Ed Harris are twins who were separated at birth?

  6. I don't know I think Ed Harris
    looks more
    like Michael Donovan.

    Ed Harris Dont Let Go

    When Drake
    won and became district diving champion setting a new record back in High School; some say it stands today.The Reporter said he looked like:
    Crabbe, Buster

  7. Very creative Bernie.
    I enjoyed all the write ups.

  8. I think he looks a little like Dr. evil in those stupid Austin Powers Movies.

  9. Yeah, I can see that!
    Your entitled to your own opinion Karen.

    More like Yul Brynner

    Drake Minder is a good man.
    The negative frame is unjust.
    Anonymouss said...
    I think he looks a little like Dr. evil in those stupid
    Austin Powers Movies.

    3:16 PM

  10. Drake, Down boy. You're a nut, but a likable nut.

  11. Likeable Nuts:

    $10 at Bernie's
    Newspaper Stand:

    Drake Minder
    Karen Beyer
    and the rest
    of the Legislative Bunch!

    We got'em in:


    I I
    I Nuts I
    I I
    I $10 I
    I I
    I I I
    I I I I
    I I I

  12. Yul Brenner? Didn't he play the cowboy robot that went nuts and started killing humans in the movie "westWorld?"

  13. Yul Brenner? Didn't he play the cowboy robot that went nuts and started killing humans in the movie "westWorld?"

  14. WESTWORLD was a colossal hit worldwide and I can tell you, there were few nit-pickers a quarter of a century ago.

    I quest there still alive today.

  15. WESTWORLD was a colossal hit worldwide and I can tell you, there were few nit-pickers a quarter of a century ago.

    I quest there still alive today.

  16. WESTWORLD was a colossal hit worldwide and I can tell you, there were few nit-pickers a quarter of a century ago.

    I guess there still alive today.

  17. I think Drake Minder and
    Karen Beyer should have two
    online debates before the

    A subject of her choosing.
    A subject of his choosing.

    We'll leave those without
    computers out of this one,
    since, they think a bit
    differently anyway.

  18. Bernie,

    I can't believe how much more
    nuttier Drake Minder is then Karen
    Buyer. Rumor has it that he actually own two of them and would like to expand programs in alternative energy like this one.

    New car that runs on nothing but air

    I know where I'll be giving my campaign funds too! hint "DEM"

    It's a matter of being nuts to think you could change the world.

    I know Drake is very pleased that his idea on open records in Pennsylvania is coming to be a reality.

    If we can get him elected!
    His expertise can really fine tune
    that program for the people of
    this state.

  19. Drake, I like you. But now that you're a candidate for public office, be a good little boy and identify yourself when you post. If you can't be honest, you deserve no public office.

  20. When is Bill Hall filing his nominating petitions? As of 1535 (03:35 PM) Feburuary 14, 2008, his petitions have not been filed.


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