Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Derr Stuns Lehigh County Comm'rs With Surprise Resignation

In a stunning announcement at the conclusion of this evening's meeting of Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners, a tearful Kurt Derr announced he is resigning his position as District Three's representative. Voice cracking, Derr called his service to Lehigh County one of the "greatest honors of my life." Derr explained he is moving out of his district.

"Do we have to accept this?" asked an exasperated Percy Dougherty, who chairs Lehigh County's board. He termed Derr's departure a "great loss. I'm really going to miss you." Under Lehigh County's Home Rule Charter, commissioners will have forty-five days to appoint another Democrat to Derr's seat.


  1. Where'd you get this story? Were you there?

  2. He recently went through a messy divorce, that might have something to do with it.

  3. Even a nonmessy divorce, if there is such a thing, can be traumatic. But Derr is moving out of his district, and can no longer represent it.

    As I understand things from last night's meeting, Derr was often the sole voice of dissent in LC. Dogherty stated that he and Derr had been "sparring partners" over many meetings, but theat "we operate as a family." He and many other council members expressed their regret at Derr's departure.

  4. Lehigh County will be losing a very effective commissioner. His concerns for the people were always above politics. I will always remember Kurt for his concern for our nursing homes at Cedarbrook and Fountain Hill, and for the county workforce. He was with us on the revised courthouse plan, and against the row officer consolidation. It was also Kurt that did most of the legwork for Lehigh County's Prescription Drug Card Program. His was a respected opinion on the Board, regardles of where his final vote fell on any particular issue(then again there's that thing about being a Cubs fan!).That's what truly made him effective. On the bright side, I've already invited him to go with me to see the Iron Pigs on Wednesday nights. It will be much more entertaining!


  5. Marc Grammes is a former LC Commissioner. I finally attended a LC meeting last night for the first time. I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I am by your board. I will post the many differences very soon.

  6. Lehigh County is losing a great public servant. One of the very best out there. I hope he runs for office again in the future.

  7. I agree that Kurt Durr was a hardworking Commissioner ... We are sorry to lose a neighbor ...


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